blob: f9e141e5e10782bc10fcf21d1185806f7da315b9 [file] [log] [blame]
- name: Remove any legacy install of Swarming.
# Swarming's dir used to live here before macOS 10.15, at which point it
# became an unwriteable location.
become: true
path: /b/s
state: absent
- name: Make Swarming dir.
# test_machine_monitor's swarming/bootstrap() would do it, but it does it
# with 0777 because that dir is being mounted inside a Docker container on
# Linux. We can be a little tighter here.
become: true
path: /opt/s
state: directory
recurse: true
owner: '{{ skolo_account }}'
mode: 0755
# Python 3.9.6 is taken to be already present, since it's installed by prepare-mac-for-ansible.yml.
- name: Install pyobjc.
- name: Pick temp filename to hold requirements.
register: requirements
- name: Overwrite temp file with requirments.
src: files/pyobjc_requirements.txt
dest: '{{ requirements.path }}'
mode: 0600
force: true
- name: Run pip against requirements.
# The Python 3.9 and above versions of pyobjc ship as universal binaries.
# The pyobjc distro is a stub which depends on packages like
#, where the actual binaries
# live. Version is pinned just for uniformity.
# Dodge /usr/bin/pip3, which triggers an xcode-select interruption.
executable: /usr/local/bin/pip3
requirements: '{{ requirements.path }}'
- name: Allow chrome-bot to sudo shutdown.
become: true
path: /private/etc/sudoers.d/swarming
state: present
create: true
line: '{{ skolo_account }} ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL'
regexp: '^{{ skolo_account }} ALL=NOPASSWD:.*'
validate: /usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s
mode: 0644
owner: root
group: wheel