blob: 28f85a9d6d0eb324b4bd9fe019cc5b7855d110f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package ref_differ contains routines to calculate reference diffs for digests.
package ref_differ
import (
type SQLImpl struct {
sqlDB *pgxpool.Pool
exp expectations.Classifier
idx indexer.IndexSearcher
// NewSQLImpl returns an implementation of FillRefDiffs that pulls diff metrics from
// FillRefDiffs
func NewSQLImpl(sqlDB *pgxpool.Pool, exp expectations.Classifier, idx indexer.IndexSearcher) *SQLImpl {
return &SQLImpl{
sqlDB: sqlDB,
exp: exp,
idx: idx,
// FillRefDiffs fills in d with the closest negative and positive images (digests) to it.
// It uses "metric" to determine "closeness". If match is non-nil, it only returns those
// digests that match d's params for the keys in match. If rhsQuery is not empty, it only
// compares against digests that match rhsQuery.
func (s *SQLImpl) FillRefDiffs(ctx context.Context, d *frontend.SearchResult, metric string, match []string, rhsQuery paramtools.ParamSet, iState types.IgnoreState) error {
paramsByDigest := s.idx.GetParamsetSummaryByTest(iState)[d.Test]
// TODO(kjlubick) maybe make this use an errgroup
posDigests := getDigestsWithLabel(s.exp, d, match, paramsByDigest, rhsQuery, expectations.Positive)
negDigests := getDigestsWithLabel(s.exp, d, match, paramsByDigest, rhsQuery, expectations.Negative)
var err error
ret := make(map[common.RefClosest]*frontend.SRDiffDigest, 2)
ret[common.PositiveRef], err = s.getClosestDiff(ctx, metric, d.Digest, posDigests)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching positive diffs")
ret[common.NegativeRef], err = s.getClosestDiff(ctx, metric, d.Digest, negDigests)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching negative diffs")
// Find the minimum according to the diff metric.
closest := common.NoRef
minDiff := float32(math.Inf(1))
for ref, srdd := range ret {
if srdd != nil {
// Fill in the missing fields.
srdd.Status = s.exp.Classification(d.Test, srdd.Digest)
srdd.ParamSet = paramsByDigest[srdd.Digest]
// Find the minimum.
if srdd.QueryMetric < minDiff {
closest = ref
minDiff = srdd.QueryMetric
d.ClosestRef = closest
d.RefDiffs = ret
return nil
// getClosestDiff returns the closest diff between a digest and a set of digest. It uses the
// provided metric as a measure of closeness.
func (s *SQLImpl) getClosestDiff(ctx context.Context, metric string, left types.Digest, rightDigests types.DigestSlice) (*frontend.SRDiffDigest, error) {
if len(rightDigests) == 0 {
return nil, nil
const baseStatement = `SELECT encode(right_digest, 'hex'), num_pixels_diff, percent_pixels_diff, max_rgba_diffs,
combined_metric, dimensions_differ
FROM DiffMetrics AS OF SYSTEM TIME '-0.1s'
WHERE left_digest = $1 AND right_digest IN `
orderStatement := ` ORDER BY combined_metric ASC LIMIT 1`
switch metric {
case query.PercentMetric:
orderStatement = ` ORDER BY percent_pixels_diff ASC LIMIT 1`
case query.PixelMetric:
orderStatement = ` ORDER BY num_pixels_diff ASC LIMIT 1`
vp := sql.ValuesPlaceholders(len(rightDigests)+1, 1)
arguments := make([]interface{}, 0, len(rightDigests)+1)
lb, err := sql.DigestToBytes(left)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
arguments = append(arguments, lb)
for _, d := range rightDigests {
b, err := sql.DigestToBytes(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
arguments = append(arguments, b)
row := s.sqlDB.QueryRow(ctx, baseStatement+vp+orderStatement, arguments...)
rv := frontend.SRDiffDigest{}
err = row.Scan(&rv.Digest, &rv.NumDiffPixels, &rv.PixelDiffPercent, &rv.MaxRGBADiffs,
&rv.CombinedMetric, &rv.DimDiffer)
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "finding closest diff using %s and %d right digests", left, len(rightDigests))
rv.QueryMetric = rv.CombinedMetric
switch metric {
case query.PercentMetric:
rv.QueryMetric = rv.PixelDiffPercent
case query.PixelMetric:
rv.QueryMetric = float32(rv.NumDiffPixels)
return &rv, nil
// getDigestsWithLabel return all digests within the given test that
// have the given label assigned to them and where the parameters
// listed in 'match' match.
func getDigestsWithLabel(exp expectations.Classifier, s *frontend.SearchResult, match []string, paramsByDigest map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet, rhsQuery paramtools.ParamSet, targetLabel expectations.Label) types.DigestSlice {
ret := types.DigestSlice{}
for d, digestParams := range paramsByDigest {
// Accept all digests that are: in the set of allowed digests
// match the target label and where the required
// parameter fields match.
if (len(rhsQuery) == 0 || rhsQuery.Matches(digestParams)) &&
(exp.Classification(s.Test, d) == targetLabel) &&
paramSetsMatch(match, s.ParamSet, digestParams) {
ret = append(ret, d)
// Sort for determinism
return ret
// paramSetsMatch returns true if the two param sets have matching values for the parameters listed
// in 'match'. If one of them is nil or completely empty there is always a match.
func paramSetsMatch(match []string, p1, p2 paramtools.ParamSet) bool {
if len(p1) == 0 || len(p2) == 0 {
return true
for _, paramKey := range match {
vals1, ok1 := p1[paramKey]
vals2, ok2 := p2[paramKey]
if !ok1 || !ok2 {
return false
found := false
for _, v := range vals1 {
if util.In(v, vals2) {
found = true
if !found {
return false
return true