blob: c4c217f85206c4c8fdeaaf8e7e1f2f9b7f640b88 [file] [log] [blame]
The <trace-details-sk> custom element declaration, which is used on the home
page on the right hand side to display details about an individual trace.
only - Fired when "Highlighted Only" button is pressed. key of the trace.
remove - Fired when the "Remove Highlighted" button is pressed. key of the trace.
clear - Fired when the "Clear Highlights" button is pressed.
highlightGroup - Fired when a group of traces is highlighted by
clicking on a parameter value.
detail.key: key of the parameter.
detail.value: value of the parameter.
blank() - Hide the contents of the trace-details-sk element.
displayRange(begin, end) - Display the commit history from begin
commit to end commit. The value of end can be undefined.
setParams(id, params) - Set the trace id and the parameter set of the
trace to be highlighted.
<link rel="import" href="/res/common/imp/paramset.html">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/res/common/css/md.css">
<dom-module id="trace-details-sk">
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#outer.blank * {
display: none;
#commits {
font-size: 90%;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
overflow-y: auto;
height: 50vh;
<div id=outer class=blank>
<button class=raised id=remove>Remove Highlighted</button>
<button class=raised id=only>Highlighted Only</button>
<button class=raised id=clear>Clear Highlights</button>
<paramset-sk clickable-values id=params></paramset-sk>
<div id=commits></div>
is: 'trace-details-sk',
ready: function () {
// The key of the trace being displayed.
this._id = '';
// The currently highlighted group of traces.
// An object of the form:
// {
// key: '',
// value: ''
// }
this._group = {};
this.$.params.addEventListener('paramset-key-value-click', this._onParamClick.bind(this));
// For Remove, Only, and Group trigger a specific event for each.
var boundOnButtonClick = this._onButtonClick.bind(this);
this.$.remove.addEventListener('click', boundOnButtonClick);
this.$.only.addEventListener('click', boundOnButtonClick);
this.$.clear.addEventListener('click', boundOnButtonClick);
// Handles the remove, only, and group button clicks.
_onButtonClick: function (e) {
var detail = {
id: this._id,
group: this._group
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(, { detail: detail }));
// Handles clicking on a parameter value.
_onParamClick: function (e) {
this._group = e.detail;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('highlightGroup', { detail: e.detail }));
// blank hides all the content of trace-details.
blank: function () {
this._id = '';
this._group = {};
// setParams set the current trace key (id) and the params for that
// trace.
setParams: function (id, params) {
this._id = id;
this._group = {};
params['id'] = this._id;
// Convert params into a paramset.
var paramset = {};
Object.keys(params).forEach(function(key) {
paramset[key] = [params[key]];
// displayRange takes the range of commit hashes to display.
displayRange: function (begin, end) {
// TODO(jcgregorio) Move this over to commits-panel-sk.
var query = '?begin=' + begin;
if (end) {
query = '?begin=' + begin + '&end=' + end;
// Fill in commit info from the server.
sk.get('/commits/' + query).then(function(html){
this.$.commits.innerHTML = html;