blob: 301af095c6d875a9ee3697bf48b0c54077258184 [file] [log] [blame]
package blame
import (
assert ""
tracedb ""
const (
// Directory with testdata.
TEST_DATA_DIR = "./testdata"
// Local file location of the test data.
// Folder in the testdata bucket. See go/testutils for details.
TEST_DATA_STORAGE_PATH = "gold-testdata/goldentile.json.gz"
func TestBlamerWithSyntheticData(t *testing.T) {
start := time.Now().Unix()
commits := []*tiling.Commit{
{CommitTime: start + 10, Hash: "h1", Author: "John Doe 1"},
{CommitTime: start + 20, Hash: "h2", Author: "John Doe 2"},
{CommitTime: start + 30, Hash: "h3", Author: "John Doe 3"},
{CommitTime: start + 40, Hash: "h4", Author: "John Doe 4"},
{CommitTime: start + 50, Hash: "h5", Author: "John Doe 5"},
params := []map[string]string{
{"name": "foo", "config": "8888", types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm"},
{"name": "foo", "config": "565", types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm"},
{"name": "foo", "config": "gpu", types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm"},
{"name": "bar", "config": "8888", types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm"},
{"name": "bar", "config": "565", types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm"},
{"name": "bar", "config": "gpu", types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm"},
{"name": "baz", "config": "565", types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm"},
{"name": "baz", "config": "gpu", types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm"},
DI_1, DI_2, DI_3 := "digest1", "digest2", "digest3"
DI_4, DI_5, DI_6 := "digest4", "digest5", "digest6"
DI_7, DI_8, DI_9 := "digest7", "digest8", "digest9"
digests := [][]string{
{MISS, DI_1, DI_1, DI_2, MISS},
{DI_5, DI_4, DI_5, DI_5, DI_5},
{DI_7, DI_7, MISS, DI_8, MISS},
{DI_7, MISS, DI_7, DI_8, MISS},
// Make sure the data are consistent and create a mock TileStore.
assert.Equal(t, len(commits), len(digests[0]))
assert.Equal(t, len(digests), len(params))
eventBus := eventbus.New()
storages := &storage.Storage{
ExpectationsStore: expstorage.NewMemExpectationsStore(eventBus),
MasterTileBuilder: mocks.NewMockTileBuilder(t, digests, params, commits),
DigestStore: &mocks.MockDigestStore{FirstSeen: start + 1000, OkValue: true},
EventBus: eventBus,
blamer := New(storages)
tilePair, err := storages.GetLastTileTrimmed()
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = blamer.Calculate(tilePair.Tile)
assert.NoError(t, err)
storages.EventBus.SubscribeAsync(expstorage.EV_EXPSTORAGE_CHANGED, func(e interface{}) {
if err := blamer.Calculate(tilePair.Tile); err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Async calculate failed")
// Check when completely untriaged
blameLists, _ := blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
assert.NotNil(t, blameLists)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists["foo"]))
assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["foo"][DI_1].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0}, blameLists["foo"][DI_2].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["foo"][DI_3].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists["bar"]))
assert.Equal(t, []int{2, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_4].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_5].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_6].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{1}}, blamer.GetBlame("foo", DI_1, commits))
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{3}}, blamer.GetBlame("foo", DI_2, commits))
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{0}}, blamer.GetBlame("foo", DI_3, commits))
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{1}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_4, commits))
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{0}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_5, commits))
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{0}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_6, commits))
// Classify some digests and re-calculate.
changes := map[string]types.TestClassification{
"foo": map[string]types.Label{DI_1: types.POSITIVE, DI_2: types.NEGATIVE},
"bar": map[string]types.Label{DI_4: types.POSITIVE, DI_6: types.NEGATIVE},
assert.NoError(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
// Wait for the change to propagate.
waitForChange(blamer, blameLists)
blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(blameLists["foo"]))
assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["foo"][DI_3].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(blameLists["bar"]))
assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_5].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 2, 0}, blameLists["baz"][DI_8].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{0}}, blamer.GetBlame("foo", DI_3, commits))
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{0}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_5, commits))
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{3}}, blamer.GetBlame("baz", DI_8, commits))
// Change the underlying tile and trigger with another change.
tile := storages.MasterTileBuilder.GetTile()
// Get the trace for the last parameters and set a value.
gTrace := tile.Traces[mocks.TraceKey(params[5])].(*types.GoldenTrace)
gTrace.Values[2] = DI_9
assert.NoError(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
// Wait for the change to propagate.
waitForChange(blamer, blameLists)
blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(blameLists["foo"]))
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(blameLists["bar"]))
assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_9].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{2}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_9, commits))
// Simulate the case where the digest is not found in digest store.
storages.DigestStore.(*mocks.MockDigestStore).OkValue = false
assert.NoError(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(blameLists["foo"]))
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(blameLists["bar"]))
assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_9].Freq)
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{2}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_9, commits))
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{1}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_9, commits[1:4]))
assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_9, commits[0:2]))
func BenchmarkBlamer(b *testing.B) {
tileBuilder := mocks.GetTileBuilderFromEnv(b)
// Get a tile to make sure it's cached.
testBlamerWithLiveData(b, tileBuilder)
func TestBlamerWithLiveData(t *testing.T) {
assert.NoError(t, err, "Unable to download testdata.")
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, TEST_DATA_DIR)
tileStore := mocks.NewMockTileBuilderFromJson(t, TEST_DATA_PATH)
testBlamerWithLiveData(t, tileStore)
func testBlamerWithLiveData(t assert.TestingT, tileBuilder tracedb.MasterTileBuilder) {
eventBus := eventbus.New()
storages := &storage.Storage{
ExpectationsStore: expstorage.NewMemExpectationsStore(eventBus),
MasterTileBuilder: tileBuilder,
DigestStore: &mocks.MockDigestStore{
FirstSeen: time.Now().Unix(),
OkValue: true,
EventBus: eventBus,
blamer := New(storages)
tilePair, err := storages.GetLastTileTrimmed()
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = blamer.Calculate(tilePair.Tile)
assert.NoError(t, err)
storages.EventBus.SubscribeAsync(expstorage.EV_EXPSTORAGE_CHANGED, func(e interface{}) {
if err := blamer.Calculate(tilePair.Tile); err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Async calculate failed")
// Wait until we have a blamelist.
var blameLists map[string]map[string]*BlameDistribution
for {
blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
if blameLists != nil {
tile := storages.MasterTileBuilder.GetTile()
// Since we set the 'First' timestamp of all digest info entries
// to Now. We should get a non-empty blamelist of all digests.
oneTestName := ""
oneDigest := ""
forEachTestDigestDo(tile, func(testName, digest string) {
assert.NotNil(t, blameLists[testName][digest])
assert.True(t, len(blameLists[testName][digest].Freq) > 0)
// Remember the last one for later.
oneTestName, oneDigest = testName, digest
// Change the classification of one test and trigger the recalculation.
changes := map[string]types.TestClassification{
oneTestName: map[string]types.Label{oneDigest: types.POSITIVE},
assert.NoError(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
// Wait for change to propagate.
waitForChange(blamer, blameLists)
blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
// Assert the correctness of the blamelists.
forEachTestDigestDo(tile, func(testName, digest string) {
if (testName == oneTestName) && (digest == oneDigest) {
assert.Nil(t, blameLists[testName][digest])
} else {
assert.NotNil(t, blameLists[testName][digest])
assert.True(t, len(blameLists[testName][digest].Freq) > 0)
// Set 'First' for all digests in the past and trigger another
// calculation.
storages.DigestStore.(*mocks.MockDigestStore).FirstSeen = 0
assert.NoError(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
waitForChange(blamer, blameLists)
blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
// Randomly assign labels to the different digests and make sure
// that the blamelists are correct.
storages.DigestStore.(*mocks.MockDigestStore).FirstSeen = time.Now().Unix()
changes = map[string]types.TestClassification{}
choices := []types.Label{types.POSITIVE, types.NEGATIVE, types.UNTRIAGED}
forEachTestDigestDo(tile, func(testName, digest string) {
targetTest := changes[testName]
if targetTest == nil {
targetTest = map[string]types.Label{}
// Randomly skip some digests.
label := choices[rand.Int()%len(choices)]
if label != types.UNTRIAGED {
targetTest[digest] = label
// Add the labels and wait for the recalculation.
assert.NoError(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
waitForChange(blamer, blameLists)
blameLists, commits := blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
expecations, err := storages.ExpectationsStore.Get()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Verify that the results are plausible.
forEachTestTraceDo(tile, func(testName string, values []string) {
for idx, digest := range values {
if digest != types.MISSING_DIGEST {
label := expecations.Classification(testName, digest)
if label == types.UNTRIAGED {
bl := blameLists[testName][digest]
assert.NotNil(t, bl)
freq := bl.Freq
assert.True(t, len(freq) > 0)
startIdx := len(commits) - len(freq)
assert.True(t, (startIdx >= 0) && (startIdx <= idx), fmt.Sprintf("Expected (%s): Smaller than %d but got %d.", digest, startIdx, idx))
func waitForChange(blamer *Blamer, oldBlameLists map[string]map[string]*BlameDistribution) {
for {
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
blameLists, _ := blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(blameLists, oldBlameLists) {
func forEachTestDigestDo(tile *tiling.Tile, fn func(string, string)) {
for _, trace := range tile.Traces {
gTrace := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
testName := gTrace.Params()[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
for _, digest := range gTrace.Values {
if digest != types.MISSING_DIGEST {
fn(testName, digest)
func forEachTestTraceDo(tile *tiling.Tile, fn func(string, []string)) {
tileLen := tile.LastCommitIndex() + 1
for _, trace := range tile.Traces {
gTrace := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
testName := gTrace.Params()[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
fn(testName, gTrace.Values[:tileLen])