blob: f03aca86dbc440b1a2dce9eb9fd069f5c1734fc2 [file] [log] [blame]
// package baseline contains functions to gather the current baseline and
// write them to GCS.
package baseline
import (
// md5SumEmptyExp is the MD5 sum of an empty expectation.
// it is initialized in this file's init().
var md5SumEmptyExp = ""
func init() {
var err error
md5SumEmptyExp, err = util.MD5Sum(types.Expectations{})
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not get the MD5 sum of an empty expectation: %s", err))
// TODO(kjlubick): Add tests for GetBaselinesPerCommit.
// GetBaselinesPerCommit calculates the baselines for each commit in the tile.
// Of note, it only fills out the Positive matches - everything not seen is either untriaged
// or negative.
// If extraCommits is not empty they are assumed to be commits immediately following the commits
// in the given TileInfo and Baselines for these should be essentially copies of the last
// commit in the tile. This covers the case when the current tile is slightly behind all commits
// that have already been added to the repository.
func GetBaselinesPerCommit(exps types.Expectations, tileInfo TileInfo, extraCommits []*tiling.Commit) (map[string]*Baseline, error) {
allCommits := tileInfo.AllCommits()
if len(allCommits) == 0 {
return map[string]*Baseline{}, nil
// Get the baselines for all commits for which we have data and that are not ignored.
denseTile := tileInfo.GetTile(types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces)
denseCommits := tileInfo.DataCommits()
denseBaselines := make(map[string]types.Expectations, len(denseCommits))
// Initialize the expectations for all data commits
for _, commit := range denseCommits {
denseBaselines[commit.Hash] = make(types.Expectations, len(denseTile.Traces))
// Sweep the tile and calculate the baselines.
// For each trace we make a set of triaged, positive digests and for each
// commit on the trace we add that set to the baseline.
for _, trace := range denseTile.Traces {
gTrace := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
currDigests := map[types.Digest]types.Label{}
testName := gTrace.TestName()
for idx := 0; idx < len(denseCommits); idx++ {
digest := gTrace.Digests[idx]
// If the digest is not missing then add the digest to the running list of digests.
if digest != types.MISSING_DIGEST {
if _, ok := currDigests[digest]; !ok {
if cl := exps.Classification(testName, digest); cl == types.POSITIVE {
currDigests[digest] = cl
if len(currDigests) > 0 {
denseBaselines[denseCommits[idx].Hash].AddDigests(testName, currDigests)
// Iterate over all commits. If the tile is sparse we substitute the expectations with the
// expectations of the closest ancestor that has expecations. We also add the commits that
// have landed already, but are not captured in the current tile.
combined := allCommits
if len(extraCommits) > 0 {
combined = make([]*tiling.Commit, 0, len(allCommits)+len(extraCommits))
combined = append(combined, allCommits...)
combined = append(combined, extraCommits...)
ret := make(map[string]*Baseline, len(combined))
var currBL *Baseline = nil
for _, commit := range combined {
bl, ok := denseBaselines[commit.Hash]
if ok {
md5Sum, err := util.MD5Sum(bl)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Error calculating MD5 sum: %s", err)
ret[commit.Hash] = &Baseline{
StartCommit: commit,
EndCommit: commit,
Total: len(denseTile.Traces),
Filled: len(bl),
Expectations: bl,
MD5: md5Sum,
currBL = ret[commit.Hash]
} else if currBL != nil {
// Make a copy of the baseline of the previous commit and update the commit information.
cpBL := *currBL
cpBL.StartCommit = commit
cpBL.EndCommit = commit
ret[commit.Hash] = &cpBL
} else {
// Reaching this point means the first in the dense tile does not align with the first
// commit of the sparse portion of the tile. This a sanity test and should only happen
// in the presence of a programming error or data corruption.
sklog.Errorf("Unable to get baseline for commit %s. It has not commits for immediate ancestors in tile.", commit.Hash)
return ret, nil
// GetBaselineForIssue returns the baseline for the given issue. This baseline
// contains all triaged digests that are not in the master tile.
// Note: CommitDelta, Total and Filled are not relevant for an issue baseline since
// the concept of traces doesn't really make sense for a single commit.
func GetBaselineForIssue(issueID int64, tryjobs []*tryjobstore.Tryjob, tryjobResults [][]*tryjobstore.TryjobResult, exp types.Expectations, commits []*tiling.Commit) (*Baseline, error) {
startCommit := commits[len(commits)-1]
endCommit := commits[len(commits)-1]
b := types.Expectations{}
for idx, tryjob := range tryjobs {
for _, result := range tryjobResults[idx] {
if result.Digest != types.MISSING_DIGEST && exp.Classification(result.TestName, result.Digest) == types.POSITIVE {
b.AddDigest(result.TestName, result.Digest, types.POSITIVE)
_, c := tiling.FindCommit(commits, tryjob.MasterCommit)
startCommit = minCommit(startCommit, c)
endCommit = maxCommit(endCommit, c)
md5Sum, err := util.MD5Sum(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Error calculating MD5 sum: %s", err)
// TODO(stephana): Review whether StartCommit and EndCommit are useful here.
ret := &Baseline{
StartCommit: startCommit,
EndCommit: endCommit,
Expectations: b,
Issue: issueID,
MD5: md5Sum,
return ret, nil
// minCommit returns newCommit if it appears before current (or current is nil).
func minCommit(current *tiling.Commit, newCommit *tiling.Commit) *tiling.Commit {
if current == nil || newCommit == nil || newCommit.CommitTime < current.CommitTime {
return newCommit
return current
// maxCommit returns newCommit if it appears after current (or current is nil).
func maxCommit(current *tiling.Commit, newCommit *tiling.Commit) *tiling.Commit {
if current == nil || newCommit == nil || newCommit.CommitTime > current.CommitTime {
return newCommit
return current