blob: 3b6019aafcca0ddb93c9fea8933c0296a96c234a [file] [log] [blame]
# The list of files we want to go into core.js, which is concat'd and
# minified. These files should be either present in the project, brought
# into third_party/bower_components via bower, or in node_modules.
CORE_SOURCE_FILES = node_modules/native-promise-only/npo.js \
third_party/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js \
.PHONY: build
build: elements_html core_js
go install -v ./go/fiddle_build
go install -v ./go/fiddle_run
go install -v ./go/webtry_extract
go install -v ./go/fiddle
go install -v ./go/fiddlecli
.PHONY: testgo
go test -v ./...
.PHONY: push
push: build
./build_release "`git log -n1 --format=%s`"
go install -v ../push/go/pushcli
pushcli fiddle skia-fiddle
# Build debug versions of core.js and elements.html.
.PHONY: debug
debug: clean_webtools debug_core_js debug_elements_html
.PHONY: secwraplive
c++ cpp/fiddle_secwrap.cpp -o fiddle_secwrap
gcloud compute scp fiddle_secwrap default@skia-fiddle:/mnt/pd0/fiddle/bin/ --zone us-east1-d
include ../webtools/