blob: d16175f3cb2b7ce72126d1af0ab1f0924fef8a00 [file] [log] [blame]
package metrics2
import (
var (
// invalidChar is used to force metric and tag names to conform to Prometheus's restrictions.
invalidChar = regexp.MustCompile("([^a-zA-Z0-9_:])")
func clean(s string) string {
if invalidChar.MatchString(s) {
glog.Warningf("Hey, metrics string %s should not have invalid characters in it", s)
return invalidChar.ReplaceAllLiteralString(s, "_")
// promInt64 implements the Int64Metric interface.
type promInt64 struct {
// i tracks the value of the gauge, because prometheus client lib doesn't
// support get on Gauge values.
i int64
gauge prometheus.Gauge
delete func() error
func (m *promInt64) Get() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&(m.i))
func (m *promInt64) Update(v int64) {
atomic.StoreInt64(&(m.i), v)
func (m *promInt64) Delete() error {
return m.delete()
// promFloat64 implements the Float64Metric interface.
type promFloat64 struct {
// i tracks the value of the gauge, because prometheus client lib doesn't
// support get on Gauge values.
mutex sync.Mutex
i float64
gauge prometheus.Gauge
delete func() error
func (m *promFloat64) Get() float64 {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
return m.i
func (m *promFloat64) Update(v float64) {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
m.i = v
func (m *promFloat64) Delete() error {
return m.delete()
// promFloat64Summary implements the Float64Metric interface.
type promFloat64Summary struct {
observer prometheus.Observer
func (m *promFloat64Summary) Observe(v float64) {
// promCounter implements the Counter interface.
type promCounter struct {
pi *promInt64
func (pc *promCounter) Get() int64 {
return pc.pi.Get()
func (pc *promCounter) Inc(i int64) {
pc.pi.Update(pc.pi.Get() + i)
func (pc *promCounter) Dec(i int64) {
pc.pi.Update(pc.pi.Get() - i)
func (pc *promCounter) Reset() {
func (pc *promCounter) Delete() error {
return pc.pi.delete()
// promClient implements the Client interface.
type promClient struct {
int64GaugeVecs map[string]*prometheus.GaugeVec
int64Gauges map[string]*promInt64
int64Mutex sync.Mutex
float64GaugeVecs map[string]*prometheus.GaugeVec
float64Gauges map[string]*promFloat64
float64Mutex sync.Mutex
float64SummaryVecs map[string]*prometheus.SummaryVec
float64Summaries map[string]*promFloat64Summary
float64SummaryMutex sync.Mutex
func NewPromClient() *promClient {
return &promClient{
int64GaugeVecs: map[string]*prometheus.GaugeVec{},
int64Gauges: map[string]*promInt64{},
float64GaugeVecs: map[string]*prometheus.GaugeVec{},
float64Gauges: map[string]*promFloat64{},
float64SummaryVecs: map[string]*prometheus.SummaryVec{},
float64Summaries: map[string]*promFloat64Summary{},
// commonGet does a lot of the common work for each of the Get* funcs.
// It returns:
// measurement - A clean measurement name.
// cleanTags - A clean set of tags.
// keys - A slice of the keys of cleanTags, sorted.
// gaugeKey - A name to uniquely identify the metric.
// gaugeVecKey - A name to uniquely identify the collection of metrics. See the Prometheus
// docs about Collections.
func (p *promClient) commonGet(measurement string, tags[string]string) (string, map[string]string, []string, string, string) {
// Convert measurement to a safe name.
measurement = clean(measurement)
// Merge all tags.
rawTags := util.AddParams(map[string]string{}, tags...)
// Make all label keys safe.
cleanTags := map[string]string{}
keys := []string{}
for k, v := range rawTags {
key := clean(k)
cleanTags[key] = v
keys = append(keys, key)
// Sort tag keys.
// Create a key to look up the gauge.
gaugeKeySrc := []string{measurement}
for _, key := range keys {
gaugeKeySrc = append(gaugeKeySrc, key, cleanTags[key])
gaugeKey := strings.Join(gaugeKeySrc, "-")
gaugeVecKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s %v", measurement, keys)
return measurement, cleanTags, keys, gaugeKey, gaugeVecKey
func (p *promClient) GetInt64Metric(name string, tags[string]string) Int64Metric {
measurement, cleanTags, keys, gaugeKey, gaugeVecKey := p.commonGet(name, tags...)
ret, ok := p.int64Gauges[gaugeKey]
if ok {
return ret
// Didn't find the metric, so we need to look for a GaugeVec to create it under.
gaugeVec, ok := p.int64GaugeVecs[gaugeVecKey]
if !ok {
// Register a new gauge vec.
gaugeVec = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(
Name: measurement,
Help: measurement,
err := prometheus.Register(gaugeVec)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to register %q: %s", measurement, err)
p.int64GaugeVecs[gaugeVecKey] = gaugeVec
labels := prometheus.Labels(cleanTags)
gauge, err := gaugeVec.GetMetricWith(labels)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to get gauge: %s", err)
ret = &promInt64{
delete: func() error {
if !gaugeVec.Delete(labels) {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete metric %s-%#v.", measurement, labels)
defer p.int64Mutex.Unlock()
delete(p.int64Gauges, gaugeKey)
return nil
gauge: gauge,
p.int64Gauges[gaugeKey] = ret
return ret
func (p *promClient) GetCounter(name string, tags[string]string) Counter {
i64 := p.GetInt64Metric(name, tags...)
return &promCounter{
pi: (i64.(*promInt64)),
func (p *promClient) GetFloat64Metric(name string, tags[string]string) Float64Metric {
measurement, cleanTags, keys, gaugeKey, gaugeVecKey := p.commonGet(name, tags...)
ret, ok := p.float64Gauges[gaugeKey]
if ok {
return ret
// Didn't find the metric, so we need to look for a GaugeVec to create it under.
gaugeVec, ok := p.float64GaugeVecs[gaugeVecKey]
if !ok {
// Register a new gauge vec.
gaugeVec = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(
Name: measurement,
Help: measurement,
err := prometheus.Register(gaugeVec)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to register %q: %s", measurement, err)
p.float64GaugeVecs[gaugeVecKey] = gaugeVec
labels := prometheus.Labels(cleanTags)
gauge, err := gaugeVec.GetMetricWith(labels)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to get gauge: %s", err)
ret = &promFloat64{
delete: func() error {
if !gaugeVec.Delete(labels) {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete metric %s-%#v.", measurement, labels)
defer p.float64Mutex.Unlock()
delete(p.float64Gauges, gaugeKey)
return nil
gauge: gauge,
p.float64Gauges[gaugeKey] = ret
return ret
func (p *promClient) GetFloat64SummaryMetric(name string, tags[string]string) Float64SummaryMetric {
measurement, cleanTags, keys, summaryKey, summaryVecKey := p.commonGet(name, tags...)
ret, ok := p.float64Summaries[summaryKey]
if ok {
return ret
// Didn't find the metric, so we need to look for a SummaryVec to create it under.
summaryVec, ok := p.float64SummaryVecs[summaryVecKey]
if !ok {
// Register a new summary vec.
summaryVec = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(
Name: measurement,
Help: measurement,
Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001},
err := prometheus.Register(summaryVec)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to register %q %v: %s", measurement, cleanTags, err)
p.float64SummaryVecs[summaryVecKey] = summaryVec
observer, err := summaryVec.GetMetricWith(prometheus.Labels(cleanTags))
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to get observer: %s", err)
ret = &promFloat64Summary{
observer: observer,
p.float64Summaries[summaryKey] = ret
return ret
func (c *promClient) Flush() error {
// The Flush is a lie.
return nil
func (c *promClient) NewLiveness(name string, tagsList[string]string) Liveness {
return newLiveness(c, name, true, tagsList...)
func (c *promClient) NewTimer(name string, tagsList[string]string) Timer {
return newTimer(c, name, true, tagsList...)
// Validate that the concrete structs faithfully implement their respective interfaces.
var _ Int64Metric = (*promInt64)(nil)
var _ Float64Metric = (*promFloat64)(nil)
var _ Float64SummaryMetric = (*promFloat64Summary)(nil)
var _ Counter = (*promCounter)(nil)
var _ Client = (*promClient)(nil)