blob: b6e4fc6ad94e39869d597eac5893d8f21db2f074 [file] [log] [blame]
package blacklist
import (
git_testutils ""
assert ""
func TestAddRemove(t *testing.T) {
// Setup.
tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, tmp)
assert.NoError(t, err)
f := path.Join(tmp, "blacklist.json")
b1, err := FromFile(f)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Test.
assert.Equal(t, len(DEFAULT_RULES), len(b1.Rules))
r1 := &Rule{
AddedBy: "",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{".*"},
Name: "My Rule",
assert.NoError(t, b1.addRule(r1))
b2, err := FromFile(f)
assert.NoError(t, err)
testutils.AssertDeepEqual(t, b1, b2)
assert.NoError(t, b1.RemoveRule(r1.Name))
b2, err = FromFile(f)
assert.NoError(t, err)
testutils.AssertDeepEqual(t, b1, b2)
func TestRules(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
taskSpec string
commit string
expectMatch bool
msg string
tests := []struct {
rule Rule
cases []testCase
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "Match all taskSpecs",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{
cases: []testCase{
taskSpec: "My-TaskSpec",
commit: "abc123",
expectMatch: true,
msg: "'.*' should match all taskSpecs.",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "Match some taskSpecs",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{
cases: []testCase{
taskSpec: "My-TaskSpec",
commit: "abc123",
expectMatch: true,
msg: "Should match",
taskSpec: "Your-TaskSpec",
commit: "abc123",
expectMatch: false,
msg: "Should not match",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "Match one commit",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{
Commits: []string{
cases: []testCase{
taskSpec: "My-TaskSpec",
commit: "abc123",
expectMatch: true,
msg: "Single commit match",
taskSpec: "My-TaskSpec",
commit: "def456",
expectMatch: false,
msg: "Single commit does not match",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "Commit range",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{},
Commits: []string{
cases: []testCase{
taskSpec: "My-TaskSpec",
commit: "abc123",
expectMatch: true,
msg: "Inside commit range (1)",
taskSpec: "My-TaskSpec",
commit: "bbadbeef",
expectMatch: true,
msg: "Inside commit range (2)",
taskSpec: "My-TaskSpec",
commit: "def456",
expectMatch: false,
msg: "Outside commit range",
for _, test := range tests {
for _, c := range test.cases {
assert.Equal(t, c.expectMatch, test.rule.Match(c.taskSpec, c.commit), c.msg)
func setupTestRepo(t *testing.T) (*git_testutils.GitBuilder, []string) {
gb := git_testutils.GitInit(t)
commits := []string{}
* commit 8
* commit 7
|\ Merge: 4 6
| |
| | Merge branch 'mybranch'
| |
| * commit 6
| |
| * commit 5
| |
* | commit 4
| |
* | commit 3
| |
* | commit 2
* commit 1
* commit 0
// 0
gb.Add("a.txt", "")
commits = append(commits, gb.Commit())
// 1
gb.Add("a.txt", "\n")
commits = append(commits, gb.Commit())
// 2
gb.Add("a.txt", "\n\n")
commits = append(commits, gb.Commit())
// 3
gb.Add("a.txt", "\n\n\n")
commits = append(commits, gb.Commit())
// 4
gb.Add("a.txt", "\n\n\n\n")
commits = append(commits, gb.Commit())
// 5
gb.CreateBranchAtCommit("mybranch", commits[1])
gb.Add("b.txt", "\n\n")
commits = append(commits, gb.Commit())
// 6
gb.Add("b.txt", "\n\n\n")
commits = append(commits, gb.Commit())
// 7
commits = append(commits, gb.MergeBranch("mybranch"))
// 8
gb.Add("a.txt", "\n\n\n\n\n")
commits = append(commits, gb.Commit())
return gb, commits
func TestValidation(t *testing.T) {
// Setup.
gb, commits := setupTestRepo(t)
defer gb.Cleanup()
tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, tmp)
repos := repograph.Map{}
repo, err := repograph.NewGraph(gb.RepoUrl(), tmp)
assert.NoError(t, err)
repos[gb.RepoUrl()] = repo
// Test.
tests := []struct {
rule Rule
expect error
msg string
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "My rule",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{".*"},
Commits: []string{},
expect: fmt.Errorf("Rules must have an AddedBy user."),
msg: "No AddedBy",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{".*"},
Commits: []string{},
expect: fmt.Errorf("Rules must have a name."),
msg: "No Name",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{".*"},
Commits: []string{},
expect: nil,
msg: "Long Name",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{".*"},
Commits: []string{},
expect: fmt.Errorf("Rule names must be shorter than 50 characters. Use the Description field for detailed information."),
msg: "Too Long Name",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "My rule",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{},
Commits: []string{},
expect: fmt.Errorf("Rules must include a taskSpec pattern and/or a commit/range."),
msg: "No taskSpecs or commits",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "My rule",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{".*"},
Commits: []string{},
expect: nil,
msg: "One taskSpec pattern, no commits",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "My rule",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{
Commits: []string{},
expect: nil,
msg: "Five taskSpec patterns, no commits",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "My rule",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{},
Commits: commits[8:9],
expect: nil,
msg: "One commit",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "My rule",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{},
Commits: []string{
expect: fmt.Errorf("Unable to find commit %s in any repo.", commits[8][:38]),
msg: "Invalid commit",
rule: Rule{
AddedBy: "",
Name: "My rule",
TaskSpecPatterns: []string{},
Commits: commits[0:5],
expect: nil,
msg: "Five commits",
for _, test := range tests {
assert.Equal(t, test.expect, ValidateRule(&test.rule, repos), test.msg)
func TestCommitRange(t *testing.T) {
// Setup.
gb, commits := setupTestRepo(t)
defer gb.Cleanup()
tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, tmp)
repos := repograph.Map{}
repo, err := repograph.NewGraph(gb.RepoUrl(), tmp)
assert.NoError(t, err)
repos[gb.RepoUrl()] = repo
f := path.Join(tmp, "blacklist.json")
b, err := FromFile(f)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Test.
// Create a commit range rule.
startCommit := commits[0]
endCommit := commits[6]
rule, err := NewCommitRangeRule("commit range", "", "...", []string{}, startCommit, endCommit, repos)
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = b.AddRule(rule, repos)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure that we got the expected list of commits.
assert.Equal(t, []string{
}, b.Rules["commit range"].Commits)
// Test a few commits.
tc := []struct {
commit string
expect bool
msg string
commit: "",
expect: false,
msg: "empty commit does not match",
commit: startCommit,
expect: true,
msg: "startCommit matches",
commit: endCommit,
expect: false,
msg: "endCommit does not match",
commit: commits[1],
expect: true,
msg: "middle of range matches",
commit: commits[8],
expect: false,
msg: "out of range does not match",
for _, c := range tc {
assert.Equal(t, c.expect, b.Match("", c.commit))