blob: 7f41c9f615f2011f1c0b559d6ea008d11a3cfcdf [file] [log] [blame]
Handlers and types specific to Chromium analysis tasks.
package chromium_analysis
import (
ctfeutil ""
ctutil ""
skutil ""
var (
addTaskTemplate *template.Template = nil
runsHistoryTemplate *template.Template = nil
httpClient = httputils.NewTimeoutClient()
func ReloadTemplates(resourcesDir string) {
addTaskTemplate = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(
filepath.Join(resourcesDir, "templates/chromium_analysis.html"),
filepath.Join(resourcesDir, "templates/header.html"),
filepath.Join(resourcesDir, "templates/titlebar.html"),
runsHistoryTemplate = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(
filepath.Join(resourcesDir, "templates/chromium_analysis_runs_history.html"),
filepath.Join(resourcesDir, "templates/header.html"),
filepath.Join(resourcesDir, "templates/titlebar.html"),
type DatastoreTask struct {
Benchmark string
PageSets string
IsTestPageSet bool
BenchmarkArgs string
BrowserArgs string
Description string
CustomWebpagesGSPath string
ChromiumPatchGSPath string
SkiaPatchGSPath string
CatapultPatchGSPath string
BenchmarkPatchGSPath string
V8PatchGSPath string
RunInParallel bool
Platform string
RunOnGCE bool
RawOutput string
MatchStdoutTxt string
ChromiumHash string
CCList []string
TaskPriority int
GroupName string
func (task DatastoreTask) GetTaskName() string {
return "ChromiumAnalysis"
func (task DatastoreTask) GetDescription() string {
return task.Description
func (task *DatastoreTask) GetPopulatedAddTaskVars() (task_common.AddTaskVars, error) {
taskVars := &AddTaskVars{}
taskVars.Username = task.Username
taskVars.TsAdded = ctutil.GetCurrentTs()
taskVars.RepeatAfterDays = strconv.FormatInt(task.RepeatAfterDays, 10)
taskVars.Benchmark = task.Benchmark
taskVars.PageSets = task.PageSets
taskVars.BenchmarkArgs = task.BenchmarkArgs
taskVars.BrowserArgs = task.BrowserArgs
taskVars.Description = task.Description
var err error
taskVars.CustomWebpages, err = ctutil.GetPatchFromStorage(task.CustomWebpagesGSPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not read from %s: %s", task.CustomWebpagesGSPath, err)
taskVars.ChromiumPatch, err = ctutil.GetPatchFromStorage(task.ChromiumPatchGSPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not read from %s: %s", task.ChromiumPatchGSPath, err)
taskVars.SkiaPatch, err = ctutil.GetPatchFromStorage(task.SkiaPatchGSPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not read from %s: %s", task.SkiaPatchGSPath, err)
taskVars.CatapultPatch, err = ctutil.GetPatchFromStorage(task.CatapultPatchGSPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not read from %s: %s", task.CatapultPatchGSPath, err)
taskVars.BenchmarkPatch, err = ctutil.GetPatchFromStorage(task.BenchmarkPatchGSPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not read from %s: %s", task.BenchmarkPatchGSPath, err)
taskVars.V8Patch, err = ctutil.GetPatchFromStorage(task.V8PatchGSPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not read from %s: %s", task.V8PatchGSPath, err)
taskVars.RunInParallel = task.RunInParallel
taskVars.Platform = task.Platform
taskVars.RunOnGCE = task.RunOnGCE
taskVars.MatchStdoutTxt = task.MatchStdoutTxt
taskVars.ChromiumHash = task.ChromiumHash
taskVars.CCList = task.CCList
taskVars.TaskPriority = strconv.Itoa(task.TaskPriority)
taskVars.GroupName = task.GroupName
return taskVars, nil
func (task DatastoreTask) GetResultsLink() string {
return task.RawOutput
func (task DatastoreTask) RunsOnGCEWorkers() bool {
return task.RunOnGCE && task.Platform != ctutil.PLATFORM_ANDROID
func (task DatastoreTask) GetDatastoreKind() ds.Kind {
func (task DatastoreTask) Query(it *datastore.Iterator) (interface{}, error) {
tasks := []*DatastoreTask{}
for {
t := &DatastoreTask{}
_, err := it.Next(t)
if err == iterator.Done {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve list of tasks: %s", err)
tasks = append(tasks, t)
return tasks, nil
func (task DatastoreTask) Get(c context.Context, key *datastore.Key) (task_common.Task, error) {
t := &DatastoreTask{}
if err := ds.DS.Get(c, key, t); err != nil {
return nil, err
return t, nil
func (task DatastoreTask) TriggerSwarmingTaskAndMail(ctx context.Context) error {
runID := task_common.GetRunID(&task)
emails := task_common.GetEmailRecipients(task.Username, task.CCList)
isolateArgs := map[string]string{
"PAGESET_TYPE": task.PageSets,
"BENCHMARK": task.Benchmark,
"BENCHMARK_ARGS": task.BenchmarkArgs,
"BROWSER_EXTRA_ARGS": task.BrowserArgs,
"RUN_IN_PARALLEL": strconv.FormatBool(task.RunInParallel),
"TARGET_PLATFORM": task.Platform,
"RUN_ON_GCE": strconv.FormatBool(task.RunsOnGCEWorkers()),
"MATCH_STDOUT_TXT": task.MatchStdoutTxt,
"CHROMIUM_HASH": task.ChromiumHash,
"RUN_ID": runID,
"TASK_PRIORITY": strconv.Itoa(task.TaskPriority),
"GROUP_NAME": task.GroupName,
"CHROMIUM_PATCH_GS_PATH": task.ChromiumPatchGSPath,
"SKIA_PATCH_GS_PATH": task.SkiaPatchGSPath,
"V8_PATCH_GS_PATH": task.V8PatchGSPath,
"CATAPULT_PATCH_GS_PATH": task.CatapultPatchGSPath,
"CUSTOM_WEBPAGES_CSV_GS_PATH": task.CustomWebpagesGSPath,
sTaskID, err := ctutil.TriggerMasterScriptSwarmingTask(ctx, runID, "run_chromium_analysis_on_workers", ctutil.CHROMIUM_ANALYSIS_MASTER_ISOLATE, task_common.ServiceAccountFile, task.Platform, false, isolateArgs)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not trigger master script for run_chromium_analysis_on_workers with isolate args %v: %s", isolateArgs, err)
// Mark task as started in datastore.
if err := task_common.UpdateTaskSetStarted(ctx, runID, sTaskID, &task); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not mark task as started in datastore: %s", err)
// Send start email.
skutil.LogErr(ctfeutil.SendTaskStartEmail(task.DatastoreKey.ID, emails, "Chromium analysis", runID, task.Description, fmt.Sprintf("Triggered %s benchmark on %s %s pageset.", task.Benchmark, task.Platform, task.PageSets)))
return nil
func (task DatastoreTask) SendCompletionEmail(ctx context.Context, completedSuccessfully bool) error {
runID := task_common.GetRunID(&task)
emails := task_common.GetEmailRecipients(task.Username, task.CCList)
emailSubject := fmt.Sprintf("Cluster telemetry chromium analysis task has completed (#%d)", task.DatastoreKey.ID)
failureHtml := ""
viewActionMarkup := ""
ctPerfHtml := ""
var err error
if completedSuccessfully {
if viewActionMarkup, err = email.GetViewActionMarkup(task.RawOutput, "View Results", "Direct link to the CSV results"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get view action markup: %s", err)
ctPerfHtml = ctfeutil.GetCTPerfEmailHtml(task.GroupName)
} else {
emailSubject += " with failures"
failureHtml = ctfeutil.GetFailureEmailHtml(runID)
if viewActionMarkup, err = email.GetViewActionMarkup(fmt.Sprintf(ctutil.SWARMING_RUN_ID_ALL_TASKS_LINK_TEMPLATE, runID), "View Failure", "Direct link to the swarming logs"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get view action markup: %s", err)
// Instantiate GcsUtil object and use to calculate number of archives
gs, err := ctutil.NewGcsUtil(nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not instantiate gsutil object: %s", err)
totalArchivedWebpages, err := ctutil.GetArchivesNum(gs, task.BenchmarkArgs, task.PageSets)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error when calculating number of archives: %s", err)
totalArchivedWebpages = -1
archivedWebpagesText := ""
if totalArchivedWebpages != -1 {
archivedWebpagesText = fmt.Sprintf(" %d WPR archives were used.", totalArchivedWebpages)
bodyTemplate := `
The chromium analysis %s benchmark task on %s pageset has completed. %s.<br/>
Run description: %s<br/>
The CSV output is <a href='%s'>here</a>.%s<br/>
The patch(es) you specified are here:
<a href='%s'>chromium</a>/<a href='%s'>skia</a>/<a href='%s'>v8</a>/<a href='%s'>catapult</a>
Custom webpages (if specified) are <a href='%s'>here</a>.
You can schedule more runs <a href='%s'>here</a>.
chromiumPatchLink := ctutil.GCS_HTTP_LINK + path.Join(ctutil.GCSBucketName, task.ChromiumPatchGSPath)
skiaPatchLink := ctutil.GCS_HTTP_LINK + path.Join(ctutil.GCSBucketName, task.SkiaPatchGSPath)
v8PatchLink := ctutil.GCS_HTTP_LINK + path.Join(ctutil.GCSBucketName, task.V8PatchGSPath)
catapultPatchLink := ctutil.GCS_HTTP_LINK + path.Join(ctutil.GCSBucketName, task.CatapultPatchGSPath)
customWebpagesLink := ctutil.GCS_HTTP_LINK + path.Join(ctutil.GCSBucketName, task.CustomWebpagesGSPath)
emailBody := fmt.Sprintf(bodyTemplate, task.Benchmark, task.PageSets, ctfeutil.GetSwarmingLogsLink(runID), task.Description, failureHtml, ctPerfHtml, task.RawOutput, archivedWebpagesText, chromiumPatchLink, skiaPatchLink, v8PatchLink, catapultPatchLink, customWebpagesLink, path.Join(task_common.WebappURL, ctfeutil.CHROMIUM_ANALYSIS_URI))
if err := ctfeutil.SendEmailWithMarkup(emails, emailSubject, emailBody, viewActionMarkup); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while sending email: %s", err)
return nil
func (task *DatastoreTask) SetCompleted(success bool) {
if success {
runID := task_common.GetRunID(task)
task.RawOutput = ctutil.GetAnalysisOutputLink(runID)
task.TsCompleted = ctutil.GetCurrentTsInt64()
task.Failure = !success
task.TaskDone = true
func addTaskView(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctfeutil.ExecuteSimpleTemplate(addTaskTemplate, w, r)
type AddTaskVars struct {
Benchmark string `json:"benchmark"`
PageSets string `json:"page_sets"`
CustomWebpages string `json:"custom_webpages"`
BenchmarkArgs string `json:"benchmark_args"`
BrowserArgs string `json:"browser_args"`
Description string `json:"desc"`
ChromiumPatch string `json:"chromium_patch"`
SkiaPatch string `json:"skia_patch"`
CatapultPatch string `json:"catapult_patch"`
BenchmarkPatch string `json:"benchmark_patch"`
V8Patch string `json:"v8_patch"`
RunInParallel bool `json:"run_in_parallel"`
Platform string `json:"platform"`
RunOnGCE bool `json:"run_on_gce"`
MatchStdoutTxt string `json:"match_stdout_txt"`
ChromiumHash string `json:"chromium_hash"`
CCList []string `json:"cc_list"`
TaskPriority string `json:"task_priority"`
GroupName string `json:"group_name"`
func (task *AddTaskVars) GetDatastoreKind() ds.Kind {
func (task *AddTaskVars) GetPopulatedDatastoreTask(ctx context.Context) (task_common.Task, error) {
if task.Benchmark == "" ||
task.PageSets == "" ||
task.Platform == "" ||
task.Description == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid parameters")
if task.GroupName != "" && len(task.GroupName) >= ctfeutil.MAX_GROUPNAME_LEN {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Please limit group names to less than %d characters", ctfeutil.MAX_GROUPNAME_LEN)
customWebpagesSlice, err := ctfeutil.GetQualifiedCustomWebpages(task.CustomWebpages, task.BenchmarkArgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
customWebpages := strings.Join(customWebpagesSlice, ",")
customWebpagesGSPath, err := ctutil.SavePatchToStorage(customWebpages)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not save custom webpages to storage: %s", err)
chromiumPatchGSPath, err := ctutil.SavePatchToStorage(task.ChromiumPatch)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not save chromium patch to storage: %s", err)
skiaPatchGSPath, err := ctutil.SavePatchToStorage(task.SkiaPatch)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not save skia patch to storage: %s", err)
catapultPatchGSPath, err := ctutil.SavePatchToStorage(task.CatapultPatch)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not save catapult patch to storage: %s", err)
benchmarkPatchGSPath, err := ctutil.SavePatchToStorage(task.BenchmarkPatch)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not save benchmark patch to storage: %s", err)
v8PatchGSPath, err := ctutil.SavePatchToStorage(task.V8Patch)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not save v8 patch to storage: %s", err)
t := &DatastoreTask{
Benchmark: task.Benchmark,
PageSets: task.PageSets,
IsTestPageSet: task.PageSets == ctutil.PAGESET_TYPE_DUMMY_1k || task.PageSets == ctutil.PAGESET_TYPE_MOBILE_DUMMY_1k,
BenchmarkArgs: task.BenchmarkArgs,
BrowserArgs: task.BrowserArgs,
Description: task.Description,
CustomWebpagesGSPath: customWebpagesGSPath,
ChromiumPatchGSPath: chromiumPatchGSPath,
SkiaPatchGSPath: skiaPatchGSPath,
CatapultPatchGSPath: catapultPatchGSPath,
BenchmarkPatchGSPath: benchmarkPatchGSPath,
V8PatchGSPath: v8PatchGSPath,
RunInParallel: task.RunInParallel,
Platform: task.Platform,
RunOnGCE: task.RunOnGCE,
MatchStdoutTxt: task.MatchStdoutTxt,
ChromiumHash: task.ChromiumHash,
CCList: task.CCList,
GroupName: task.GroupName,
taskPriority, err := strconv.Atoi(task.TaskPriority)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not int: %s", task.TaskPriority, err)
if taskPriority == 0 {
// This should only happen for repeating tasks that were created before
// support for task priorities was added to CT.
// Triggering tasks with 0 priority fails in swarming with
// "priority 0 can only be used for terminate request"
// Override it to the medium priority.
taskPriority = ctutil.TASKS_PRIORITY_MEDIUM
t.TaskPriority = taskPriority
return t, nil
func addTaskHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
task_common.AddTaskHandler(w, r, &AddTaskVars{})
func getTasksHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
task_common.GetTasksHandler(&DatastoreTask{}, w, r)
func deleteTaskHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
task_common.DeleteTaskHandler(&DatastoreTask{}, w, r)
func redoTaskHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
task_common.RedoTaskHandler(&DatastoreTask{}, w, r)
func runsHistoryView(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctfeutil.ExecuteSimpleTemplate(runsHistoryTemplate, w, r)
func AddHandlers(externalRouter *mux.Router) {
externalRouter.HandleFunc("/"+ctfeutil.CHROMIUM_ANALYSIS_URI, addTaskView).Methods("GET")
externalRouter.HandleFunc("/"+ctfeutil.CHROMIUM_ANALYSIS_RUNS_URI, runsHistoryView).Methods("GET")
externalRouter.HandleFunc("/"+ctfeutil.ADD_CHROMIUM_ANALYSIS_TASK_POST_URI, addTaskHandler).Methods("POST")
externalRouter.HandleFunc("/"+ctfeutil.GET_CHROMIUM_ANALYSIS_TASKS_POST_URI, getTasksHandler).Methods("POST")
externalRouter.HandleFunc("/"+ctfeutil.DELETE_CHROMIUM_ANALYSIS_TASK_POST_URI, deleteTaskHandler).Methods("POST")
externalRouter.HandleFunc("/"+ctfeutil.REDO_CHROMIUM_ANALYSIS_TASK_POST_URI, redoTaskHandler).Methods("POST")