blob: 303d773f7b5157ab4aec46cad32f3c0c2d1df6cc [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- The <perf-commits-panel-sk> custom element declaration.
An element to display information on one or more commits.
progress - Boolean, if true then display the percent complete
for the first hash.
selection - Boolean, if true then selections are displayed, i.e. the user
click on a commit and select it.
selector - The iron-selector element that wraps the commits.
setCommitInfo - Sets the commit info, an array of *perftracedb.CommitIDLong. See the
description for the commits Mailbox for more details.
selectCommitID - Forces the selection of the given id and source.
commit-selected - Event produced when a commit is selected. The event
detail contains the serialized perftracedb.CommitIDLong:
description: "text describing the commit",
commit: {
ts: 14070203,
id: "123abc",
source: "master",
author: "",
desc: "Adds short commits."
commits - The sk.Mailbox name to listen for the data to populate
the element. The mailbox data needs to be a serialized slice
of []*perftracedb.CommitIDLong. If not set then the data must be supplied
by the setCommitInfo method.
ts: 14070203,
id: "123abc",
source: "master",
author: "",
desc: "Adds short commits."
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/res/common/css/md.css">
<link rel="import" href="/res/imp/bower_components/iron-selector/iron-selector.html">
<link rel="import" href="commit.html">
<dom-module id="perf-commits-panel-sk">
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
div {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
perf-commit-sk {
margin: 0em;
display: block;
padding: 0.2em;
padding-right: 2em;
.selection perf-commit-sk:hover {
background: #eee;
pre {
font-size: 14px;
margin: 0.2em 0;
padding: 0.3em;
.iron-selected {
background: #ddd;
:host {
display: block;
<template is="dom-if" if="{{progress}}">
<a target="_blank" href$="{{_statusHref(_firstHash)}}">Buildbot Percent Complete: <span>{{_commitPercent(_percent)}}</span>%</a>
<iron-selector id=selector class$="{{_selectionClass(selection)}}">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[_commitinfo]]" as="c" initial-count=5>
<perf-commit-sk commit="[[c]]"></perf-commit-sk>
is: 'perf-commits-panel-sk',
properties: {
progress: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
reflectToAttribute: true,
selection: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
reflectToAttribute: true,
observer: "_selectionChanged",
listeners: {
"selector.iron-select": "_selectorTap",
ready: function () {
this._percent = -1.0;
this._firstHash = '';
this.selector = this.$.selector;
sk.Mailbox.subscribe('commits', this.setCommitInfo.bind(this));
setCommitInfo: function(commitinfo) {
this._commitinfo = commitinfo;
selectCommitID: function(id, source) {
$$('perf-commit-sk', this).forEach(function(ele) {
if (ele.cid == id && ele.source == source) {;
_selectorTap: function(e) {
var detail = {
description: e.detail.item.asString(),
commit: e.detail.item.commit,
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('commit-selected', { detail: detail, bubbles: true }));
_selectionChanged: function() {
this.$.selector.selectedClass = this.selection ? "iron-selected" : "no-matching-class";
_processCommitInfo: function () {
if (this._commitinfo && this._commitinfo.length) {
this._firstHash = this._commitinfo[this._commitinfo.length - 1].id;
if (this.progress) {
var url = '' + this._firstHash;
// The status server returns JSON of the form:
// {
// "commit": "e9e3ee33f30c14c31afd5fc3fe4dda7f15783c75",
// "finishedTasks": 111,
// "finishedProportion": 0.7762237762237763,
// "totalTasks": 143
// }
sk.get(url).then(JSON.parse).then(function (json) {
this._percent = json.finishedProportion;
// _removeSecurityHeader strips the first 4 chars from the input. Needed
// since prefixes all JSON responses with )]}' as an
// XSS defense.
_removeSecurityHeader: function (s) {
return s.slice(4, s.length);
_commitPercent: function (p) {
if (p == -1.0) {
return "[calculating]";
return Math.round(p * 100);
_statusHref: function (hash) {
return '' + hash + '&commitLabel=author&filter=all';
_selectionClass: function(selection) {
if (selection) {
return "selection";
} else {
return "";