blob: abea06d5384a77116d43ba9987e48cdd1ed11eec [file] [log] [blame]
package watcher
import (
cipd_git ""
git_testutils ""
gitiles_testutils ""
func TestInitialIngestCommitBatch(t *testing.T) {
ctx := cipd_git.UseGitFinder(context.Background())
ri := repograph.NewMemCacheRepoImpl(nil, nil)
graph, err := repograph.NewWithRepoImpl(ctx, ri)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, graph.Len())
require.Equal(t, 0, len(graph.Branches()))
gb := git_testutils.GitInit(t, ctx)
defer gb.Cleanup()
gd := git.GitDir(gb.Dir())
commit := func() *vcsinfo.LongCommit {
h := gb.CommitGen(ctx, uuid.New().String())
d, err := gd.Details(ctx, h)
require.NoError(t, err)
return d
test := func(cb *commitBatch, expectCommits, expectBranches int) {
require.NoError(t, initialIngestCommitBatch(ctx, graph, ri, cb))
require.Equal(t, expectCommits, graph.Len())
require.Equal(t, expectBranches, len(graph.Branches()))
// Empty batch, nothing to do.
test(&commitBatch{}, 0, 0)
// Verify that we create a new branch.
c0 := commit()
branch: "mybranch", // Don't use the main branch, to make sure we didn't pick it up accidentally.
commits: []*vcsinfo.LongCommit{c0},
}, 1, 1)
require.True(t, util.In("mybranch", graph.Branches()))
// Verify that we walk the branch head forward for new commits.
c1 := commit()
branch: "mybranch",
commits: []*vcsinfo.LongCommit{c1},
}, 2, 1)
require.Equal(t, c1.Hash, graph.BranchHeads()[0].Head)
require.False(t, isFakeBranch(graph.BranchHeads()[0].Name))
// Add two commits, both based at c1. Ensure that we create a fake
// branch for the second one.
c2 := commit()
gb.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "mybranch2", git.MainBranch)
gb.Reset(ctx, "--hard", c1.Hash)
c3 := commit()
branch: "mybranch",
commits: []*vcsinfo.LongCommit{c2, c3},
}, 4, 2)
var fakeBranch string
for _, b := range graph.BranchHeads() {
if b.Name == "mybranch" {
require.False(t, isFakeBranch(b.Name))
require.Equal(t, c2.Hash, b.Head)
} else {
fakeBranch = b.Name
require.True(t, isFakeBranch(b.Name))
require.Equal(t, c3.Hash, b.Head)
require.NotEqual(t, "", fakeBranch)
// Add another commit on each branch. Ensure that we walk both branches
// forward as expected.
c4 := commit()
gb.CheckoutBranch(ctx, git.MainBranch)
c5 := commit()
branch: "mybranch",
commits: []*vcsinfo.LongCommit{c4, c5},
}, 6, 2)
for _, b := range graph.BranchHeads() {
if b.Name == "mybranch" {
require.False(t, isFakeBranch(b.Name))
require.Equal(t, c5.Hash, b.Head)
} else {
require.Equal(t, fakeBranch, b.Name)
require.True(t, isFakeBranch(b.Name))
require.Equal(t, c4.Hash, b.Head)
// Another commit on each, then merge. Ensure that we kept the real
// branch, not the fake one.
c6 := commit()
gb.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "mybranch2")
c7 := commit()
c8Hash := gb.MergeBranch(ctx, git.MainBranch)
c8, err := gd.Details(ctx, c8Hash)
require.NoError(t, err)
branch: "mybranch",
commits: []*vcsinfo.LongCommit{c6, c7, c8},
}, 9, 1)
b := graph.BranchHeads()[0]
require.False(t, isFakeBranch(b.Name))
require.Equal(t, "mybranch", b.Name)
require.Equal(t, c8.Hash, b.Head)
func setupTestInitial(t *testing.T) (context.Context, *git_testutils.GitBuilder, *gitiles_testutils.MockRepo, *repoImpl, func() *vcsinfo.LongCommit, func(int, int), func()) {
ctx := context.Background()
g := git_testutils.GitInit(t, ctx)
gs := mocks.GitStore{}
gs.On("RangeByTime", ctx, vcsinfo.MinTime, vcsinfo.MaxTime, gitstore.ALL_BRANCHES).Return(nil, nil)
gs.On("GetBranches", ctx).Return(nil, nil)
urlMock := mockhttpclient.NewURLMock()
mockRepo := gitiles_testutils.NewMockRepo(t, g.RepoUrl(), git.GitDir(g.Dir()), urlMock)
repo := gitiles.NewRepo(g.RepoUrl(), urlMock.Client())
gcsClient := mem_gcsclient.New("fake-bucket")
ri, err := newRepoImpl(ctx, &gs, repo, gcsClient, "repo-ingestion", nil, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
gd := git.GitDir(g.Dir())
commit := func() *vcsinfo.LongCommit {
h := g.CommitGen(ctx, uuid.New().String())
c, err := gd.Details(ctx, h)
require.NoError(t, err)
return c
test := func(expectBranches, expectCommits int) {
// Clear the cache between every attempt.
ri.(*repoImpl).MemCacheRepoImpl = repograph.NewMemCacheRepoImpl(nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, ri.(*repoImpl).initialIngestion(ctx))
require.Equal(t, expectBranches, len(ri.(*repoImpl).BranchList))
require.Equal(t, expectCommits, len(ri.(*repoImpl).Commits))
require.True(t, mockRepo.Empty())
return ctx, g, mockRepo, ri.(*repoImpl), commit, test, g.Cleanup
func TestInitialIngestion(t *testing.T) {
ctx, gb, mockRepo, ri, commit, test, cleanup := setupTestInitial(t)
defer cleanup()
// No commits, no branches; nothing to do.
test(0, 0)
// One commit.
c0 := commit()
mockRepo.MockLog(ctx, c0.Hash, gitiles.LogReverse(), gitiles.LogBatchSize(batchSize))
test(1, 1)
require.Equal(t, git.MainBranch, ri.BranchList[0].Name)
require.Equal(t, c0.Hash, ri.BranchList[0].Head)
assertdeep.Equal(t, ri.Commits[c0.Hash], c0)
// No new commits. Clear out the cache and ensure that we don't request
// the log of c0 again, because it's backed up in GCS.
test(1, 1)
// New commits on a non-main branch.
gb.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "branch2", git.MainBranch)
var newBranchCommits []*vcsinfo.LongCommit
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
newBranchCommits = append(newBranchCommits, commit())
last := newBranchCommits[len(newBranchCommits)-1]
mockRepo.MockLog(ctx, last.Hash, gitiles.LogBatchSize(batchSize))
test(2, 11)
for _, b := range ri.BranchList {
if b.Name == git.MainBranch {
require.Equal(t, c0.Hash, b.Head)
} else {
require.Equal(t, "branch2", b.Name)
require.Equal(t, last.Hash, b.Head)
// New commits on several new branches.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
gb.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("b%d", i), git.MainBranch)
commits := []*vcsinfo.LongCommit{}
for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
commits = append(commits, commit())
last = commits[len(commits)-1]
mockRepo.MockLog(ctx, last.Hash, gitiles.LogBatchSize(batchSize))
test(12, 111)
// One new commit on one of the branches. Ensure that we only request
// the new commit.
mockRepo.MockLog(ctx, git.LogFromTo(last.Hash, commit().Hash), gitiles.LogBatchSize(batchSize))
test(12, 112)
func TestInitialIngestionRespectsIncludeBranches(t *testing.T) {
ctx, gb, mockRepo, ri, commit, test, cleanup := setupTestInitial(t)
defer cleanup()
// Set includeBranches.
ri.includeBranches = []string{"branch2"}
// "branch2" has two commits, while the main branch has three.
gb.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "branch2", git.MainBranch)
branch2Head := commit()
gb.CheckoutBranch(ctx, git.MainBranch)
mockRepo.MockLog(ctx, branch2Head.Hash, gitiles.LogBatchSize(batchSize))
test(1, 2)