blob: 052c9da43ebbc9a17ee5ef48c374c8a41bda5ff7 [file] [log] [blame]
package promalertsclient
// This package contains a simple client to get alerts from
// a Prometheus alerts manager web endpoint.
import (
const (
// We directly access alerts from GCE instance to GCE instance
// so https is not required.
API_BASE_PATH_PATTERN = "http://%s/api/v1/alerts/groups"
// APIClient is a client to the Prometheus alerts manager web endpoint.
type APIClient interface {
// GetAlerts fetches all alerts from the server and returns them in a slice.
// If filter is non-nil, it will be applied to all alerts. If filter
// returns true, it will be included in the slice.
GetAlerts(filter func(Alert) bool) ([]Alert, error)
type Alert struct {
Silenced bool
// apiclient fulfills the APIClient interface
type apiclient struct {
hc HTTPClient
basePath string
// HTTPClient represents the http calls needed by the client. This interface
// is a subset of http.Client and makes for easier mocking.
type HTTPClient interface {
Get(url string) (*http.Response, error)
// New creates a new APIClient with the given parameters.
func New(hc HTTPClient, server string) APIClient {
path := fmt.Sprintf(API_BASE_PATH_PATTERN, server)
return &apiclient{
hc: hc,
basePath: path,
// alertResponse represents how Prometheus structures its response to the
// API call. See /prometheus/alertmanager/dispatch for the (possibly changing)
// details
type alertsResponse struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Data []alertGroup `json:"data"`
type alertGroup struct {
Labels model.LabelSet `json:"labels"`
GroupKey string `json:"groupKey"`
Blocks []alertBlock `json:"blocks"`
type alertBlock struct {
Alerts []apialert `json:"alerts"`
type apialert struct {
Inhibited bool `json:"inhibited"`
Silenced string `json:"silenced,omitempty"`
// See the APIClient interface for a description of GetAlerts
func (a *apiclient) GetAlerts(filter func(Alert) bool) ([]Alert, error) {
r, err := a.hc.Get(a.basePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if r.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP error %s", r.Status)
defer util.Close(r.Body)
d := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
var alerts alertsResponse
if err := d.Decode(&alerts); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse JSON: %s", err)
retVal := []Alert{}
for _, group := range alerts.Data {
for _, block := range group.Blocks {
for _, alert := range block.Alerts {
a := Alert{
Alert: alert.Alert,
Silenced: alert.Silenced != "",
if filter == nil || filter(a) {
retVal = append(retVal, a)
return retVal, nil