blob: 0f34602fbae083c46f3dbe2b87ee1e5b3f045f6e [file] [log] [blame]
* @module autoroll/modules/arb-status-sk
* @description <h2><code>arb-status-sk</code></h2>
* <p>
* This element displays the status of a single Autoroller.
* </p>
import { html, render } from 'lit-html'
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import { diffDate, localeTime } from 'common-sk/modules/human';
import { jsonOrThrow } from 'common-sk/modules/jsonOrThrow';
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define'
import 'elements-sk/styles/buttons';
import 'elements-sk/styles/select';
import 'elements-sk/styles/table';
import 'elements-sk/tabs-panel-sk';
import 'elements-sk/tabs-sk';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import { LoginTo } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/login';
/** Truncate the given string to the given length. If the string was
* shortened, change the last three characters to ellipsis.
* TODO(borenet): Move this somewhere common so that it can be shared.
export function truncate(str: string, len: number) {
if (str.length > len) {
const ellipsis = "..."
return str.substring(0, len - ellipsis.length) + ellipsis;
return str
export class Config {
parentWaterfall: string = "";
supportsManualRolls: boolean = false;
timeWindow: string = "";
export class ManualRollRequest {
dry_run: boolean = false;
emails: string[] | null = null;
id: string = "";
no_resolve_revision: boolean = false;
requester: string = "";
result: string = "";
resultDetails: string = "";
revision: string = "";
rollerName: string = "";
status: string = "";
timestamp: string = "";
url: string = "";
export class Mode {
message: string = "";
mode: string = "";
time: string = "";
user: string = "";
export class TryResult {
builder: string = "";
category: string = "";
created_ts: string = "";
result: string = "";
status: string = "";
url: string = "";
export class Roll {
closed: boolean = false;
commitQueue: boolean = false;
committed: boolean = false;
cqDryRun: boolean = false;
created: string = "";
issue: number = 0;
modified: string = "";
subject: string = "";
result: string = "";
rollingFrom: string = "";
rollingTo: string = "";
tryResults: TryResult[] | null = null;
export class Revision {
author: string = "";
bugs: { [key:string]: string[] } | null = null;
dependencies: { [key:string]: string } | null = null;
id: string = "";
description: string = "";
details: string = "";
display: string = "";
invalidReason: string = "";
tests: string[] | null = null;
time: string = "";
url: string = "";
export class RollCandidate{
revision: Revision = new Revision();
roll: ManualRollRequest = new ManualRollRequest();
export class Strategy {
message: string = "";
strategy: string = "";
time: string = "";
user: string = "";
export class Status {
config: Config = new Config();
currentRoll: Roll | null = null;
currentRollRev: string = "";
error: string = "";
fullHistoryUrl: string = "";
issueUrlBase: string = "";
lastRoll: Roll | null = null;
lastRollRev: string = "";
manualRequests: ManualRollRequest[] | null = null;
mode: Mode = new Mode();
notRolledRevs: Revision[] | null = null;
numBehind: number = 0;
numFailed: number = 0;
recent: Roll[] | null = null;
status: string = "";
strategy: Strategy = new Strategy();
throttledUntil: number = 0;
validModes: string[] = [];
validStrategies: string[] = [];
class ARBStatusSk extends ElementSk {
private static template = (ele: ARBStatusSk) => html`
<button value="status">Roller Status</button>
<button value="manual">Trigger Manual Rolls</button>
${!ele.editRights ? html`
<div id="pleaseLoginMsg" class="big">${ele.pleaseLoginMsg}</div>
` : html``}
<tabs-panel-sk selected="0">
<div class="status">
<div id="loadstatus">
Reload (s)
label="Reload (s)"
Last loaded at <span>${localeTime(ele.lastLoaded)}</span>
${ele.status.config.parentWaterfall ? html`
<td class="nowrap">Parent Repo Build Status</td>
<td class="nowrap unknown">
<a href="${ele.status.config.parentWaterfall}" target="_blank">
` : html``}
<td class="nowrap">Current Mode:</td>
<td class="nowrap unknown">
<span class="big">${ele.status.mode.mode}</span>
<td class="nowrap">Set By:</td>
<td class="nowrap unknown">
? html`: ${ele.status.mode.message}`: html``}
<td class="nowrap">Change Mode:</td>
<td class="nowrap">
${ string) => mode == ele.status.mode.mode ? "" : html`
@click="${() => {ele.modeButtonPressed(mode)}}"
?disabled="${!ele.editRights || ele.modeChangePending}"
title="${ele.editRights ? "Change the mode." : ele.pleaseLoginMsg}"
${ele.getModeButtonLabel(ele.status.mode.mode, mode)}
<td class="nowrap">Status:</td>
<td class="nowrap">
<span class="${ele.statusClass(ele.status.status)}">
<span class="big">${ele.status.status}</span>
${ele.status.status.indexOf("throttle") >= 0 ? html`
<span>until ${localeTime(new Date(ele.status.throttledUntil * 1000))}</span>
title="${ele.editRights ? "Unthrottle the roller." : ele.pleaseLoginMsg}">
Force Unthrottle
` : html``}
${ele.status.status.indexOf("waiting for roll window") >= 0 ? html`
<span>until ${localeTime(ele.rollWindowStart)}</span>
` : html``}
${ele.editRights && ele.status.error ? html`
<td class="nowrap">Error:</td>
` : html``}
<td class="nowrap">Current Roll:</td>
${ele.status.currentRoll ? html`
<a href="${ele.issueURL(ele.status.currentRoll)}" class="big" target="_blank">
` : html`<span>(none)</span>`}
${ele.status.currentRoll && ele.status.currentRoll.tryResults ? => html`
<div class="trybot">
${tryResult.url ? html`
<a href="${tryResult.url}"
` : html`
<span class="nowrap"
${tryResult.category === "cq" ? html`` : html`
<span class="nowrap small">(${tryResult.category})</span>
`) : html``}
${ele.status.lastRoll ? html`
<td class="nowrap">Previous roll result:</td>
<span class="${ele.rollClass(ele.status.lastRoll)}">
<a href="${ele.issueURL(ele.status.lastRoll)}" target="_blank" class="small">
` : html``}
<td class="nowrap">History:</td>
<th>Last Modified</th>
${ele.status.recent?.map((roll: Roll) => html`
<td><a href="${ele.issueURL(roll)}" target="_blank">${roll.subject}</a></td>
<td>${diffDate(roll.modified)} ago</td>
<td><span class="${ele.rollClass(roll)}">${ele.rollResult(roll)}</span></td>
<td class="nowrap">Full History:</td>
<a href="${ele.status.fullHistoryUrl}" target="_blank">
<td class="nowrap">Strategy for choosing next roll revision:</td>
<td class="nowrap">
?disabled="${!ele.editRights || ele.strategyChangePending}"
? "Change the strategy for choosing the next revision to roll."
: ele.pleaseLoginMsg}"
${ string) => html`
?selected="${strategy == ele.status.strategy.strategy}">
<td class="nowrap">Set By:</td>
<td class="nowrap unknown">
${ele.status.strategy.user}${ele.status.strategy.message ?
html`: ${ele.status.strategy.message}` : html``}
<div class="manual">
${ele.status.config.supportsManualRolls ? html`
${!ele.rollCandidates ? html`
The roller is up to date; there are no revisions which could be manually rolled.
` : html``}
<th>Requested at</th>
${ => html`
<tr class="rollCandidate">
${rollCandidate.revision.url ? html`
<a href="${rollCandidate.revision.url}" target="_blank">
` : html`
<td>${!!rollCandidate.revision.description ?
truncate(rollCandidate.revision.description, 100) : html``}
<td>${localeTime(new Date(rollCandidate.revision.time))}</td>
<td>${rollCandidate.roll ? rollCandidate.roll.requester : html``}</td>
<td>${rollCandidate.roll ?
localeTime(new Date(rollCandidate.roll.timestamp)): html``}</td>
${rollCandidate.roll && rollCandidate.roll.url ? html`
<a href="${rollCandidate.roll.url}", target="_blank">
` : html``}
${!!rollCandidate.roll && !rollCandidate.roll.url && rollCandidate.roll.status ?
rollCandidate.roll.status : html``}
${!rollCandidate.roll ? html`
@click="${() => {ele.requestManualRoll(}}"
title="${ele.editRights ?
"Request a roll to this revision." : ele.pleaseLoginMsg}">
Request Roll
` : html``}
${!!rollCandidate.roll && !!rollCandidate.roll.result ? html`
<span class="${ele.reqResultClass(rollCandidate.roll)}">
` : html``}
<tr class="rollCandidate">
<input id="manualRollRevInput" label="type revision/ref"></input>
<td><!-- no description --></td>
<td><!-- no revision timestamp --></td>
<td><!-- no requester --></td>
<td><!-- no request timestamp --></td>
@click="${() => {
title="${ele.editRights ?
"Request a roll to this revision." : ele.pleaseLoginMsg}">
Request Roll
` : html`
This roller does not support manual rolls. If you want this feature,
update the config file for the roller to enable it. Note that some
rollers cannot support manual rolls for technical reasons.
<dialog id="modeChangeDialog" class=surface-themes-sk>
<h2>Enter a message:</h2>
<input type="text" id="modeChangeMsgInput"></input>
<button @click="${() => {ele.changeMode(false)}}">Cancel</button>
<button @click="${() => {ele.changeMode(true)}}">Submit</button>
<dialog id="strategyChangeDialog" class=surface-themes-sk>
<h2>Enter a message:</h2>
<input type="text" id="strategyChangeMsgInput"></input>
<button @click="${() => {ele.changeStrategy(false)}}">Cancel</button>
<button @click="${() => {ele.changeStrategy(true)}}">Submit</button>
private editRights: boolean = false;
private lastLoaded: Date = new Date(0);
private modeChangePending: boolean = false;
private readonly pleaseLoginMsg = "Please login to make changes.";
private refreshInterval = 60;
private rollCandidates: RollCandidate[] = [];
private rollWindowStart: Date = new Date(0);
private selectedMode: string = "";
private status: Status = new Status();
private strategyChangePending: boolean = false;
private timeout: number = 0;
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
LoginTo("/loginstatus/").then((loginstatus: any) => {
this.editRights = loginstatus.IsAGoogler;
private modeButtonPressed(mode: string) {
if (mode == this.status.mode.mode) {
this.selectedMode = mode;
$$<HTMLDialogElement>("#modeChangeDialog", this)!.showModal();
private fetch(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined): Promise<any> {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('begin-task', { bubbles: true }));
return fetch(input, init).then(jsonOrThrow)
.then((v: any) => {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('end-task', { bubbles: true }));
return v;
}, (err: any) => {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fetch-error', {
detail: {
error: err,
loading: input,
bubbles: true,
return err;
.catch((err: any) => {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fetch-error', {
detail: {
error: err,
loading: input,
bubbles: true,
throw err;
private changeMode(submit: boolean) {
$$<HTMLDialogElement>("#modeChangeDialog", this)!.close();
if (!submit) {
this.selectedMode = "";
const modeChangeMsgInput = <HTMLInputElement>$$("#modeChangeMsgInput", this);
if (!modeChangeMsgInput) {
this.modeChangePending = true;
const mode = new Mode();
mode.message = modeChangeMsgInput.value;
mode.mode = this.selectedMode;
const url = window.location.pathname + "/json/mode";
this.fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(mode),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}).then((json) => {
this.modeChangePending = false;
modeChangeMsgInput.value = "";
}, (err) => {
this.modeChangePending = false;
private changeStrategy(submit: boolean) {
$$<HTMLDialogElement>("#strategyChangeDialog", this)!.close();
const strategySelect = <HTMLSelectElement>$$("#strategySelect");
const strategyChangeMsgInput = <HTMLInputElement>$$("#strategyChangeMsgInput");
if (!submit) {
if (!!strategySelect) {
strategySelect.value = this.status.strategy.strategy;
if (!strategyChangeMsgInput || !strategySelect) {
this.strategyChangePending = true;
const strategy = new Strategy();
strategy.message = strategyChangeMsgInput.value;
strategy.strategy = strategySelect.value;
const url = window.location.pathname + "/json/strategy";
this.fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(strategy),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}).then((json) => {
this.strategyChangePending = false;
strategyChangeMsgInput.value = "";
}, (err) => {
this.strategyChangePending = false;
strategySelect.value = this.status.strategy.strategy;
// computeRollWindowStart returns a string indicating when the configured
// roll window will start. If errors are encountered, in particular those
// relating to parsing the roll window, the returned string will contain
// the error.
private computeRollWindowStart(config: Config) {
if (!config || !config.timeWindow) {
return "";
// TODO(borenet): This duplicates code in the go/time_window package.
// parseDayTime returns a 2-element array containing the hour and
// minutes as ints. Throws an error (string) if the given string cannot
// be parsed as hours and minutes.
const parseDayTime = function(s: string) {
const timeSplit = s.split(":");
if (timeSplit.length !== 2) {
throw "Expected time format \"hh:mm\", not " + s;
const hours = parseInt(timeSplit[0]);
if (hours < 0 || hours >= 24) {
throw "Hours must be between 0-23, not " + timeSplit[0];
const minutes = parseInt(timeSplit[1]);
if (minutes < 0 || minutes >= 60) {
throw "Minutes must be between 0-59, not " + timeSplit[1];
return [hours, minutes];
// Parse multiple day/time windows, eg. M-W 00:00-04:00; Th-F 00:00-02:00
const windows = [];
const split = config.timeWindow.split(";");
for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
const dayTimeWindow = split[i].trim();
// Parse individual day/time window, eg. M-W 00:00-04:00
const windowSplit = dayTimeWindow.split(" ");
if (windowSplit.length !== 2) {
return "unknown; expected format \"D hh:mm\", not " + dayTimeWindow;
const dayExpr = windowSplit[0].trim();
const timeExpr = windowSplit[1].trim();
// Parse the starting and ending times.
const timeExprSplit = timeExpr.split("-");
if (timeExprSplit.length !== 2) {
return "unknown; expected format \"hh:mm-hh:mm\", not " + timeExpr;
let startTime;
try {
startTime = parseDayTime(timeExprSplit[0]);
} catch(e) {
return e;
let endTime;
try {
endTime = parseDayTime(timeExprSplit[1]);
} catch(e) {
return e;
// Parse the day(s).
const allDays = ["Su", "M", "Tu", "W", "Th", "F", "Sa"];
const days = [];
// "*" means every day.
if (dayExpr === "*") {
days.push(, i) => i));
} else {
const rangesSplit = dayExpr.split(",");
for (let i = 0; i < rangesSplit.length; i++) {
const rangeSplit = rangesSplit[i].split("-");
if (rangeSplit.length === 1) {
const day = allDays.indexOf(rangeSplit[0]);
if (day === -1) {
return "Unknown day " + rangeSplit[0];
} else if (rangeSplit.length === 2) {
const startDay = allDays.indexOf(rangeSplit[0]);
if (startDay === -1) {
return "Unknown day " + rangeSplit[0];
let endDay = allDays.indexOf(rangeSplit[1]);
if (endDay === -1) {
return "Unknown day " + rangeSplit[1];
if (endDay < startDay) {
endDay += 7;
for (let day = startDay; day <= endDay; day++) {
days.push(day % 7);
} else {
return "Invalid day expression " + rangesSplit[i];
// Add the windows to the list.
for (let i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
day: days[i],
start: startTime,
end: endTime,
// For each window, find the timestamp at which it opens next.
const now = new Date().getTime();
const openTimes = => {
let next = new Date(now);
next.setUTCHours(w.start[0], w.start[1], 0, 0);
const dayOffsetMs = ( - next.getUTCDay()) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
next = new Date(next.getTime() + dayOffsetMs);
if (next.getTime() < now) {
// If we've missed this week's window, bump forward a week.
next = new Date(next.getTime() + 7*24*60*60*1000);
return next;
// Pick the next window.
openTimes.sort((a, b) => a.getTime() - b.getTime());
return openTimes[0].toLocaleString();
private issueURL(roll: Roll): string {
if (roll) {
return this.status.issueUrlBase + roll.issue;
return "";
private getModeButtonLabel(currentMode: string, mode: string) {
// TODO(borenet): This is a hack; it doesn't respect this.validModes.
const modeButtonLabels: {[key:string]: {[key:string]: string}} = {
"running": {
"stopped": "stop",
"dry run": "switch to dry run",
"stopped": {
"running": "resume",
"dry run": "switch to dry run",
"dry run": {
"running": "switch to normal mode",
"stopped": "stop",
return modeButtonLabels[currentMode][mode];
private reloadChanged() {
const refreshIntervalInput = <HTMLInputElement>$$("refreshIntervalInput", this);
if (refreshIntervalInput) {
this.refreshInterval = refreshIntervalInput.valueAsNumber;
private resetTimeout() {
if (this.timeout) {
if (this.refreshInterval > 0) {
this.timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
}, this.refreshInterval * 1000);
private reload() {
const url = window.location.pathname + "/json/status";
console.log("Loading status from " + url);
this.fetch(url).then((json) => {
}).catch((err) => {
private reqResultClass(req: ManualRollRequest) {
if (!req) {
return "";
const manualRequestResultClass: {[key:string]:string} = {
"SUCCESS": "fg-success",
"FAILURE": "fg-failure",
return manualRequestResultClass[req.result];
private requestManualRoll(rev: string) {
const url = window.location.pathname + "/json/manual";
const req: ManualRollRequest = {
dry_run: false,
emails: null,
id: "",
no_resolve_revision: false,
result: "",
resultDetails: "",
revision: rev,
requester: "",
rollerName: "",
status: "",
timestamp: "",
url: "",
this.fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(req),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}).then((json) => {
const req = <ManualRollRequest>json;
const exist = this.rollCandidates.find((r) => == req.revision);
if (!!exist) {
exist.roll = req;
} else {
revision: {
author: "",
bugs: null,
dependencies: null,
description: "",
details: "",
display: req.revision,
id: req.revision,
invalidReason: "",
tests: null,
time: "",
url: "",
roll: req,
const manualRollRevInput = <HTMLInputElement>$$("#manualRollRevInput");
if (!!manualRollRevInput) {
manualRollRevInput.value = "";
private rollClass(roll: Roll) {
if (!roll) {
return "unknown";
const rollClassMap: {[key:string]: string} = {
"succeeded": "fg-success",
"failed": "fg-failure",
"in progress": "fg-unknown",
"dry run succeeded": "fg-success",
"dry run failed": "fg-failure",
"dry run in progress": "fg-unknown",
return rollClassMap[roll.result] || "fg-unknown";
private rollResult(roll: Roll) {
if (!roll) {
return "unknown";
return roll.result;
private statusClass(status: string) {
const statusClassMap: {[key:string]: string} = {
"idle": "fg-unknown",
"active": "fg-unknown",
"success": "fg-success",
"failure": "fg-failure",
"throttled": "fg-failure",
"dry run idle": "fg-unknown",
"dry run active": "fg-unknown",
"dry run success": "fg-success",
"dry run success; leaving open": "fg-success",
"dry run failure": "fg-failure",
"dry run throttled": "fg-failure",
"stopped": "fg-failure",
return statusClassMap[status] || "";
private selectedStrategyChanged() {
if ($$<HTMLSelectElement>("strategySelect", this)!.value == this.status.strategy.strategy) {
$$<HTMLDialogElement>("#strategyChangeDialog", this)!.showModal();
private trybotClass(trybot: TryResult) {
if (trybot.status == "STARTED") {
return "fg-unknown";
} else if (trybot.status == "COMPLETED") {
const trybotClass: {[key:string]:string} = {
"CANCELED": "fg-failure",
"FAILURE": "fg-failure",
"SUCCESS": "fg-success",
return trybotClass[trybot.result] || "";
} else {
return "fg-unknown";
private unthrottle() {
const url = window.location.pathname + "/json/unthrottle";
this.fetch(url, {method: "POST"});
private update(status: Status) {
const rollCandidates: RollCandidate[] = [];
const manualByRev: {[key:string]:ManualRollRequest} = {};
if (status.notRolledRevs) {
if (status.manualRequests) {
for (let i = 0; i < status.manualRequests.length; i++) {
const req = status.manualRequests[i];
manualByRev[req.revision] = req;
for (let i = 0; i < status.notRolledRevs.length; i++) {
const rev = status.notRolledRevs[i];
const candidate = new RollCandidate();
candidate.revision = rev;
let req = manualByRev[];
delete manualByRev[];
if (!req && status.currentRoll && status.currentRoll.rollingTo == {
req = new ManualRollRequest();
req.requester = "autoroller";
req.result = "";
req.revision = "";
req.status = "STARTED",
req.timestamp = status.currentRoll.created;
req.url = this.issueURL(status.currentRoll);
candidate.roll = req;
for (const key in manualByRev) {
const req = manualByRev[key];
const rev = new Revision(); = req.revision;
rev.display = req.revision;
revision: rev,
roll: req,
this.lastLoaded = new Date();
this.rollCandidates = rollCandidates;
this.rollWindowStart = this.computeRollWindowStart(status.config);
this.status = status;
console.log("Reloaded status.");
define('arb-status-sk', ARBStatusSk);