blob: 3abc74993eedf490ca75d2a8b36a127edbbe4d6e [file] [log] [blame]
package db
import (
const (
// CommitIDLong contains more detailed information about each commit,
// regardless of whether it came from an actual commit or a trybot.
type CommitIDLong struct {
Author string `json:"author"`
Desc string `json:"desc"`
// Details contains the related information either from git or a codereview system..
// A nil value means the codereview system failed to respond or the issue was not available.
Details interface{} `json:"-"`
// BranchTileBuilder is a high level interface to build tiles base on a datasource that
// originated via a version control system or from a code review system via trybot
// runs.
type BranchTileBuilder interface {
// ListLong returns a slice of CommitIDLongs that appear in the given time
// range from begin to end, and may be filtered by the 'source' parameter. If
// 'source' is the empty string then no filtering is done.
ListLong(begin, end time.Time, source string) ([]*CommitIDLong, error)
// CachedTileFromCommits creates a tile from the given commits. The tile is cached.
CachedTileFromCommits(commits []*CommitID) (*tiling.Tile, error)
// cachedTile is used in the caching of tiles. It holds the tile and the md5
// hashes of the data that make up the tile.
type cachedTile struct {
tile *tiling.Tile
md5 string
// tileBuilder implements BranchTileBuilder.
type tileBuilder struct {
db DB
vcs vcsinfo.VCS
rietveldReview *rietveld.Rietveld
rietveldReviewURL string
rietveldIssueCache *rietveld.CodeReviewCache
gerritReview *gerrit.Gerrit
gerritReviewURL string
gerritChangeInfoCache *gerrit.CodeReviewCache
// tcache is a cache for tiles built from CachedTileFromCommits, it stores 'cachedTile's.
tcache *lru.Cache
// mutex protects access to the caches.
mutex sync.Mutex
// NewBranchTileBuilder returns an instance of BranchTileBuilder that allows
// creating tiles based on the given VCS or code review system based on
// querying db.
// TODO(stephana): The EventBus is used to update the internal cache as commits are updated.
func NewBranchTileBuilder(db DB, vcs vcsinfo.VCS, rietveldReview *rietveld.Rietveld, gerritReview *gerrit.Gerrit, evt *eventbus.EventBus) BranchTileBuilder {
return &tileBuilder{
db: db,
vcs: vcs,
rietveldReview: rietveldReview,
rietveldReviewURL: rietveldReview.Url(0),
rietveldIssueCache: rietveld.NewCodeReviewCache(rietveldReview, time.Minute, MAX_ISSUE_CACHE_SIZE),
gerritReview: gerritReview,
gerritReviewURL: gerritReview.Url(0),
gerritChangeInfoCache: gerrit.NewCodeReviewCache(gerritReview, time.Minute, MAX_ISSUE_CACHE_SIZE),
tcache: lru.New(MAX_TILE_CACHE_SIZE),
// CachedTileFromCommits returns a tile built from the given commits. The tiles are
// cached to speed up subsequent requests.
func (b *tileBuilder) CachedTileFromCommits(commits []*CommitID) (*tiling.Tile, error) {
key := ""
for _, cid := range commits {
key += cid.String()
md5 := ""
if hashes, err := b.db.ListMD5(commits); err == nil {
md5 = strings.Join(hashes, "")
sklog.Infof("Got md5: %s", md5)
} else {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to load the md5 hashes for a slice of commits: %s", err)
// Determine if we need to fetch a fresh tile from tracedb.
getFreshTile := false
interfaceCacheEntry, ok := b.tcache.Get(key)
var tileCacheEntry *cachedTile = nil
if !ok {
getFreshTile = true
} else {
tileCacheEntry, ok = interfaceCacheEntry.(*cachedTile)
if !ok {
getFreshTile = true
} else if md5 != tileCacheEntry.md5 {
getFreshTile = true
if getFreshTile {
sklog.Info("Tile is missing or expired.")
tile, hashes, err := b.db.TileFromCommits(commits)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to create fresh tile: %s", err)
md5 := strings.Join(hashes, "")
if md5 == "" {
sklog.Errorf("Not caching, didn't get a valid set of hashes, is traceserverd out of date? : %s", key)
} else {
b.tcache.Add(key, &cachedTile{
tile: tile,
md5: strings.Join(hashes, ""),
return tile, nil
} else {
return tileCacheEntry.tile, nil
// See the TileBuilder interface.
func (b *tileBuilder) ListLong(begin, end time.Time, source string) ([]*CommitIDLong, error) {
commitIDs, err := b.db.List(begin, end)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error while looking up commits: %s", err)
return b.convertToLongCommits(commitIDs, source), nil
// ShortFromLong converts a slice of CommitIDLong to a slice of CommitID.
func ShortFromLong(commitIDs []*CommitIDLong) []*CommitID {
shortCids := make([]*CommitID, len(commitIDs))
for idx, cid := range commitIDs {
shortCids[idx] = cid.CommitID
return shortCids
// convertToLongCommits converts the CommitIDs into CommitIDLong's, after
// potentially filtering the slice based on the provided source.
func (b *tileBuilder) convertToLongCommits(commitIDs []*CommitID, source string) []*CommitIDLong {
// Filter
if source != "" {
dst := make([]*CommitID, 0, len(commitIDs))
for _, cid := range commitIDs {
if strings.HasPrefix(cid.Source, source) {
dst = append(dst, cid)
commitIDs = dst
// Convert to CommitIDLong.
results := []*CommitIDLong{}
for _, cid := range commitIDs {
results = append(results, &CommitIDLong{
CommitID: cid,
Details: nil,
// Populate Author and Desc from gitinfo or code review systems as appropriate.
// Caching Rietveld info as needed.
for _, c := range results {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Source, b.rietveldReviewURL) {
// Rietveld
issueInfo, err := b.getRietveldIssue(c.Source)
if err != nil {
// Only a warning since users can delete Rietveld issues.
sklog.Warningf("Failed to get details for commit from Rietveld %s: %s", c.ID, err)
c.Author = issueInfo.Owner
c.Desc = issueInfo.Subject
c.Details = issueInfo
} else if strings.HasPrefix(c.Source, b.gerritReviewURL) {
changeInfo, err := b.getGerritIssue(c.Source)
if err != nil {
// Only a warning since users can delete Gerrit issues.
sklog.Warningf("Failed to get details for commit from Gerrit %s: %s", c.ID, err)
c.Author = changeInfo.Owner.Email
c.Desc = changeInfo.Subject
c.Details = changeInfo
} else {
// vcsinfo
details, err := b.vcs.Details(c.ID, true)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to get details for commit from Git %s: %s", c.ID, err)
c.Author = details.Author
c.Desc = details.Subject
c.Details = details
return results
// getRietveldIssue parses the source, which looks like
// "" and returns information about
// the issue from Rietveld.
func (b *tileBuilder) getRietveldIssue(source string) (*rietveld.Issue, error) {
u, err := url.Parse(source)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse trybot source: %s", err)
issueStr := u.Path[1:]
issueInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(issueStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to convert Rietveld issue id: %s", err)
var issue *rietveld.Issue
var ok bool
if issue, ok = b.rietveldIssueCache.Get(issueInt); !ok {
issue, err = b.rietveldReview.GetIssueProperties(int64(issueInt), false)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get details for review %s: %s", source, err)
b.rietveldIssueCache.Add(issueInt, issue)
return issue, nil
// getGerritIssue parses the source, which should look like
// and returns information about
// the issue from Gerrit.
func (b *tileBuilder) getGerritIssue(source string) (*gerrit.ChangeInfo, error) {
u, err := url.Parse(source)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse trybot source: %s", err)
splitPath := strings.Split(strings.Trim(u.Path, "/"), "/")
if (len(splitPath) != 2) || (splitPath[0] != "c") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing Gerrit URL. Path format should be /c/<id>. Got %s", u.Path)
changeInfoID, err := strconv.ParseInt(splitPath[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to convert Gerrit issue id: %s. Got error: %s", splitPath[1], err)
var changeInfo *gerrit.ChangeInfo
var ok bool
if changeInfo, ok = b.gerritChangeInfoCache.Get(changeInfoID); !ok {
changeInfo, err = b.gerritReview.GetIssueProperties(changeInfoID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get details for Gerrit CL %s: %s", source, err)
b.gerritChangeInfoCache.Add(changeInfoID, changeInfo)
return changeInfo, nil