blob: ef7f42440606ec0981bc8cee6aa60e7fdeb73aab [file] [log] [blame]
// summary summarizes the current state of triaging.
package summary
import (
// Summary contains rolled up metrics for one test.
// It is not thread safe. The client of this package needs to make sure there
// are no conflicts.
type Summary struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Diameter int `json:"diameter"`
Pos int `json:"pos"`
Neg int `json:"neg"`
Untriaged int `json:"untriaged"`
UntHashes []string `json:"untHashes"`
Num int `json:"num"`
Corpus string `json:"corpus"`
Blame []*blame.WeightedBlame `json:"blame"`
// clone creates a copy of the summary.
func (s *Summary) clone() *Summary {
ret := &Summary{}
*ret = *s
ret.UntHashes = append([]string(nil), s.UntHashes...)
ret.Blame = append([]*blame.WeightedBlame(nil), s.Blame...)
for idx, b := range s.Blame {
ret.Blame[idx] = &blame.WeightedBlame{}
*ret.Blame[idx] = *b
return ret
// Summaries contains a Summary for each test.
// It also updates itself when Tallies have been updated.
type Summaries struct {
storages *storage.Storage
tallies *tally.Tallies
blamer *blame.Blamer
summaries map[string]*Summary
// New creates a new instance of Summaries.
func New(storages *storage.Storage) *Summaries {
return &Summaries{
storages: storages,
// Clone creates a deep copy of the Summaries instance.
func (s *Summaries) Clone() *Summaries {
copied := make(map[string]*Summary, len(s.summaries))
for k, v := range s.summaries {
copied[k] = v.clone()
return &Summaries{
storages: s.storages,
tallies: s.tallies,
blamer: s.blamer,
summaries: copied,
// Calculate sets the summaries based on the given tile. If testNames is empty
// (or nil) the entire tile will be calculated. Otherwise only the given
// test names will be updated.
func (s *Summaries) Calculate(tile *tiling.Tile, testNames []string, tallies *tally.Tallies, blamer *blame.Blamer) error {
s.tallies = tallies
s.blamer = blamer
summaries, err := s.CalcSummaries(tile, testNames, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to calculate summaries in Calculate: %s", err)
// If testNames were given, we copy the partially updated results.
if testNames == nil {
s.summaries = summaries
} else {
for k, v := range summaries {
s.summaries[k] = v
return nil
// Get returns the summaries keyed by the test names.
func (s *Summaries) Get() map[string]*Summary {
return s.summaries
// TraceID is used to hold traces, along with their ids.
type TraceID struct {
id string
tr tiling.Trace
// CalcSummaries returns a Summary for each test that matches the given input filters.
// testNames
// If not nil or empty then restrict the results to only tests that appear in this slice.
// query
// URL encoded paramset to use for filtering.
// head
// Only consider digests at head if true.
func (s *Summaries) CalcSummaries(tile *tiling.Tile, testNames []string, query url.Values, head bool) (map[string]*Summary, error) {
defer timer.New("CalcSummaries").Stop()
sklog.Infof("CalcSummaries: head %v", head)
ret := map[string]*Summary{}
t := timer.New("CalcSummaries:Expectations")
e, err := s.storages.ExpectationsStore.Get()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't get expectations: %s", err)
// Filter down to just the traces we are interested in, based on query.
filtered := map[string][]*TraceID{}
t = timer.New("Filter Traces")
for id, tr := range tile.Traces {
name := tr.Params()[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
if len(testNames) > 0 && !util.In(name, testNames) {
if tiling.Matches(tr, query) {
if slice, ok := filtered[name]; ok {
filtered[name] = append(slice, &TraceID{tr: tr, id: id})
} else {
filtered[name] = []*TraceID{&TraceID{tr: tr, id: id}}
traceTally := s.tallies.ByTrace()
// Now create summaries for each test using the filtered set of traces.
t = timer.New("Tally up the filtered traces")
lastCommitIndex := tile.LastCommitIndex()
for name, traces := range filtered {
digests := util.NewStringSet()
corpus := ""
for _, trid := range traces {
corpus =[types.CORPUS_FIELD]
if head {
// Find the last non-missing value in the trace.
for i := lastCommitIndex; i >= 0; i-- {
if {
} else {
digests[*types.GoldenTrace).Values[i]] = true
} else {
// Use the traceTally if available, otherwise just inspect the trace.
if t, ok := traceTally[]; ok {
for k, _ := range t {
digests[k] = true
} else {
for i := lastCommitIndex; i >= 0; i-- {
if ! {
digests[*types.GoldenTrace).Values[i]] = true
ret[name] = s.makeSummary(name, e, s.storages.DiffStore, corpus, digests.Keys())
return ret, nil
// DigestInfo is test name and a digest found in that test. Returned from Search.
type DigestInfo struct {
Test string `json:"test"`
Digest string `json:"digest"`
// TODO(stephana): search should probably be removed because it is not used
// anywhere.
// search returns a slice of DigestInfo with all the digests that match the given query parameters.
// Note that unlike CalcSummaries the results aren't restricted by test name.
// Also note that the result can include positive and negative digests.
func (s *Summaries) search(tile *tiling.Tile, query string, head bool, pos bool, neg bool, unt bool) ([]DigestInfo, error) {
q, err := url.ParseQuery(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse Query in Search: %s", err)
t := timer.New("Search:Expectations")
e, err := s.storages.ExpectationsStore.Get()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't get expectations: %s", err)
// Filter down to just the traces we are interested in, based on query.
filtered := map[string]tiling.Trace{}
t = timer.New("Filter Traces")
for id, tr := range tile.Traces {
if tiling.Matches(tr, q) {
filtered[id] = tr
traceTally := s.tallies.ByTrace()
// Find all test:digest's in the filtered traces.
matches := map[string]bool{}
t = timer.New("Tally up the filtered traces")
lastCommitIndex := tile.LastCommitIndex()
for id, trace := range filtered {
test := trace.Params()[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
if head {
// Find the last non-missing value in the trace.
for i := lastCommitIndex; i >= 0; i-- {
if trace.IsMissing(i) {
} else {
matches[test+":"+trace.(*types.GoldenTrace).Values[i]] = true
} else {
if t, ok := traceTally[id]; ok {
for d, _ := range t {
matches[test+":"+d] = true
// Now create DigestInfo for each test:digest found, filtering out
// digests with that don't match the triage classification.
ret := []DigestInfo{}
for key, _ := range matches {
testDigest := strings.Split(key, ":")
if len(testDigest) != 2 {
sklog.Errorf("Invalid test name or digest value: %s", key)
test := testDigest[0]
digest := testDigest[1]
class := e.Classification(test, digest)
switch {
case class == types.NEGATIVE && !neg:
case class == types.POSITIVE && !pos:
case class == types.UNTRIAGED && !unt:
ret = append(ret, DigestInfo{
Test: test,
Digest: digest,
return ret, nil
// makeSummary returns a Summary for the given digests.
func (s *Summaries) makeSummary(name string, e *expstorage.Expectations, diffStore diff.DiffStore, corpus string, digests []string) *Summary {
pos := 0
neg := 0
unt := 0
diamDigests := []string{}
untHashes := []string{}
if expectations, ok := e.Tests[name]; ok {
for _, digest := range digests {
if dtype, ok := expectations[digest]; ok {
switch dtype {
case types.UNTRIAGED:
unt += 1
diamDigests = append(diamDigests, digest)
untHashes = append(untHashes, digest)
case types.NEGATIVE:
neg += 1
case types.POSITIVE:
pos += 1
diamDigests = append(diamDigests, digest)
} else {
unt += 1
diamDigests = append(diamDigests, digest)
untHashes = append(untHashes, digest)
} else {
unt += len(digests)
diamDigests = digests
untHashes = digests
return &Summary{
Name: name,
// TODO(jcgregorio) Make diameter faster, and also make the actual diameter
// metric better. Until then disable it. Diameter: diameter(diamDigests,
// diffStore),
Diameter: 0,
Pos: pos,
Neg: neg,
Untriaged: unt,
UntHashes: untHashes,
Num: pos + neg + unt,
Corpus: corpus,
Blame: s.blamer.GetBlamesForTest(name),
func diameter(digests []string, diffStore diff.DiffStore) int {
// TODO Parallelize.
lock := sync.Mutex{}
max := 0
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for {
if len(digests) <= 2 {
go func(d1 string, d2 []string) {
defer wg.Done()
dms, err := diffStore.Get(diff.PRIORITY_NOW, d1, d2)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Unable to get diff: %s", err)
localMax := 0
for _, dm := range dms {
if dm.NumDiffPixels > localMax {
localMax = dm.NumDiffPixels
defer lock.Unlock()
if localMax > max {
max = localMax
}(digests[0], digests[1:2])
digests = digests[1:]
return max