blob: 8e98dc211509374a106e133e9dd6426078bcbbe6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Creates the compute instance for skia-ctfe.
set -x
# Create a boot disk from the pushable base snapshot.
gcloud compute --project $PROJECT_ID disks create $INSTANCE_NAME \
--zone $ZONE \
--source-snapshot $CTFE_SOURCE_SNAPSHOT \
--type "pd-standard"
gcloud compute --project $PROJECT_ID instances create $INSTANCE_NAME \
--zone $ZONE \
--machine-type $CTFE_MACHINE_TYPE \
--network "default" \
--maintenance-policy "MIGRATE" \
--scopes $CTFE_SCOPES \
--tags "http-server,https-server" \
--metadata "owner_primary=rmistry,owner_secondary=benjaminwagner" \
--disk "name=${INSTANCE_NAME},device-name=${INSTANCE_NAME},mode=rw,boot=yes,auto-delete=yes" \
--address $CTFE_IP_ADDRESS
# Wait until the instance is up.
until nc -w 1 -z $CTFE_IP_ADDRESS 22; do
echo "Waiting for VM to come up."
sleep 2
# The instance believes it is skia-systemd-snapshot-maker until it is rebooted.
echo "===== Rebooting the instance ======"
# Using "shutdown -r +1" rather than "reboot" so that the connection isn't
# terminated immediately, which causes a non-zero exit code.
gcloud compute --project $PROJECT_ID ssh $PROJECT_USER@$INSTANCE_NAME \
--zone $ZONE \
--command "sudo shutdown -r +1" \
|| echo "Reboot failed; please reboot the instance manually."