blob: c351690b052d595f4c0f35f4e2e13af8ebd7a3a0 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package traceservice;
// TraceService stores trace information for both Gold and Perf.
service TraceService {
// Returns a list of traceids that don't have Params stored in the datastore.
rpc MissingParams(MissingParamsRequest) returns (MissingParamsResponse) {}
// Adds Params for a set of traceids.
rpc AddParams(AddParamsRequest) returns (Empty) {}
// Adds data for a set of traces for a particular commitid.
rpc Add(AddRequest) returns (Empty) {}
// List returns all the CommitIDs that exist in the given time range.
rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse) {}
// GetValues returns all the trace values stored for the given CommitID.
rpc GetValues(GetValuesRequest) returns (GetValuesResponse) {}
// GetParams returns the Params for all of the given traces.
rpc GetParams(GetParamsRequest) returns (GetParamsResponse) {}
// GetValuesRaw returns all the trace values stored for the given CommitID in
// the raw format stored in BoltDB. The decoding can be done by calling
// NewCommitInfo() on the returned byte slice.
rpc GetValuesRaw(GetValuesRequest) returns (GetValuesRawResponse) {}
// GetTraceIDs returns the traceids for the given trace64ids. These are used
// in decoding the bytes returned from GetValuesRaw.
rpc GetTraceIDs(GetTraceIDsRequest) returns (GetTraceIDsResponse) {}
// Ping should always succeed. Used to test if the service is up and
// running.
rpc Ping (Empty) returns (Empty) {}
message Empty {
// CommitID identifies one commit, or trybot try.
message CommitID {
// The id of a commit, either a git hash, or a Reitveld patch id.
string id = 1;
// The source of the commit, either a git branch name, or a Reitveld issue id.
string source = 2;
// The timestamp of the commit or trybot patch.
int64 timestamp = 3;
// Params are the key-value pairs for a single trace.
// All of the key-value parameters should be present, the ones used to
// construct the traceid, along with optional parameters.
message Params {
map<string, string> params = 1;
message MissingParamsRequest {
repeated string traceids = 1;
message MissingParamsResponse {
repeated string traceids = 1;
message ParamsPair {
string key = 1;
map<string, string> params = 2;
message AddParamsRequest {
repeated ParamsPair params = 4;
// StoredEntry is used to serialize the Params to be stored in the BoltBD.
message StoredEntry {
Params params = 2;
message ValuePair {
string key = 1;
bytes value = 2;
message AddRequest {
// The id of the commit/trybot we are adding data about.
CommitID commitid = 1;
repeated ValuePair values = 3;
message ListRequest {
// begin is the unix timestamp to start searching from.
int64 begin = 1;
// end is the unix timestamp to search to (inclusive).
int64 end = 2;
message ListResponse {
// A list of CommitIDs that fall between the given timestamps in
// ListRequest.
repeated CommitID commitids = 3;
message GetValuesRequest {
CommitID commitid = 1;
message GetValuesResponse {
repeated ValuePair values = 4;
string md5 = 5;
message GetParamsRequest {
// A list of traceids.
repeated string traceids = 1;
message GetParamsResponse {
repeated ParamsPair params = 4;
message GetValuesRawResponse {
// Raw byte slice that can be decoded with NewCommitInfo.
bytes value = 1;
string md5 = 2;
message GetTraceIDsRequest {
repeated uint64 id = 1;
message TraceIDPair {
uint64 id64 = 1;
string id = 2;
message GetTraceIDsResponse {
repeated TraceIDPair ids = 1;
message CommitMD5 {
CommitID commitid = 1;
string md5 = 2;