blob: 24182cb23fe79eb8a7974119e0e5f286b7324655 [file] [log] [blame]
.PHONY: validate push_config
validate: ./tmp/promtool
# If the only error is "FAILED: error checking bearer token file..." then you should be good.
-./tmp/promtool check config ./prometheus/prometheus-public.yml
-./tmp/promtool check config ./prometheus/prometheus-corp.yml
./tmp/promtool check rules ./prometheus/alerts_*.yml
-mkdir -p tmp
curl -L | tar zxC ./tmp --overwrite -f -
cp ./tmp/prometheus-2.2.1.linux-amd64/promtool ./tmp/promtool
push_config: validate skia-public
kubectl create configmap grafana-conf --from-file=./grafana -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -
-rm -rf ./tmpconf
mkdir ./tmpconf
cp prometheus/prometheus-public.yml ./tmpconf/prometheus.yml
cp prometheus/alerts_*.yml ./tmpconf
# Need to use replace so that the configmap gets updated. Change "replace"
# to "create" if this is the first time the configmap has been uploaded.
kubectl create configmap prometheus-server-conf --from-file=./tmpconf -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -
push_config_corp: validate skia-corp
# Need to use replace so that the configmap gets updated. Change "replace"
# to "create" if this is the first time the configmap has been uploaded.
-rm -rf ./tmpconf
mkdir ./tmpconf
cp prometheus/prometheus-corp.yml ./tmpconf/prometheus.yml
cp prometheus/alerts_*.yml ./tmpconf
kubectl create configmap prometheus-server-conf --from-file=./tmpconf -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -
include ../make/