blob: 764ba5311b5e63eaa3d64772233c0fb22d8a5ac5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Install Python 3 so we can do more than issue 'raw' commands.
# You don't need to run this by hand; mac.yml will run it as necessary.
- hosts: all_mac
gather_facts: false
- name: See if our version of Python is already installed.
raw: /usr/local/bin/python3 --version
register: local_python_version
failed_when: false # Tolerate the binary not being there.
changed_when: false
- name: Install Python 3 and prerequisites.
when: local_python_version.stdout_lines[0] != "Python 3.9.6"
- name: Check for Rosetta.
raw: test -e /Library/Apple/usr/libexec/oah/libRosettaRuntime
register: rosetta_present
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
- name: Check architecture.
raw: arch
register: cpu_arch
changed_when: false
- name: Install Rosetta on ARM machines if it's absent.
# The Python installer package isn't marked as being ARM-native, so it
# refuses to run unless Rosetta 2 is around. This is true up to and
# including the 3.10.1 universal2 installer.
become: true
when: rosetta_present.rc != 0 and cpu_arch.stdout_lines[0] == "arm64"
raw: softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
- name: Install Python 3.
# Contains universal binaries. Happily runs on macOS 10.9+, despite
# name.
python_pkg: python-3.9.6-macos11.pkg
- name: Download Python installer.
# Works even if the file is already there:
raw: curl -O '{{ python_pkg }}' --output-dir ~{{ skolo_account }}/Downloads
- name: Run installer.
become: true
raw: /usr/sbin/installer -verboseR -package ~{{ skolo_account }}/Downloads/{{ python_pkg }} -target /