blob: e550a83ae1d9bed889492a47f0bf256e4e4b4ffa [file] [log] [blame]
package goldpushk
import (
func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
// Gather some DeployableUnits to pass to New() as parameters.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
deployableUnits := []DeployableUnit{}
deployableUnits = appendUnit(t, deployableUnits, s, Skia, DiffServer) // Regular deployment.
deployableUnits = appendUnit(t, deployableUnits, s, SkiaPublic, SkiaCorrectness) // Public deployment with non-templated ConfigMap.
canariedDeployableUnits := []DeployableUnit{}
canariedDeployableUnits = appendUnit(t, canariedDeployableUnits, s, Skia, IngestionBT) // Regular deployment with templated ConfigMap.
canariedDeployableUnits = appendUnit(t, canariedDeployableUnits, s, Fuchsia, DiffServer) // Internal deployment.
canariedDeployableUnits = appendUnit(t, canariedDeployableUnits, s, Fuchsia, IngestionBT) // Internal deployment with templated ConfigMap.
// Call code under test.
g := New(deployableUnits, canariedDeployableUnits, "path/to/buildbot", true, true, 30, 3, "")
expected := &Goldpushk{
deployableUnits: deployableUnits,
canariedDeployableUnits: canariedDeployableUnits,
rootPath: "path/to/buildbot",
dryRun: true,
noCommit: true,
minUptimeSeconds: 30,
uptimePollFrequencySeconds: 3,
k8sConfigRepoUrl: "",
require.Equal(t, expected, g)
func TestGoldpushkCheckOutK8sConfigGitRepository(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a fake k8s-config repository (i.e. "git init" a temp directory).
fakeK8sConfig := createFakeK8sConfigRepo(t, ctx)
defer fakeK8sConfig.Cleanup()
// Create the goldpushk instance under test. We pass it the file://... URL to the Git repository
// created earlier.
g := Goldpushk{
k8sConfigRepoUrl: fakeK8sConfig.RepoUrl(),
// Hide goldpushk output to stdout.
_, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Check out the fake k8s-config repository created earlier by running "git clone file://...".
err := g.checkOutK8sConfigRepo(ctx)
// Assert that no errors occurred and that we have a git.TempCheckout for the cloned repo.
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, g.k8sConfigCheckout)
// Clean up the checkout after the test finishes.
defer g.k8sConfigCheckout.Delete()
// Assert that the local path to the checkout is not the same as the local path to the fake
// k8s-config repo created earlier. This is just a basic sanity check to ensure that we're
// actually dealing with a clone of the original repo, as opposed to the original repo itself.
require.NotEqual(t, g.k8sConfigCheckout.GitDir, fakeK8sConfig.Dir())
// Read from the checkout.
k8sConfigReadmeMdBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(string(g.k8sConfigCheckout.GitDir), ""))
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that file has the expected contents.
require.Equal(t, "This is repo k8s-config!", string(k8sConfigReadmeMdBytes))
func TestGoldpushkGetDeploymentFilePath(t *testing.T) {
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := Goldpushk{}
// Gather the DeployableUnits we will call Goldpushk.getDeploymentFilePath() with.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
publicUnit, _ := s.Get(makeID(Skia, DiffServer))
internalUnit, _ := s.Get(makeID(Fuchsia, DiffServer))
require.Equal(t, filepath.Join(g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir(), "skia-public", "gold-skia-diffserver.yaml"), g.getDeploymentFilePath(publicUnit))
require.Equal(t, filepath.Join(g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir(), "skia-corp", "gold-fuchsia-diffserver.yaml"), g.getDeploymentFilePath(internalUnit))
func TestGoldpushkGetConfigMapFilePath(t *testing.T) {
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
skiaInfraRoot := "/path/to/buildbot"
g := Goldpushk{
rootPath: skiaInfraRoot,
// Gather the DeployableUnits we will call Goldpushk.getConfigMapFilePath() with.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
publicUnitWithoutConfigMap, _ := s.Get(makeID(Skia, DiffServer))
publicUnitWithConfigMapTemplate, _ := s.Get(makeID(Skia, IngestionBT))
publicUnitWithConfigMapFile, _ := s.Get(makeID(SkiaPublic, SkiaCorrectness))
internalUnitWithoutConfigMap, _ := s.Get(makeID(Fuchsia, DiffServer))
internalUnitWithConfigMapTemplate, _ := s.Get(makeID(Fuchsia, IngestionBT))
// Helper functions to write more concise assertions.
assertNoConfigMap := func(unit DeployableUnit) {
_, ok := g.getConfigMapFilePath(unit)
require.False(t, ok, unit.CanonicalName())
assertConfigMapFileEquals := func(unit DeployableUnit, expectedPath ...string) {
path, ok := g.getConfigMapFilePath(unit)
require.True(t, ok, unit.CanonicalName())
require.Equal(t, filepath.Join(expectedPath...), path, unit.CanonicalName())
// Assert that we get the correct ConfigMap file path for each DeployableUnit.
assertConfigMapFileEquals(publicUnitWithConfigMapTemplate, g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir(), "skia-public", "gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt.json5")
assertConfigMapFileEquals(publicUnitWithConfigMapFile, skiaInfraRoot, "golden/k8s-instances/skia-public/authorized-params.json5")
assertConfigMapFileEquals(internalUnitWithConfigMapTemplate, g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir(), "skia-corp", "gold-fuchsia-ingestion-config-bt.json5")
func TestRegenerateConfigFiles(t *testing.T) {
// Test on a good combination of different types of deployments.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
deployableUnits := []DeployableUnit{}
deployableUnits = appendUnit(t, deployableUnits, s, Skia, DiffServer) // Regular deployment.
deployableUnits = appendUnit(t, deployableUnits, s, SkiaPublic, SkiaCorrectness) // Public deployment with non-templated ConfigMap.
canariedDeployableUnits := []DeployableUnit{}
canariedDeployableUnits = appendUnit(t, canariedDeployableUnits, s, Skia, IngestionBT) // Regular deployment with templated ConfigMap.
canariedDeployableUnits = appendUnit(t, canariedDeployableUnits, s, Fuchsia, DiffServer) // Internal deployment.
canariedDeployableUnits = appendUnit(t, canariedDeployableUnits, s, Fuchsia, IngestionBT) // Internal deployment with templated ConfigMap.
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := Goldpushk{
deployableUnits: deployableUnits,
canariedDeployableUnits: canariedDeployableUnits,
rootPath: "/path/to/buildbot",
// Set up mocks.
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
commandCollectorCtx := exec.NewContext(context.Background(), commandCollector.Run)
// Call code under test.
err := g.regenerateConfigFiles(commandCollectorCtx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Expected commands.
expected := []string{
// Skia DiffServer
"kube-conf-gen " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-common.json5 " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-instances/skia-instance.json5 " +
"-extra INSTANCE_ID:skia " +
"-t /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-diffserver-template.yaml " +
"-parse_conf=false " +
"-strict " +
"-o " + g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir() + "/skia-public/gold-skia-diffserver.yaml",
// SkiaPublic SkiaCorrectness
"kube-conf-gen " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-common.json5 " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-instances/skia-public-instance.json5 " +
"-extra INSTANCE_ID:skia-public " +
"-t /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-skiacorrectness-template.yaml " +
"-parse_conf=false " +
"-strict " +
"-o " + g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir() + "/skia-public/gold-skia-public-skiacorrectness.yaml",
// Skia IngestionBT
"kube-conf-gen " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-common.json5 " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-instances/skia-instance.json5 " +
"-extra INSTANCE_ID:skia " +
"-t /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-ingestion-bt-template.yaml " +
"-parse_conf=false " +
"-strict " +
"-o " + g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir() + "/skia-public/gold-skia-ingestion-bt.yaml",
// Skia IngestionBT ConfigMap
"kube-conf-gen " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-common.json5 " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-instances/skia-instance.json5 " +
"-extra INSTANCE_ID:skia " +
"-t /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/ingest-config-template.json5 " +
"-parse_conf=false " +
"-strict " +
"-o " + g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir() + "/skia-public/gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt.json5",
// Fuchsia DiffServer
"kube-conf-gen " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-common.json5 " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-instances/fuchsia-instance.json5 " +
"-extra INSTANCE_ID:fuchsia " +
"-t /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-diffserver-template.yaml " +
"-parse_conf=false " +
"-strict " +
"-o " + g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir() + "/skia-corp/gold-fuchsia-diffserver.yaml",
// Fuchsia IngestionBT
"kube-conf-gen " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-common.json5 " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-instances/fuchsia-instance.json5 " +
"-extra INSTANCE_ID:fuchsia " +
"-t /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-ingestion-bt-template.yaml " +
"-parse_conf=false " +
"-strict " +
"-o " + g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir() + "/skia-corp/gold-fuchsia-ingestion-bt.yaml",
// Fuchsia IngestionBT ConfigMap
"kube-conf-gen " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/gold-common.json5 " +
"-c /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-instances/fuchsia-instance.json5 " +
"-extra INSTANCE_ID:fuchsia " +
"-t /path/to/buildbot/golden/k8s-config-templates/ingest-config-template.json5 " +
"-parse_conf=false " +
"-strict " +
"-o " + g.k8sConfigCheckout.Dir() + "/skia-corp/gold-fuchsia-ingestion-config-bt.json5",
for i, e := range expected {
require.Equal(t, e, exec.DebugString(commandCollector.Commands()[i]))
func TestCommitConfigFiles(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a fake k8s-config repository (i.e. "git init" a temp directory).
fakeK8sConfig := createFakeK8sConfigRepo(t, ctx)
defer fakeK8sConfig.Cleanup()
assertNumCommits(t, ctx, fakeK8sConfig, 1)
// Create the goldpushk instance under test. We pass it the file://... URL to the Git repository
// created earlier.
g := Goldpushk{
k8sConfigRepoUrl: fakeK8sConfig.RepoUrl(),
// Hide goldpushk output to stdout.
_, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Check out the fake k8s-config repository created earlier by running "git clone file://...".
err := g.checkOutK8sConfigRepo(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer g.k8sConfigCheckout.Delete()
// Add changes to the k8s-config repository checkout.
writeFileIntoRepo(t, g.k8sConfigCheckout, "foo.yaml", "I'm a change in k8s-config.")
// Pretend that the user confirms the commit step.
cleanup := fakeStdin(t, "y\n")
defer cleanup()
// Call the function under test, which will try to commit and push the changes.
ok, err := g.commitConfigFiles(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the user confirmed the commit step.
require.True(t, ok)
// Assert that the changes were pushed to the fake k8s-config repository.
assertNumCommits(t, ctx, fakeK8sConfig, 2)
assertRepositoryContainsFileWithContents(t, ctx, fakeK8sConfig, "foo.yaml", "I'm a change in k8s-config.")
func TestCommitConfigFilesAbortedByUser(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a fake k8s-config repository (i.e. "git init" a temp directory).
fakeK8sConfig := createFakeK8sConfigRepo(t, ctx)
defer fakeK8sConfig.Cleanup()
assertNumCommits(t, ctx, fakeK8sConfig, 1)
// Create the goldpushk instance under test. We pass it the file://... URL to the Git repository
// created earlier.
g := Goldpushk{
k8sConfigRepoUrl: fakeK8sConfig.RepoUrl(),
// Hide goldpushk output to stdout.
_, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Check out the fake k8s-config repository created earlier by running "git clone file://...".
err := g.checkOutK8sConfigRepo(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer g.k8sConfigCheckout.Delete()
// Add changes to the k8s-config repository checkout.
writeFileIntoRepo(t, g.k8sConfigCheckout, "foo.yaml", "I'm a change in k8s-config.")
// Pretend that the user aborts the commit step.
restoreStdin := fakeStdin(t, "n\n")
defer restoreStdin()
// Call the function under test, which will try to commit and push the changes.
ok, err := g.commitConfigFiles(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the user aborted the commit step.
require.False(t, ok)
// Assert that no changes were pushed to the fake k8s-config repository.
assertNumCommits(t, ctx, fakeK8sConfig, 1)
func TestCommitConfigFilesSkippedWithFlagNoCommit(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a fake k8s-config repository (i.e. "git init" a temp directory).
fakeK8sConfig := createFakeK8sConfigRepo(t, ctx)
defer fakeK8sConfig.Cleanup()
assertNumCommits(t, ctx, fakeK8sConfig, 1)
// Create the goldpushk instance under test. We pass it the file://... URL to the Git repository
// created earlier.
g := Goldpushk{
k8sConfigRepoUrl: fakeK8sConfig.RepoUrl(),
noCommit: true,
// Hide goldpushk output to stdout.
_, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Check out the fake k8s-config repository created earlier by running "git clone file://...".
err := g.checkOutK8sConfigRepo(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer g.k8sConfigCheckout.Delete()
// Add changes to the k8s-config repository checkout.
writeFileIntoRepo(t, g.k8sConfigCheckout, "foo.yaml", "I'm a change in k8s-config.")
// Call the function under test, which should not commit nor push any changes.
ok, err := g.commitConfigFiles(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ok)
// Assert that no changes were pushed to the fake k8s-config repository.
assertNumCommits(t, ctx, fakeK8sConfig, 1)
func TestCommitConfigFilesSkippedWithFlagDryRun(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a fake k8s-config repository (i.e. "git init" a temp directory).
fakeK8sConfig := createFakeK8sConfigRepo(t, ctx)
defer fakeK8sConfig.Cleanup()
assertNumCommits(t, ctx, fakeK8sConfig, 1)
// Create the goldpushk instance under test. We pass it the file://... URL to the Git repository
// created earlier.
g := Goldpushk{
k8sConfigRepoUrl: fakeK8sConfig.RepoUrl(),
dryRun: true,
// Hide goldpushk output to stdout.
_, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Check out the fake k8s-config repository created earlier by running "git clone file://...".
err := g.checkOutK8sConfigRepo(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer g.k8sConfigCheckout.Delete()
// Add changes to the k8s-config repository checkout.
writeFileIntoRepo(t, g.k8sConfigCheckout, "foo.yaml", "I'm a change in k8s-config.")
// Call the function under test, which should not commit nor push any changes.
ok, err := g.commitConfigFiles(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ok)
// Assert that no changes were pushed to the fake k8s-config repository.
assertNumCommits(t, ctx, fakeK8sConfig, 1)
func TestSwitchClusters(t *testing.T) {
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := Goldpushk{}
// Set up mocks.
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
commandCollectorCtx := exec.NewContext(context.Background(), commandCollector.Run)
// Test cases.
testCases := []struct {
cluster cluster
expectedCmd string
cluster: clusterSkiaPublic,
expectedCmd: "gcloud container clusters get-credentials skia-public --zone us-central1-a --project skia-public",
cluster: clusterSkiaCorp,
expectedCmd: "gcloud container clusters get-credentials skia-corp --zone us-central1-a --project",
for i, tc := range testCases {
err := g.switchClusters(commandCollectorCtx, tc.cluster)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tc.expectedCmd, exec.DebugString(commandCollector.Commands()[i]))
func TestPushSingleDeployableUnitDeleteNonexistentConfigMap(t *testing.T) {
// Gather the DeployableUnit to deploy.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
unit, ok := s.Get(makeID(Skia, IngestionBT))
require.True(t, ok)
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := &Goldpushk{}
// Hide goldpushk output to stdout.
_, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Set up mocks.
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
commandCollector.SetDelegateRun(func(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Command) error {
if cmd.Name == "kubectl" && cmd.Args[0] == "delete" {
// This is the actual error message that is returned when the command exits with status 1.
return errors.New("Command exited with exit status 1: kubectl delete configmap gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt")
return nil
commandCollectorCtx := exec.NewContext(context.Background(), commandCollector.Run)
// Call code under test.
err := g.pushSingleDeployableUnit(commandCollectorCtx, unit)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the correct kubectl and gcloud commands were executed.
expectedCommands := []string{
"gcloud container clusters get-credentials skia-public --zone us-central1-a --project skia-public",
"kubectl delete configmap gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt",
"kubectl create configmap gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt --from-file /path/to/k8s-config/skia-public/gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt.json5",
"kubectl apply -f /path/to/k8s-config/skia-public/gold-skia-ingestion-bt.yaml",
require.Len(t, commandCollector.Commands(), len(expectedCommands))
for i, command := range expectedCommands {
require.Equal(t, command, exec.DebugString(commandCollector.Commands()[i]))
func TestPushCanaries(t *testing.T) {
// Gather the DeployableUnits to deploy.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
units := []DeployableUnit{}
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Skia, DiffServer) // Public.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Skia, IngestionBT) // Public, with config map.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Fuchsia, DiffServer) // Internal.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Fuchsia, IngestionBT) // Internal, with config map.
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := &Goldpushk{
canariedDeployableUnits: units,
// Hide goldpushk output to stdout.
_, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Set up mocks.
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
commandCollectorCtx := exec.NewContext(context.Background(), commandCollector.Run)
// Call code under test.
err := g.pushCanaries(commandCollectorCtx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the correct kubectl and gcloud commands were executed.
expectedCommands := []string{
"gcloud container clusters get-credentials skia-public --zone us-central1-a --project skia-public",
"kubectl apply -f /path/to/k8s-config/skia-public/gold-skia-diffserver.yaml",
"kubectl delete configmap gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt",
"kubectl create configmap gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt --from-file /path/to/k8s-config/skia-public/gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt.json5",
"kubectl apply -f /path/to/k8s-config/skia-public/gold-skia-ingestion-bt.yaml",
"gcloud container clusters get-credentials skia-corp --zone us-central1-a --project",
"kubectl apply -f /path/to/k8s-config/skia-corp/gold-fuchsia-diffserver.yaml",
"kubectl delete configmap gold-fuchsia-ingestion-config-bt",
"kubectl create configmap gold-fuchsia-ingestion-config-bt --from-file /path/to/k8s-config/skia-corp/gold-fuchsia-ingestion-config-bt.json5",
"kubectl apply -f /path/to/k8s-config/skia-corp/gold-fuchsia-ingestion-bt.yaml",
require.Len(t, commandCollector.Commands(), len(expectedCommands))
for i, command := range expectedCommands {
require.Equal(t, command, exec.DebugString(commandCollector.Commands()[i]))
func TestPushCanariesDryRun(t *testing.T) {
// Gather the DeployableUnits to deploy.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
units := []DeployableUnit{}
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Skia, DiffServer) // Public.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Skia, IngestionBT) // Public, with config map.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Fuchsia, DiffServer) // Internal.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Fuchsia, IngestionBT) // Internal, with config map.
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := &Goldpushk{
canariedDeployableUnits: units,
dryRun: true,
// Capture and hide goldpushk output to stdout.
fakeStdout, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Set up mocks.
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
commandCollectorCtx := exec.NewContext(context.Background(), commandCollector.Run)
// Call code under test.
err := g.pushCanaries(commandCollectorCtx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that no commands were executed.
require.Len(t, commandCollector.Commands(), 0)
// Assert that the expected output was written to stdout.
expectedStdout := `
Pushing canaried services.
Skipping push step (dry run).
require.Equal(t, expectedStdout, readFakeStdout(t, fakeStdout))
func TestPushServices(t *testing.T) {
// Gather the DeployableUnits to deploy.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
units := []DeployableUnit{}
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Skia, DiffServer) // Public.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Skia, IngestionBT) // Public, with config map.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Fuchsia, DiffServer) // Internal.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Fuchsia, IngestionBT) // Internal, with config map.
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := &Goldpushk{
deployableUnits: units,
// Hide goldpushk output to stdout.
_, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Set up mocks.
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
commandCollectorCtx := exec.NewContext(context.Background(), commandCollector.Run)
// Call code under test.
err := g.pushServices(commandCollectorCtx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the correct kubectl and gcloud commands were executed.
expectedCommands := []string{
"gcloud container clusters get-credentials skia-public --zone us-central1-a --project skia-public",
"kubectl apply -f /path/to/k8s-config/skia-public/gold-skia-diffserver.yaml",
"kubectl delete configmap gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt",
"kubectl create configmap gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt --from-file /path/to/k8s-config/skia-public/gold-skia-ingestion-config-bt.json5",
"kubectl apply -f /path/to/k8s-config/skia-public/gold-skia-ingestion-bt.yaml",
"gcloud container clusters get-credentials skia-corp --zone us-central1-a --project",
"kubectl apply -f /path/to/k8s-config/skia-corp/gold-fuchsia-diffserver.yaml",
"kubectl delete configmap gold-fuchsia-ingestion-config-bt",
"kubectl create configmap gold-fuchsia-ingestion-config-bt --from-file /path/to/k8s-config/skia-corp/gold-fuchsia-ingestion-config-bt.json5",
"kubectl apply -f /path/to/k8s-config/skia-corp/gold-fuchsia-ingestion-bt.yaml",
require.Len(t, commandCollector.Commands(), len(expectedCommands))
for i, command := range expectedCommands {
require.Equal(t, command, exec.DebugString(commandCollector.Commands()[i]))
func TestPushServicesDryRun(t *testing.T) {
// Gather the DeployableUnits to deploy.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
units := []DeployableUnit{}
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Skia, DiffServer) // Public.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Skia, IngestionBT) // Public, with config map.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Fuchsia, DiffServer) // Internal.
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Fuchsia, IngestionBT) // Internal, with config map.
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := &Goldpushk{
deployableUnits: units,
dryRun: true,
// Capture and hide goldpushk output to stdout.
fakeStdout, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Set up mocks.
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
commandCollectorCtx := exec.NewContext(context.Background(), commandCollector.Run)
// Call code under test.
err := g.pushServices(commandCollectorCtx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that no commands were executed.
require.Len(t, commandCollector.Commands(), 0)
// Assert that the expected output was written to stdout.
expectedStdout := `
Pushing services.
Skipping push step (dry run).
require.Equal(t, expectedStdout, readFakeStdout(t, fakeStdout))
func TestGetUptimesSingleCluster(t *testing.T) {
// Gather the DeployableUnits to deploy.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
units := []DeployableUnit{}
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Chrome, BaselineServer)
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Chrome, DiffServer)
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, ChromeGPU, BaselineServer)
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, ChromeGPU, DiffServer)
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Flutter, BaselineServer)
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Flutter, DiffServer)
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := &Goldpushk{}
// Set up mocks.
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
commandCollector.SetDelegateRun(func(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Command) error {
n, err := cmd.CombinedOutput.Write([]byte(kubectlGetPodsOutput))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(kubectlGetPodsOutput), n)
return nil
commandCollectorCtx := exec.NewContext(context.Background(), commandCollector.Run)
// Fake time.
now := time.Date(2019, 10, 01, 17, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC) // 2019-10-01T17:30:00Z
// Call code under test.
uptime, err := g.getUptimesSingleCluster(commandCollectorCtx, units, now)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that we get the expected uptimes.
require.Len(t, uptime, 3)
require.Equal(t, 8*time.Minute, uptime[makeID(Chrome, BaselineServer)]) // 17:30:00 - 17:22:00
require.Equal(t, 5*time.Minute, uptime[makeID(Chrome, DiffServer)]) // 17:30:00 - 17:25:00
require.Equal(t, 18*time.Minute, uptime[makeID(ChromeGPU, BaselineServer)]) // 17:30:00 - 17:12:00
// Its only pod is not yet ready.
require.NotContains(t, uptime, makeID(ChromeGPU, DiffServer))
// One of its pods is not yet ready.
require.NotContains(t, uptime, makeID(Flutter, BaselineServer))
// Its only pod does not even show up in the kubectl output.
require.NotContains(t, uptime, makeID(Flutter, DiffServer))
func TestGetUptimes(t *testing.T) {
// Gather the DeployableUnits to deploy.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
units := []DeployableUnit{}
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Chrome, DiffServer) // Public instance (skia-public).
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Fuchsia, DiffServer) // Internal instance (skia-corp).
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := &Goldpushk{}
// Fake kubectl outputs.
kubectlPublicOutput := "app:gold-chrome-diffserver podName:gold-chrome-diffserver-5ffc99f584-lxw98 ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-09-24T17:57:02Z"
kubectlCorpOutput := "app:gold-fuchsia-diffserver podName:gold-fuchsia-diffserver-8647b8f966-v7s2g ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-09-24T17:56:32Z"
// Set up mocks.
numTimesKubectlGet := 0
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
commandCollector.SetDelegateRun(func(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Command) error {
if cmd.Name == "kubectl" && cmd.Args[0] == "get" {
// First call corresponds to the skia-public cluster, second call corresponds to skia-corp.
output := kubectlPublicOutput
if numTimesKubectlGet == 2 {
output = kubectlCorpOutput
n, err := cmd.CombinedOutput.Write([]byte(output))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(output), n)
return nil
commandCollectorCtx := exec.NewContext(context.Background(), commandCollector.Run)
// Fake time.
now := time.Date(2019, 9, 24, 17, 58, 2, 0, time.UTC) // 2019-09-24T17:58:02Z
// Call code under test.
uptime, err := g.getUptimes(commandCollectorCtx, units, now)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the correct kubectl and gcloud commands were executed.
expectedCommands := []string{
"gcloud container clusters get-credentials skia-public --zone us-central1-a --project skia-public",
"kubectl get pods -o jsonpath={range .items[*]}{'app:'}{}{' podName:'}{}{' ready:'}{.status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].status}{' readyLastTransitionTime:'}{.status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].lastTransitionTime}{'\\n'}{end}",
"gcloud container clusters get-credentials skia-corp --zone us-central1-a --project",
"kubectl get pods -o jsonpath={range .items[*]}{'app:'}{}{' podName:'}{}{' ready:'}{.status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].status}{' readyLastTransitionTime:'}{.status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].lastTransitionTime}{'\\n'}{end}",
require.Len(t, commandCollector.Commands(), len(expectedCommands))
for i, command := range expectedCommands {
require.Equal(t, command, exec.DebugString(commandCollector.Commands()[i]))
// Assert that we get the expected uptimes.
require.Len(t, uptime, 2)
require.Equal(t, 60*time.Second, uptime[makeID(Chrome, DiffServer)]) // 17:58:02 - 17:57:02
require.Equal(t, 90*time.Second, uptime[makeID(Fuchsia, DiffServer)]) // 17:58:02 - 17:56:32
func TestMonitor(t *testing.T) {
// Gather the DeployableUnits to monitor.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
units := []DeployableUnit{}
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Chrome, BaselineServer)
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Chrome, DiffServer)
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Chrome, IngestionBT)
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := &Goldpushk{
minUptimeSeconds: 30,
uptimePollFrequencySeconds: 5,
// Capture and hide goldpushk output to stdout.
fakeStdout, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Mock uptimes. This array holds the return values of the mock uptimesFn, ordered
// chronologically.
mockUptimes := []map[DeployableUnitID]time.Duration{
// At t=0, no services are running.
// At t=5s, gold-chrome-baselineserver is up.
makeID(Chrome, BaselineServer): 0 * time.Second,
// At t=10s, gold-chrome-diffserver is up.
makeID(Chrome, BaselineServer): 5 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, DiffServer): 2 * time.Second,
// At t=15s, gold-chrome-ingestion-bt is up.
makeID(Chrome, BaselineServer): 10 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, DiffServer): 7 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, IngestionBT): 1 * time.Second,
// t=20s.
makeID(Chrome, BaselineServer): 15 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, DiffServer): 12 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, IngestionBT): 6 * time.Second,
// t=25s.
makeID(Chrome, BaselineServer): 20 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, DiffServer): 17 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, IngestionBT): 11 * time.Second,
// t=30s.
makeID(Chrome, BaselineServer): 25 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, DiffServer): 22 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, IngestionBT): 16 * time.Second,
// At t=35s, gold-chrome-baselineserver has been running for at least 30s.
makeID(Chrome, BaselineServer): 30 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, DiffServer): 27 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, IngestionBT): 21 * time.Second,
// At t=40s, gold-chrome-diffserver has been running for at least 30s.
makeID(Chrome, BaselineServer): 35 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, DiffServer): 32 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, IngestionBT): 26 * time.Second,
// At t=45s, gold-chrome-ingestion-bt has been running for at least 30s. Monitoring should end.
makeID(Chrome, BaselineServer): 40 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, DiffServer): 37 * time.Second,
makeID(Chrome, IngestionBT): 31 * time.Second,
// Keep track of how many times the mock uptimesFn was called.
numTimesMockUptimesFnWasCalled := 0
// Mock uptimesFn.
mockUptimesFn := func(_ context.Context, uptimesFnUnits []DeployableUnit, _ time.Time) (map[DeployableUnitID]time.Duration, error) {
require.Equal(t, units, uptimesFnUnits)
uptimes := mockUptimes[numTimesMockUptimesFnWasCalled]
numTimesMockUptimesFnWasCalled += 1
return uptimes, nil
// Keep track of how many times the mock sleepFn was called.
numTimesMockSleepFnWasCalled := 0
// Mock sleepFn.
mockSleepFn := func(d time.Duration) {
// First call to sleep happens before entering the monitoring loop.
if numTimesMockSleepFnWasCalled == 1 {
require.Equal(t, 10*time.Second, d) // delayBetweenPushAndMonitoring.
} else {
require.Equal(t, 5*time.Second, d) // Goldpushk.uptimePollFrequencySeconds.
// Call code under test.
err := g.monitor(context.Background(), units, mockUptimesFn, mockSleepFn)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the mock uptimesFn was called the expected number of times, which means that
// monitoring ends as soon as all services have been running for the required amount of time
// (which in this case is 30s).
require.Equal(t, 10, numTimesMockUptimesFnWasCalled)
// Similarly, assert that sleepFn was called the expected number of times.
require.Equal(t, 10, numTimesMockSleepFnWasCalled)
// Assert that monitoring produced the expected output on stdout.
require.Equal(t, expectedMonitorStdout, readFakeStdout(t, fakeStdout))
func TestMonitorDryRun(t *testing.T) {
// Gather the DeployableUnits to monitor.
s := ProductionDeployableUnits()
units := []DeployableUnit{}
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Chrome, BaselineServer)
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Chrome, DiffServer)
units = appendUnit(t, units, s, Chrome, IngestionBT)
// Create the goldpushk instance under test.
g := &Goldpushk{
dryRun: true,
minUptimeSeconds: 30,
uptimePollFrequencySeconds: 5,
// Capture and hide goldpushk output to stdout.
fakeStdout, restoreStdout := hideStdout(t)
defer restoreStdout()
// Mock uptimesFn.
mockUptimesFn := func(_ context.Context, _ []DeployableUnit, _ time.Time) (map[DeployableUnitID]time.Duration, error) {
require.Fail(t, "uptimesFn should never be called in dry mode")
return nil, nil
// Mock sleepFn.
mockSleepFn := func(d time.Duration) {
require.Fail(t, "sleepFn should never be called in dry mode")
// Call code under test.
err := g.monitor(context.Background(), units, mockUptimesFn, mockSleepFn)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that monitoring produced the expected output on stdout.
require.Equal(t, expectedMonitorDryRunStdout, readFakeStdout(t, fakeStdout))
// appendUnit will retrieve a DeployableUnit from the given DeployableUnitSet using the given
// Instance and Service and append it to the given DeployableUnit slice.
func appendUnit(t *testing.T, units []DeployableUnit, s DeployableUnitSet, instance Instance, service Service) []DeployableUnit {
unit, ok := s.Get(DeployableUnitID{Instance: instance, Service: service})
require.True(t, ok, "Instance: %s, Service: %s", instance, service)
return append(units, unit)
// makeID is a convenience method to create a DeployableUnitID.
func makeID(instance Instance, service Service) DeployableUnitID {
return DeployableUnitID{
Instance: instance,
Service: service,
// createFakeK8sConfigRepo initializes a Git repository in local temporary directory which can be
// used as fake k8s-config repository in tests.
func createFakeK8sConfigRepo(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context) *testutils.GitBuilder {
// "git init" a temporary directory.
fakeK8sConfig := testutils.GitInit(t, ctx)
// Populate fake repository with a file that will make it easier to identify it later on.
fakeK8sConfig.Add(ctx, "", "This is repo k8s-config!")
// Allow repository to receive pushes.
return fakeK8sConfig
// This is intended to be used in tests that do not need to write to disk, but need a
// git.TempCheckout instance to e.g. compute a path into a checkout.
func addFakeK8sConfigRepoCheckout(g *Goldpushk) {
fakeK8sConfigCheckout := &git.TempCheckout{
GitDir: "/path/to/k8s-config",
g.k8sConfigCheckout = fakeK8sConfigCheckout
// writeFileIntoRepo creates a file with the given name and contents into a *git.TempCheckout.
func writeFileIntoRepo(t *testing.T, repo *git.TempCheckout, name, contents string) {
bytes := []byte(contents)
path := filepath.Join(string(repo.GitDir), name)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, bytes, os.ModePerm)
require.NoError(t, err)
// hideStdout replaces os.Stdout with a temp file. This hides any output generated by the code under
// test and leads to a less noisy "go test" output.
func hideStdout(t *testing.T) (fakeStdout *os.File, cleanup func()) {
// Back up the real stdout.
stdout := os.Stdout
cleanup = func() {
os.Stdout = stdout
// Replace os.Stdout with a temporary file.
fakeStdout, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "fake-stdout")
require.NoError(t, err)
os.Stdout = fakeStdout
return fakeStdout, cleanup
// readFakeStdout takes the *os.File returned by hideStdout(), and reads and returns its contents.
func readFakeStdout(t *testing.T, fakeStdout *os.File) string {
// Read the captured stdout.
_, err := fakeStdout.Seek(0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
stdoutBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fakeStdout)
require.NoError(t, err)
return string(stdoutBytes)
// fakeStdin fakes user input via stdin. It replaces stdin with a temporary file with the given fake
// input. The returned function should be called at the end of a test to restore the original stdin.
func fakeStdin(t *testing.T, userInput string) (cleanup func()) {
// Back up stdin and provide a function to restore it later.
realStdin := os.Stdin
cleanup = func() {
os.Stdin = realStdin
// Create new file to be used as a fake stdin.
fakeStdin, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "fake-stdin")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Write fake user input.
_, err = fakeStdin.WriteString(userInput)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Rewind stdin file so that fmt.Scanf() will pick up what we just wrote.
_, err = fakeStdin.Seek(0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Replace real stdout with the fake one.
os.Stdin = fakeStdin
return cleanup
// assertNumCommits asserts that the given Git repository has the given number of commits.
func assertNumCommits(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, repo *testutils.GitBuilder, n int64) {
clone, err := git.NewTempCheckout(ctx, repo.RepoUrl())
defer clone.Delete()
require.NoError(t, err)
actualN, err := clone.NumCommits(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, n, actualN)
// assertRepositoryContainsFileWithContents asserts the presence of a file with the given contents
// in a git repo.
func assertRepositoryContainsFileWithContents(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, repo *testutils.GitBuilder, filename, expectedContents string) {
clone, err := git.NewTempCheckout(ctx, repo.RepoUrl())
require.NoError(t, err)
commits, err := clone.RevList(ctx, "master")
require.NoError(t, err)
lastCommit := commits[0]
actualContents, err := clone.GetFile(ctx, filename, lastCommit)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expectedContents, actualContents)
// This fake kubectl output simulates the following situation:
// - gold-chrome-baselineserver: three replicas, all of them ready.
// - gold-chrome-diffserver: one single replica, ready.
// - gold-chrome-gpu-baselineserver: three replicas, all of them ready.
// - gold-chrome-gpu-diffserver: one single replica, which is NOT ready.
// - gold-flutter-baselineserver: three replicas; two of them are ready, one is not.
// Generated by running the following command, and editing the output to fit the story above:
// $ kubectl get pods -o jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{'app:'}{}{' podName:'}{}{' ready:'}{.status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].status}{' readyLastTransitionTime:'}{.status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].lastTransitionTime}{'\n'}{end}"
const kubectlGetPodsOutput = `app:gold-chrome-baselineserver podName:gold-chrome-baselineserver-5ffc99f584-2v2vm ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-10-01T17:20:00Z
app:gold-chrome-baselineserver podName:gold-chrome-baselineserver-5ffc99f584-lxw98 ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-10-01T17:21:00Z
app:gold-chrome-baselineserver podName:gold-chrome-baselineserver-5ffc99f584-ndzc8 ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-10-01T17:22:00Z
app:gold-chrome-diffserver podName:gold-chrome-diffserver-0 ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-10-01T17:25:00Z
app:gold-chrome-gpu-baselineserver podName:gold-chrome-gpu-baselineserver-5dfd8b65cb-9krrl ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-10-01T17:10:00Z
app:gold-chrome-gpu-baselineserver podName:gold-chrome-gpu-baselineserver-5dfd8b65cb-hr86n ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-10-01T17:11:00Z
app:gold-chrome-gpu-baselineserver podName:gold-chrome-gpu-baselineserver-5dfd8b65cb-l4lt5 ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-10-01T17:12:00Z
app:gold-chrome-gpu-diffserver podName:gold-chrome-gpu-diffserver-0 ready:False readyLastTransitionTime:2019-09-09T18:43:08Z
app:gold-flutter-baselineserver podName:gold-flutter-baselineserver-8647b8f966-2fqw5 ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-09-03T16:49:23Z
app:gold-flutter-baselineserver podName:gold-flutter-baselineserver-8647b8f966-qx2f8 ready:False readyLastTransitionTime:2019-09-03T16:44:49Z
app:gold-flutter-baselineserver podName:gold-flutter-baselineserver-8647b8f966-v7s2g ready:True readyLastTransitionTime:2019-09-30T13:58:37Z
// Generated by printing out the stdout captured in TestMonitor above.
const expectedMonitorStdout = `
Monitoring the following services until they all reach 30 seconds of uptime (polling every 5 seconds):
Waiting 10 seconds before starting the monitoring step.
<None> No gold-chrome-baselineserver
<None> No gold-chrome-diffserver
<None> No gold-chrome-ingestion-bt
0s No gold-chrome-baselineserver
<None> No gold-chrome-diffserver
<None> No gold-chrome-ingestion-bt
5s No gold-chrome-baselineserver
2s No gold-chrome-diffserver
<None> No gold-chrome-ingestion-bt
10s No gold-chrome-baselineserver
7s No gold-chrome-diffserver
1s No gold-chrome-ingestion-bt
15s No gold-chrome-baselineserver
12s No gold-chrome-diffserver
6s No gold-chrome-ingestion-bt
20s No gold-chrome-baselineserver
17s No gold-chrome-diffserver
11s No gold-chrome-ingestion-bt
25s No gold-chrome-baselineserver
22s No gold-chrome-diffserver
16s No gold-chrome-ingestion-bt
30s Yes gold-chrome-baselineserver
27s No gold-chrome-diffserver
21s No gold-chrome-ingestion-bt
35s Yes gold-chrome-baselineserver
32s Yes gold-chrome-diffserver
26s No gold-chrome-ingestion-bt
40s Yes gold-chrome-baselineserver
37s Yes gold-chrome-diffserver
31s Yes gold-chrome-ingestion-bt
// Generated by printing out the stdout captured in TestMonitorDryRun above.
const expectedMonitorDryRunStdout = `
Monitoring the following services until they all reach 30 seconds of uptime (polling every 5 seconds):
Skipping monitoring step (dry run).