blob: 37652968d59015f55c875f11f3ec314a5de2dd72 [file] [log] [blame]
package poller
// Initializes and polls the various issue frameworks.
import (
const (
LivenessMetric = "skcq_be"
// Start polls Gerrit for matching dry-run/CQ issues, gets their verifiers,
// and runs them.
func Start(ctx context.Context, pollInterval time.Duration, cr codereview.CodeReview, currentChangesCache caches.CurrentChangesCache, httpClient, criaClient *http.Client, dbClient db.DB, canModifyCfgsOnTheFly *allowed.AllowedFromChromeInfraAuth, publicFEInstanceURL, corpFEInstanceURL string, reposAllowList, reposBlockList []string) error {
liveness := metrics2.NewLiveness(LivenessMetric)
tm := throttler.NewThrottler()
vm := verifiers.NewSkCQVerifiersManager(tm, httpClient, criaClient, cr, canModifyCfgsOnTheFly)
cleanup.Repeat(pollInterval, func(ctx context.Context) {
sklog.Info("----------------New Poll Iteration--------------")
cls, err := cr.Search(ctx)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error when searching for issues: %s", err)
} else {
// Store CLs that are being processed in this round for quicker lookup.
clsInThisRound := map[string]bool{}
// Process the CLs.
for _, incompleteCI := range cls {
// Get the full issue properties of this change. This is done at the
// start of the loop and not in cr.Search because right before we are
// about to process a change we want the latest data available.
ci, err := cr.GetIssueProperties(ctx, incompleteCI.Issue)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Could not get full issue properties: %s", incompleteCI.Issue, err)
// Skip changes with repos not in allow list or in block list.
if len(reposAllowList) > 0 && !util.In(ci.Project, reposAllowList) {
sklog.Infof("[%d] Ignoring change because the repo %s is not in the repos allowlist: %s.", ci.Issue, ci.Project, reposAllowList)
if len(reposBlockList) > 0 && util.In(ci.Project, reposBlockList) {
sklog.Infof("[%d] Ignoring change because the repo %s is in the repos blocklist: %s.", ci.Issue, ci.Project, reposBlockList)
// Instantiate configReader.
// TODO(rmistry): Cache these config readers per repo so that we do not
// have to keep creating new ones.
configReader, err := config.NewGitilesConfigReader(ctx, httpClient, ci, cr, canModifyCfgsOnTheFly)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Error when instantiating config reader: %s", ci.Issue, err)
processCL(ctx, vm, ci, configReader, clsInThisRound, cr, currentChangesCache, httpClient, dbClient, canModifyCfgsOnTheFly, publicFEInstanceURL, corpFEInstanceURL, tm)
// Find CLs that were processed in the last cycle but not the current one.
// These CLs might still be running, mark them as abandoned and run cleanup
// on their verifiers.
for changeEquivalentPatchset, cqRecord := range currentChangesCache.Get() {
if _, ok := clsInThisRound[changeEquivalentPatchset]; !ok {
ci, err := cr.GetIssueProperties(ctx, cqRecord.ChangeID)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Could not get issue properties during cleanup: %s", cqRecord.ChangeID, err)
configReader, err := config.NewGitilesConfigReader(ctx, httpClient, ci, cr, canModifyCfgsOnTheFly)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Could not get config reader during cleanup: %s", ci.Issue, err)
if err := cleanupCL(ctx, changeEquivalentPatchset, currentChangesCache, dbClient, cqRecord, ci, configReader, cr, httpClient, vm); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Error when cleaning up %s: %s", ci.Issue, changeEquivalentPatchset, err)
}, nil)
return nil
// stripNewLinesFromLog replaces new lines with spaces in the specified log
// because new lines show up as errors in cloud logs. See
func stripNewLinesFromLog(log string) string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(log, "\n", " ")
func processCL(ctx context.Context, vm types.VerifiersManager, ci *gerrit.ChangeInfo, configReader config.ConfigReader, clsInThisRound map[string]bool, cr codereview.CodeReview, currentChangesCache caches.CurrentChangesCache, httpClient *http.Client, dbClient db.DB, canModifyCfgsOnTheFly allowed.Allow, publicFEInstanceURL, corpFEInstanceURL string, tm types.ThrottlerManager) {
// Make sure the change is still open and has either CQ+1 and CQ+2.
if ci.IsClosed() || !(cr.IsDryRun(ctx, ci) || cr.IsCQ(ctx, ci)) {
sklog.Infof("[%d] Ignoring change because it is no longer open or does not have the CQ+1/CQ+2 votes.", ci.Issue)
// Use the equivalent patchset for the changes cache because
// if NO_CODE change patches come in then we want to treat it the
// same as the earliest equivalent patch.
changeEquivalentPatchset := fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", ci.Issue, cr.GetEarliestEquivalentPatchSetID(ci))
clsInThisRound[changeEquivalentPatchset] = true
repoBranch := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", ci.Project, ci.Branch)
sklog.Infof("[%d] Started processing in repo+branch %s", ci.Issue, repoBranch)
// Get the SkCQ cfg that will be used for this change.
skCQCfg, err := configReader.GetSkCQCfg(ctx)
if err != nil {
sklog.Infof("[%d] Error when reading %s: %s", ci.Issue, config.SkCQCfgPath, err)
if config.IsNotFound(err) {
cr.RemoveFromCQ(ctx, ci, fmt.Sprintf("%s. Removing from CQ.\nPlease add a %s file if this repo+branch requires CQ.", err.Error(), config.SkCQCfgPath), "Repo+Branch is missing SkCQ config file.")
} else if config.IsCannotModifyCfgsOnTheFly(err) {
cr.RemoveFromCQ(ctx, ci, fmt.Sprintf("CL owner %s does not have permission to modify %s", ci.Owner.Email, config.SkCQCfgPath), "CL owner cannot modify SkCQ configs.")
} else {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Error reading %s: %s", ci.Issue, config.SkCQCfgPath, err)
// Is this a change from an internal repo?
internalRepo := skCQCfg.VisibilityType == config.InternalVisibility
// Gather all verifiers that will be used and all changes that will be
// submitted at the same time as this change.
clVerifiers, togetherChanges, err := vm.GetVerifiers(ctx, skCQCfg, ci, false /* isSubmittedTogetherChange */, configReader)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Error when getting verifiers: %s", ci.Issue, err)
// Stop processing the change due to the likely transient error. It will be
// retried at the next poll iteration. If the error keeps happening then
// the infra gardener will see an alert.
// Log verifiers.
verifierNames := []string{}
for _, clVerifier := range clVerifiers {
verifierNames = append(verifierNames, clVerifier.Name())
sklog.Infof("[%d] uses verifiers: %s", ci.Issue, strings.Join(verifierNames, ", "))
// Update the cache if it is not already in there.
cqStartTime, newCQRun, err := currentChangesCache.Add(ctx, changeEquivalentPatchset, ci.Subject, ci.Owner.Email, ci.Project, ci.Branch, !cr.IsCQ(ctx, ci), internalRepo, ci.Issue, cr.GetLatestPatchSetID(ci))
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] could not update the currentChangesCache: %s", ci.Issue, err)
cqEndTime := int64(0)
cqSubmittedTime := int64(0)
if newCQRun {
// If this is a new CQ run then before running the verifiers update the
// CL with an auto-generated comment saying we are processing this patch.
feURL := publicFEInstanceURL
if internalRepo {
feURL = corpFEInstanceURL
notify := codereview.NotifyNone
comment := "SkCQ is trying the patch."
if !cr.IsCQ(ctx, ci) {
comment = fmt.Sprintf("Dry run: %s", comment)
} else if len(togetherChanges) > 0 {
togetherChangesLinks := []string{}
for _, t := range togetherChanges {
togetherChangesLinks = append(togetherChangesLinks, fmt.Sprintf("", t))
comment = fmt.Sprintf("%s\nThis change will be submitted with the following changes: %s", comment, strings.Join(togetherChangesLinks, ", "))
// Notify owner and reviewers to let them know that other changes might be submitted as well.
notify = codereview.NotifyOwnerReviewersTriggerers
comment = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\nFollow status at: %s/%d/%d", comment, feURL, ci.Issue, cr.GetLatestPatchSetID(ci))
if err := cr.AddComment(ctx, ci, comment, notify, "Started SkCQ run."); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Could not add started processing comment: %s", ci.Issue, err)
// Now run the verifiers.
verifierStatuses := vm.RunVerifiers(ctx, ci, clVerifiers, cqStartTime)
rejectMsgsFromVerifiers, waitMsgsFromVerifiers, successMsgsFromVerifiers := verifiers.GetStatusStringsFromVerifierStatuses(verifierStatuses)
var attemptOverallState types.VerifierState
if len(rejectMsgsFromVerifiers) > 0 {
// There were failed verifiers.
sklog.Infof("[%d] from %s has failed verifiers: %s", ci.Issue, repoBranch, stripNewLinesFromLog(strings.Join(rejectMsgsFromVerifiers, ", ")))
cr.RemoveFromCQ(ctx, ci, fmt.Sprintf("Removing from SkCQ because verifiers have failed:\n\n%s", strings.Join(rejectMsgsFromVerifiers, "\n")), "SkCQ run failed.")
if err := currentChangesCache.Remove(ctx, changeEquivalentPatchset); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] could not update the currentChangesCache: %s", ci.Issue, err)
attemptOverallState = types.VerifierFailureState
cqEndTime = time.Now().Unix()
} else if len(waitMsgsFromVerifiers) > 0 {
// There are verifiers we need to wait for.
sklog.Infof("[%d] from %s is waiting for verifiers: %s", ci.Issue, repoBranch, stripNewLinesFromLog(strings.Join(waitMsgsFromVerifiers, ", ")))
attemptOverallState = types.VerifierWaitingState
} else {
// There were no failed verifiers or verifiers that we need to wait for
sklog.Infof("[%d] from %s successfully ran verifiers: %s", ci.Issue, repoBranch, stripNewLinesFromLog(strings.Join(successMsgsFromVerifiers, ", ")))
if !cr.IsCQ(ctx, ci) {
removeFromCQMsg := "Dry run: This CL passed the SkCQ dry run."
if ci.WorkInProgress {
// If the change is WIP and a reviewer has been added, then
// automatically remove the change from WIP by publishing it.
for _, r := range ci.Reviewers.Reviewer {
// Owner shows up as a reviewer. No idea why Gerrit does this.
if r.AccountID != ci.Owner.AccountID {
// Publish and break out.
if err := cr.SetReadyForReview(ctx, ci); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Could not set ready for review: %s", ci.Issue, err)
removeFromCQMsg += "\nAutomatically published the CL because it was WIP with reviewers specified."
// Say everything was succesful and we are done.
cr.RemoveFromCQ(ctx, ci, removeFromCQMsg, "SkCQ dry run succeeded.")
} else {
if err := cr.Submit(ctx, ci); err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), gerrit.ErrMergeConflict) {
sklog.Infof("[%d] Gerrit rejected submission due to merge conflict: %s", ci.Issue, err.Error())
cr.RemoveFromCQ(ctx, ci, "Gerrit rejected submission due to merge conflict.\n\nHint: Rebasing CL in Gerrit UI and re-submitting through SkCQ usually works.", "SkCQ merge conflict")
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), gerrit.ErrUnsubmittedDependend) {
sklog.Infof("[%d] Gerrit rejected submission due to unsubmitted dependend: %s", ci.Issue, err.Error())
cr.RemoveFromCQ(ctx, ci, fmt.Sprintf("Gerrit rejected submission due to unsubmitted dependend.\n\n%s", err.Error()), "SkCQ unsubmitted dependend")
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), gerrit.ErrEmptyCommit) {
sklog.Infof("[%d] Gerrit rejected submission due to empty commit: %s", ci.Issue, err.Error())
cr.RemoveFromCQ(ctx, ci, fmt.Sprintf("Gerrit rejected submission due to empty commit.\n\n%s", err.Error()), "SkCQ empty commit")
} else {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Error when submitting: %s", ci.Issue, err)
} else {
cqSubmittedTime = time.Now().Unix()
tm.UpdateThrottler(repoBranch, time.Now(), skCQCfg.ThrottlerCfg)
if err := currentChangesCache.Remove(ctx, changeEquivalentPatchset); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] could not update the currentChangesCache: %s", ci.Issue, err)
cqEndTime = time.Now().Unix()
attemptOverallState = types.VerifierSuccessState
if attemptOverallState == types.VerifierFailureState {
// Do a pass through of all verifiers and update any states that are in
// VerifierWatitingState to VerifierAbortedState because we are no longer
// waiting for this verifier.
for _, v := range verifierStatuses {
if v.State == types.VerifierWaitingState {
v.State = types.VerifierAbortedState
v.StopTs = time.Now().Unix()
// We are done processing this CL for this iteration of the poller's
// loop. Persist the CL state for UI display.
attempt := &types.ChangeAttempt{
ChangeID: ci.Issue,
PatchsetID: cr.GetLatestPatchSetID(ci),
DryRun: !cr.IsCQ(ctx, ci),
Repo: ci.Project,
Branch: ci.Branch,
PatchStartTs: cqStartTime,
PatchStopTs: cqEndTime,
PatchCommittedTs: cqSubmittedTime,
SubmittableChanges: togetherChanges,
VerifiersStatuses: verifierStatuses,
OverallState: attemptOverallState,
if err := dbClient.PutChangeAttempt(ctx, attempt, db.GetChangesCol(internalRepo)); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("[%d] Could not persist change attempt: %s", ci.Issue, err)
func cleanupCL(ctx context.Context, changeEquivalentPatchset string, currentChangesCache caches.CurrentChangesCache, dbClient db.DB, cqRecord *types.CurrentlyProcessingChange, ci *gerrit.ChangeInfo, configReader config.ConfigReader, cr codereview.CodeReview, httpClient *http.Client, vm types.VerifiersManager) error {
sklog.Infof("[%d] %s is no longer processed by SkCQ. It was processed in the last cycle and was still running. Going to mark it as abandoned and cleanup it's verifiers.", cqRecord.ChangeID, changeEquivalentPatchset)
// Remove the change from the changes cache.
if err := currentChangesCache.Remove(ctx, changeEquivalentPatchset); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "[%d] could not update the currentChangesCache during cleanup", cqRecord.ChangeID)
// Update the attempt as being abandoned so that the UI accurately reflects what happened to
// the change.
if err := dbClient.UpdateChangeAttemptAsAbandoned(ctx, cqRecord.ChangeID, cqRecord.LatestPatchsetID, db.GetChangesCol(cqRecord.Internal), cqRecord.StartTs); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "[%d] Could not mark change %s as abandoned during cleanup", cqRecord.ChangeID, changeEquivalentPatchset)
// Instantiate all objs needed to get verifiers.
skCQCfg, err := configReader.GetSkCQCfg(ctx)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "[%d] Could not get %s during cleanup: %s", ci.Issue, config.SkCQCfgPath, err)
// Get all verifiers.
verifiers, _, err := vm.GetVerifiers(ctx, skCQCfg, ci, false, configReader)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "[%d] Could not get verifiers to cleanup", ci.Issue)
// Parse out the previous patchset from the changeEquivalentPatchset.
tokens := strings.Split(changeEquivalentPatchset, "/")
previousPatchsetID, err := strconv.ParseInt(tokens[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "[%d] Could not parse patchsetID from %s", ci.Issue, tokens[1])
// Run cleanup on all verifiers.
for _, v := range verifiers {
v.Cleanup(ctx, ci, previousPatchsetID)
return nil