blob: 8d4739d1814182efe6707c960e465364a20df8ce [file] [log] [blame]
export interface TextInfo extends Record<string, unknown> {
t: string; // text
mc?: number; // max characters
f: string; // font name
tr: number; // tracking
lh: number; // lineHeight
export interface TextKeyFrame {
s: TextInfo;
t: number;
export interface MultiDimensionalProperty {
k: number[];
a: number; // is property animated (0 for no, 1 for yes)
ix?: number; // Property index number
export interface OneDimensionalProperty {
k: number;
a: number; // is property animated (0 for no, 1 for yes)
ix?: number; // Property index number
export interface EditableText extends Record<string, unknown> {
d: {
k: TextKeyFrame[];
type LottieSliderEffectType = 0;
type LottieColorEffectType = 2;
type LottieTintEffectType = 20;
type LottieEffectType =
| LottieSliderEffectType
| LottieColorEffectType
| LottieTintEffectType;
export interface LottieBaseEffect {
ty: LottieEffectType;
ef?: LottieBaseEffect[];
nm?: string; // Name of the effect (this name can be modified by the user)
mn: string; // Match name of the effect (this is a qualified unmodifiable name)
ix?: number; // Property index number
export interface LottieColorEffect extends LottieBaseEffect {
ty: LottieColorEffectType;
v: MultiDimensionalProperty;
export interface LottieSliderEffect extends LottieBaseEffect {
ty: LottieSliderEffectType;
v: OneDimensionalProperty;
export interface LottieTintEffect extends LottieBaseEffect {
np: number; // Number of nested properties
en: number; // Enabled (0 / 1)
ty: LottieTintEffectType;
ef: [LottieColorEffect, LottieColorEffect, LottieSliderEffect];
type LottieEffect = LottieTintEffect | LottieColorEffect;
export interface LottieLayer extends Record<string, unknown> {
ty: number; // Type
nm: string; // Name
refId?: string;
ind: number;
t?: EditableText;
ef?: LottieEffect[];
export interface LottieBinaryAsset {
id: string;
p: string; // path
u: string; // directory
w: number;
h: number;
nm?: string; // name
export interface LottieCompAsset {
layers: LottieLayer[];
id: string;
fr: number; // frame rate
export type LottieAsset = LottieBinaryAsset | LottieCompAsset;
export interface FontAsset extends Record<string, unknown> {
fName: string;
fFamily: string;
fStyle: string;
export interface LottieAnimation extends Record<string, unknown> {
assets: LottieAsset[];
layers: LottieLayer[];
fonts?: {
list?: FontAsset[];
metadata?: {
filename?: string;
w: number;
h: number;
fr?: number;
export type ViewMode = 'presentation' | 'default';