blob: a6379a1ebffb24713a7cfc85cb19806d145b972e [file] [log] [blame]
package diff
import (
one_by_five ""
func TestDiffMetrics(t *testing.T) {
// Assert different images with the same dimensions.
assertDiffs(t, "4029959456464745507", "16465366847175223174",
NumDiffPixels: 16,
CombinedMetric: 0.04604,
PixelDiffPercent: 0.0064,
MaxRGBADiffs: [4]int{54, 100, 125, 0},
DimDiffer: false})
assertDiffs(t, "5024150605949408692", "11069776588985027208",
NumDiffPixels: 2233,
CombinedMetric: 0.04185,
PixelDiffPercent: 0.8932,
MaxRGBADiffs: [4]int{0, 0, 1, 0},
DimDiffer: false})
// Assert the same image.
assertDiffs(t, "5024150605949408692", "5024150605949408692",
NumDiffPixels: 0,
CombinedMetric: 0,
PixelDiffPercent: 0,
MaxRGBADiffs: [4]int{0, 0, 0, 0},
DimDiffer: false})
// Assert different images with different dimensions.
assertDiffs(t, "ffce5042b4ac4a57bd7c8657b557d495", "fffbcca7e8913ec45b88cc2c6a3a73ad",
NumDiffPixels: 571674,
CombinedMetric: 8.79528,
PixelDiffPercent: 89.32407,
MaxRGBADiffs: [4]int{255, 255, 255, 0},
DimDiffer: true})
// Assert with images that match in dimensions but where all pixels differ.
assertDiffs(t, "4029959456464745507", "4029959456464745507-inverted",
NumDiffPixels: 250000,
CombinedMetric: 9.30605,
PixelDiffPercent: 100.0,
MaxRGBADiffs: [4]int{255, 255, 255, 0},
DimDiffer: false})
// Assert different images where neither fits into the other.
assertDiffs(t, "fffbcca7e8913ec45b88cc2c6a3a73ad", "fffbcca7e8913ec45b88cc2c6a3a73ad-rotated",
NumDiffPixels: 172466,
CombinedMetric: 8.05148,
PixelDiffPercent: 74.85503,
MaxRGBADiffs: [4]int{255, 255, 255, 0},
DimDiffer: true})
// Make sure the metric is symmetric.
assertDiffs(t, "fffbcca7e8913ec45b88cc2c6a3a73ad-rotated", "fffbcca7e8913ec45b88cc2c6a3a73ad",
NumDiffPixels: 172466,
CombinedMetric: 8.05148,
PixelDiffPercent: 74.85503,
MaxRGBADiffs: [4]int{255, 255, 255, 0},
DimDiffer: true})
// Compare two images where one has an alpha channel and the other doesn't.
assertDiffs(t, "b716a12d5b98d04b15db1d9dd82c82ea", "df1591dde35907399734ea19feb76663",
NumDiffPixels: 8750,
CombinedMetric: 1.41919,
PixelDiffPercent: 2.84831,
MaxRGBADiffs: [4]int{255, 2, 255, 0},
DimDiffer: false})
// Compare two images where the alpha differs.
assertDiffs(t, "df1591dde35907399734ea19feb76663", "df1591dde35907399734ea19feb76663-6-alpha-diff",
NumDiffPixels: 6,
CombinedMetric: 0.03,
PixelDiffPercent: 0.00195,
MaxRGBADiffs: [4]int{0, 0, 0, 235},
DimDiffer: false})
// lineDiff lists the differences in the lines of a and b.
func lineDiff(t *testing.T, a, b string) {
aslice := strings.Split(a, "\n")
bslice := strings.Split(b, "\n")
if len(aslice) != len(bslice) {
t.Fatal("Can't diff text, mismatched number of lines.\n")
for i, s := range aslice {
if s != bslice[i] {
t.Errorf("Line %d: %q != %q\n", i+1, s, bslice[i])
// assertImagesEqual asserts that the two images are identical.
func assertImagesEqual(t *testing.T, got, want *image.NRGBA) {
// Do the compare by converting them to sktext format and doing a string
// compare.
gotbuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := text.Encode(gotbuf, got); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to encode: %s", err)
wantbuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := text.Encode(wantbuf, want); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to encode: %s", err)
if gotbuf.String() != wantbuf.String() {
t.Errorf("Pixel mismatch:\nGot:\n\n%v\n\nWant:\n\n%v\n", gotbuf, wantbuf)
// Also print out the lines that are different, to make debugging easier.
lineDiff(t, gotbuf.String(), wantbuf.String())
// assertDiffMatch asserts that you get expected when you diff
// src1 and src2.
// Note that all images are in sktext format as strings.
func assertDiffMatch(t *testing.T, expected, src1, src2 string, expectedDiffMetrics ...*DiffMetrics) {
dm, got := PixelDiff(text.MustToNRGBA(src1), text.MustToNRGBA(src2))
want := text.MustToNRGBA(expected)
assertImagesEqual(t, got, want)
for _, expDM := range expectedDiffMetrics {
assert.Equal(t, expDM, dm)
// TestDiffImages tests that the diff images produced are correct.
func TestDiffImages(t *testing.T) {
assertDiffMatch(t, one_by_five.DiffNone, one_by_five.ImageOne, one_by_five.ImageOne)
assertDiffMatch(t, one_by_five.DiffNone, one_by_five.ImageTwo, one_by_five.ImageTwo)
assertDiffMatch(t, one_by_five.DiffImageOneAndTwo, one_by_five.ImageOne, one_by_five.ImageTwo)
assertDiffMatch(t, one_by_five.DiffImageOneAndTwo, one_by_five.ImageTwo, one_by_five.ImageOne)
assertDiffMatch(t, one_by_five.DiffImageOneAndThree, one_by_five.ImageThree, one_by_five.ImageOne)
assertDiffMatch(t, one_by_five.DiffImageOneAndThree, one_by_five.ImageOne, one_by_five.ImageThree)
assertDiffMatch(t, one_by_five.DiffImageOneAndFour, one_by_five.ImageOne, one_by_five.ImageFour)
assertDiffMatch(t, one_by_five.DiffImageOneAndFour, one_by_five.ImageFour, one_by_five.ImageOne)
assertDiffMatch(t, one_by_five.DiffImageTwoAndFive, one_by_five.ImageTwo, one_by_five.ImageFive, &DiffMetrics{
NumDiffPixels: 24,
PixelDiffPercent: (24.0 / 25.0) * 100,
MaxRGBADiffs: [4]int{0, 0, 0, 0},
DimDiffer: true,
// assertDiffs asserts that the DiffMetrics reported by Diffing the two images
// matches the expected DiffMetrics.
func assertDiffs(t *testing.T, d1, d2 string, expectedDiffMetrics *DiffMetrics) {
img1 := openNRGBAFromFile(t, d1+".png")
img2 := openNRGBAFromFile(t, d2+".png")
diffMetrics := ComputeDiffMetrics(img1, img2)
diffMetrics.PixelDiffPercent = roundToDecimalPlace(diffMetrics.PixelDiffPercent, 5)
diffMetrics.CombinedMetric = roundToDecimalPlace(diffMetrics.CombinedMetric, 5)
assert.Equal(t, expectedDiffMetrics, diffMetrics)
func roundToDecimalPlace(num float32, places int) float32 {
exp := math.Pow(10, float64(places))
scaledUp := float64(num) * exp
scaledUp = math.Round(scaledUp)
return float32(scaledUp / exp)
func TestDeltaOffset(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
offset int
want int
offset: 1,
want: 0,
offset: 2,
want: 1,
offset: 5,
want: 1,
offset: 6,
want: 2,
offset: 100,
want: 4,
offset: 1024,
want: 6,
for _, tc := range testCases {
if got, want := deltaOffset(tc.offset), tc.want; got != want {
t.Errorf("deltaOffset(%d): Got %v Want %v", tc.offset, got, want)
func TestCombinedDiffMetric(t *testing.T) {
assert.InDelta(t, 10.0, CombinedDiffMetric([4]int{255, 255, 255, 255}, 100.0), 0.000001)
assert.InDelta(t, 1.0, CombinedDiffMetric([4]int{255, 255, 255, 255}, 1.0), 0.000001)
assert.InDelta(t, math.Sqrt(0.5), CombinedDiffMetric([4]int{255, 255, 255, 255}, 0.5), 0.000001)
func benchmarkDiff(b *testing.B, img1, img2 image.Image) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
PixelDiff(img1, img2)
const (
img1 = "4029959456464745507.png" // 500x500.
img2 = "4029959456464745507-inverted.png" // 500x500.
img3 = "b716a12d5b98d04b15db1d9dd82c82ea.png" // 640x480.
func BenchmarkDiffIdentical(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkDiff(b, openNRGBAFromFile(b, img1), openNRGBAFromFile(b, img1))
func BenchmarkDiffSameSize(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkDiff(b, openNRGBAFromFile(b, img1), openNRGBAFromFile(b, img2))
func BenchmarkDiffDifferentSize(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkDiff(b, openNRGBAFromFile(b, img1), openNRGBAFromFile(b, img3))
// openNRGBAFromFile opens the given file path to a PNG file and returns the image as image.NRGBA.
func openNRGBAFromFile(t testing.TB, fileName string) *image.NRGBA {
b := testutils.ReadFileBytes(t, fileName)
im, err := png.Decode(bytes.NewReader(b))
require.NoError(t, err, "invalid png file %s", fileName)
return GetNRGBA(im)