blob: 0bcc9525bf641df5b83d3f3b4709c900d9f2ee58 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module modules/dots-sk
* @description <h2><code>dots-sk</code></h2>
* A custom element for displaying a dot chart of digests by trace, such as:
* ooo-o-o-oo
* @evt showblamelist - Event generated when a dot is clicked. e.detail contains
* the blamelist (an array of commits that could have made up that dot).
* @evt hover - Event generated when the mouse hovers over a trace. e.detail is
* the trace id.
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import {
} from './constants';
import { Commit, Trace, TraceGroup } from '../rpc_types';
// Array of dots-sk component instances. A dots-sk instance is present if it has a pending
// mousemove update.
const dotsSkInstancesWithPendingMouseMoveUpdates: DotsSk[] = [];
// Periodically process all pending mousemoves. We do not want to do any work on a mouse move event
// as that can very easily degrade browser performance, e.g. as the user drags the mouse pointer
// over the element. Processing mouse events in batches remedies this.
setInterval(() => {
while (dotsSkInstancesWithPendingMouseMoveUpdates.length > 0) {
const dotsSk = dotsSkInstancesWithPendingMouseMoveUpdates.pop()!;
}, 40);
export class DotsSk extends ElementSk {
private static template = () => html`<canvas></canvas>`;
private canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null = null;
private ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D | null = null;
private _commits: Commit[] = [];
private _value: TraceGroup = {tileSize: 0, traces: [], digests: [], total_digests: 0};
// The index of the trace that should be highlighted.
private hoverIndex = -1;
private hasScrolledOnce = false;
// For capturing the last mousemove event, which is later processed in a timer.
private lastMouseMove: MouseEvent | null = null;
constructor() {
// Explicitly bind event handler methods to this.
this.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this);
this.onMouseLeave = this.onMouseLeave.bind(this);
this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
connectedCallback() {
this.canvas = $$('canvas', this);
this.canvas!.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove);
this.canvas!.addEventListener('mouseleave', this.onMouseLeave);
this.canvas!.addEventListener('click', this.onClick);
this.ctx = this.canvas!.getContext('2d');
disconnectedCallback() {
this.canvas!.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove);
this.canvas!.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this.onMouseLeave);
this.canvas!.removeEventListener('click', this.onClick);
this.hasScrolledOnce = false;
* The TraceGroup to display, e.g.:
* {
* tileSize: 50,
* traces: [
* {
* label: "some:trace:id",
* data: [0, 1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -1, 2, ...],
* },
* ...
* ]
* }
* Where the content of the data array are color codes; 0 is the target digest, while 1-6
* indicate unique digests that are different from the target digest. A code of -1 means no data
* for the corresponding commit. A code of 7 means that there are 8 or more unique digests in the
* trace and all digests after the first 8 unique digests are represented by this code. The
* highest index of data is the most recent data point.
get value(): TraceGroup { return this._value; }
set value(value: TraceGroup) {
if (!value || (value.tileSize === 0)) {
this._value = value;
if (this._connected) {
/** An array of Commits associated with the TraceGroup to display. */
get commits(): Commit[] { return this._commits; }
set commits(commits: Commit[]) { this._commits = commits; }
* Scrolls the traces all the way to the right, showing the newest first. It will only do this
* on the first call, so as to avoid undoing the user manually scrolling left to see older
* history.
autoscroll() {
if (!this.hasScrolledOnce) {
this.hasScrolledOnce = true;
this.scroll(this.scrollWidth, 0);
/** Draws the entire canvas. */
private draw() {
const w = (this._value.tileSize - 1) * DOT_SCALE_X + 2 * DOT_OFFSET_X;
const h = (this._value.traces!.length - 1) * DOT_SCALE_Y + 2 * DOT_OFFSET_Y;
this.canvas!.setAttribute('width', `${w}px`);
this.canvas!.setAttribute('height', `${h}px`);
// First clear the canvas.
this.ctx!.lineWidth = STROKE_WIDTH;
this.ctx!.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF';
this.ctx!.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
// Draw lines and dots.
this._value.traces!.forEach((trace, traceIndex) => {
this.ctx!.strokeStyle = TRACE_LINE_COLOR;
const firstNonMissingDot =!.findIndex((dot) => dot !== MISSING_DOT);
let lastNonMissingDot = -1;
for (let i =!.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (![i] !== MISSING_DOT) {
lastNonMissingDot = i;
if (firstNonMissingDot < 0 || lastNonMissingDot < 0) {
// Trace was all missing data, so nothing to draw. This should never happen, such a trace
// would not be included in search results.
console.warn(`trace with id ${trace.label} was unexpectedly empty`);
this.drawTraceDots(!, traceIndex);
/** Draws the circles for a single trace. */
private drawTraceDots(colors: number[], y: number) {
colors.forEach((c, x) => {
// We don't draw a dot when it is missing.
if (c === MISSING_DOT) {
this.ctx!.strokeStyle = this.getColorSafe(DOT_STROKE_COLORS, c);
this.ctx!.fillStyle = (this.hoverIndex === y)
: this.getColorSafe(DOT_FILL_COLORS, c);
dotToCanvasX(x), dotToCanvasY(y), DOT_RADIUS, 0, Math.PI * 2,
* Used to index into the dot color arrays (DOT_STROKE_COLORS, etc.). Returns
* the last color in the array if the given unique digest index exceeds
* This assumes that the color array is of length MAX_UNIQUE_DIGESTS + 1.
private getColorSafe(colorArray: string[], uniqueDigestIndex: number): string {
return colorArray[Math.min(colorArray.length - 1, uniqueDigestIndex)];
/** Redraws just the circles for a single trace. */
private redrawTraceDots(traceIndex: number) {
const trace = this._value.traces![traceIndex];
if (!trace) {
this.drawTraceDots(!, traceIndex);
private onMouseLeave() {
const oldHoverIndex = this.hoverIndex;
this.hoverIndex = -1;
this.lastMouseMove = null;
private onMouseMove(e: MouseEvent) {
this.lastMouseMove = e;
/** Gets the coordinates of the mouse event in dot coordinates. */
private mouseEventToDotSpace(e: MouseEvent) {
const rect = this.canvas!.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = (e.clientX - rect.left - DOT_OFFSET_X + STROKE_WIDTH + DOT_RADIUS)
const y = (e.clientY - - DOT_OFFSET_Y + STROKE_WIDTH + DOT_RADIUS)
return { x: Math.floor(x), y: Math.floor(y) };
* We look at the mousemove event, if one occurred, to determine which trace to highlight.
* Not part of the public API.
updatePendingMouseMove() {
if (!this.lastMouseMove) {
const dotCoords = this.mouseEventToDotSpace(this.lastMouseMove);
this.lastMouseMove = null;
// If the focus has moved to a different trace then draw the two changing
// traces.
if (this.hoverIndex !== dotCoords.y) {
const oldIndex = this.hoverIndex;
this.hoverIndex = dotCoords.y;
if (this.hoverIndex >= 0
&& this.hoverIndex < this._value.traces!.length) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('hover', {
bubbles: true,
detail: this._value.traces![this.hoverIndex].label,
// Just update the dots of the traces that have changed.
// Set the cursor to a pointer if you are hovering over a dot.
let found = false;
const trace = this._value.traces![dotCoords.y];
if (trace) {
for (let i =!.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const dot =![dotCoords.x]
if (dot !== undefined && dot !== MISSING_DOT ) {
found = true;
} = (found) ? 'pointer' : 'auto';
* When a dot is clicked on, produce the showblamelist event with the blamelist; that is, all the
* commits that are included up to and including that dot.
private onClick(e: MouseEvent) {
const dotCoords = this.mouseEventToDotSpace(e);
const trace = this._value.traces![dotCoords.y];
if (!trace) {
return; // Misclick, likely.
const blamelist = this.computeBlamelist(trace, dotCoords.x);
if (!blamelist) {
return; // No blamelist if there's no dot at that X coord, i.e. misclick.
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('showblamelist', {
bubbles: true,
detail: blamelist,
* Takes a trace and the X coordinate of a dot in that trace and returns the blamelist for that
* dot. The blamelist includes the commit corresponding to the dot, and if the dot is preceded by
* any missing dots, then their corresponding commits will be included as well.
private computeBlamelist(trace: Trace, x: number) {
if (![x] === MISSING_DOT) {
// Can happen if there's no dot at that X coord, e.g. misclick.
return null;
// Look backwards in the trace for the previous commit with data. If none,
// 0 is a fine index to compute the blamelist from.
let lastNonMissingIndex = 0;
for (let i = x - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (![i] !== MISSING_DOT) {
// We include the last non-missing data in our slice because the slice of commits that
// Gold returns is not the complete history - Gold elides commits that have no data.
// This is potentially a problem in the following scenario:
// - commit 1 has correct data
// - commit 2 has correct data
// - commit 3 has no data, but introduced a bug (and would have produced incorrect data)
// - commit 4 has incorrect data
// In this case, we need to make sure we can create a blamelist that starts on the first
// real commit after commit 2. Therefore, we include commit 2 in the list, which GitHub
// and googlesource will automatically elide when we ask for a range of history (in
// blamelist-panel-sk). If there were no preceding missing digests, this will equal x-1.
lastNonMissingIndex = i;
const blamelist = this._commits.slice(lastNonMissingIndex, x + 1);
return blamelist;
define('dots-sk', DotsSk);