blob: f80597b1f826e411aa00f45a2aa07027d47341d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Defines BTCache, a Frankenstein cache containing both Builds and Tasks.
package franken
import (
const (
// When no swarming slave has been assigned, we use this for Build.BuildSlave.
DEFAULT_BUILD_SLAVE = "task_scheduler"
// Used for Build.Master.
FAKE_MASTER = "fake_master.task_scheduler"
// Used for the third element of a property in Build.Properties.
// The maximum number of commits we'll want to load on the page.
// MAX_TASKS is the number of tasks we can find via Build.Number via lookup in
// an LRUCache. If a task falls out of this cache, we can no longer add
// comments to that task.
MAX_TASKS = 1000000
// MAX_COMMENTS is the number of comments we can find via BuildComment.Id or
// BuilderComment.Id via lookup in an LRUCache. If a comment falls out of this
// cache, we can no longer delete that comment.
// TASK_URL_FMT is a format string for the Swarming task URL. Parameters are
// the Swarming server URL and the task ID.
TASK_URL_FMT = "%s/task?id=%s"
// NOAUTH_TASK_URL_FMT is a format string for the Swarming task URL that is
// available to users that are not logged in. Parameter is task ID.
// TASK_TRIGGER_URL_FMT is a format string for triggering a Task with task
// scheduler. Parameters are the Task Scheduler URL, task spec name and
// commit hash.
TASK_TRIGGER_URL_FMT = "%s/trigger?submit=true&job=%s@%s"
// TASKLIST_URL_FMT is a format string for the Swarming tasklist URL.
// Parameters are the Swarming server URL and a single tag key and value.
TASKLIST_URL_FMT = "%s/tasklist?c=name&c=state&c=created_ts&c=duration&c=completed_ts&c=source_revision&f=%s%%3A%s&l=50&s=created_ts%%3Adesc"
// BOT_DETAIL_URL_FMT is a format string for the Swarming bot detail URL.
// Parameters are the Swarming server URL and a bot name.
BOT_DETAIL_URL_FMT = "%s/bot?id=%s"
// BTCache is API-compatible with BuildCache, but also includes Tasks.
type BTCache struct {
// repos, tasks, commentDb, builds, taskNumberCache, and commentIdCache are
// safe for concurrent use.
repos repograph.Map
tasks db.TaskCache
commentDb db.CommentDB
// taskNumberCache maps Build.Number for a Build generated from a Task to
// Task.Id.
taskNumberCache util.LRUCache
// commentIdCache maps BuildComment.Id or BuilderComment.Id for a generated
// comment to the *TaskComment or *TaskSpecComment from which it was
// generated.
commentIdCache util.LRUCache
// mutex protects cachedTaskComments and cachedTaskSpecComments.
mutex sync.RWMutex
// cachedCommitComments contains CommitComments.
cachedCommitComments map[string]map[string][]*buildbot.CommitComment
// cachedTaskComments contains BuildComments generated from the latest
// TaskComments.
// map[TaskComment.Repo][TaskComment.Revision][TaskComment.Name][]BuildComment
cachedTaskComments map[string]map[string]map[string][]*buildbot.BuildComment
// cachedTaskSpecComments contains BuilderComments generated from the latest
// TaskSpecComments. map[BuilderName][]BuilderComment
cachedTaskSpecComments map[string][]*buildbot.BuilderComment
swarmingUrl string
taskSchedulerUrl string
// NewBTCache creates a BTCache for the given repos, pulling data from the given
// taskDb.
func NewBTCache(repos repograph.Map, taskDb db.RemoteDB, swarmingUrl, taskSchedulerUrl string) (*BTCache, error) {
w, err := window.New(build_cache.BUILD_LOADING_PERIOD, MAX_COMMITS_TO_LOAD, repos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tasks, err := db.NewTaskCache(taskDb, w)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c := &BTCache{
repos: repos,
tasks: tasks,
commentDb: taskDb,
taskNumberCache: util.NewMemLRUCache(MAX_TASKS),
commentIdCache: util.NewMemLRUCache(MAX_COMMENTS),
swarmingUrl: swarmingUrl,
taskSchedulerUrl: taskSchedulerUrl,
if err := c.update(); err != nil {
return nil, err
go func() {
for range time.Tick(time.Minute) {
if err := c.update(); err != nil {
return c, nil
// commentId generates a number to use as BuildComment.Id or BuilderComment.Id,
// which will then be retrievable via taskCommentForId or taskSpecCommentForId.
func (c *BTCache) commentId(comment interface{}) int64 {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(comment); err != nil {
return -1
// Although the Id field is int64, we use int32 to avoid issues in Javascript.
hash := fnv.New32a()
_, _ = hash.Write(buf.Bytes())
// Shift down by one to ensure non-negative.
id := int32(hash.Sum32() >> 1)
c.commentIdCache.Add(id, comment)
return int64(id)
// taskCommentForId returns the TaskComment that was assigned the given id, or
// error if the comment is too old or not found.
func (c *BTCache) taskCommentForId(id int64) (*db.TaskComment, error) {
v, ok := c.commentIdCache.Get(int32(id))
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown TaskComment id %d", id)
return v.(*db.TaskComment), nil
// taskSpecCommentForId returns the TaskSpecComment that was assigned the given
// id, or error if the comment is too old or not found.
func (c *BTCache) taskSpecCommentForId(id int64) (*db.TaskSpecComment, error) {
v, ok := c.commentIdCache.Get(int32(id))
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown TaskSpecComment id %d", id)
return v.(*db.TaskSpecComment), nil
// update reads updated tasks and comments from the task scheduler DB. (Builds
// are updated automatically by BuildCache.)
func (c *BTCache) update() error {
if err := c.repos.Update(); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.tasks.Update(); err != nil {
return err
return c.updateComments()
// updateComments reads updated comments from the task scheduler DB. This method
// is separate from update to avoid calling c.repos.Update when adding/deleting
// comments.
func (c *BTCache) updateComments() error {
repoNames := c.repos.RepoURLs()
comments, err := c.commentDb.GetCommentsForRepos(repoNames, time.Now().Add(-build_cache.BUILD_LOADING_PERIOD))
if err != nil {
return err
commitComments := make(map[string]map[string][]*buildbot.CommitComment, len(repoNames))
taskComments := make(map[string]map[string]map[string][]*buildbot.BuildComment, len(repoNames))
taskSpecComments := map[string][]*buildbot.BuilderComment{}
for _, rc := range comments {
for _, comments := range rc.CommitComments {
for _, comment := range comments {
commitMap, ok := commitComments[comment.Repo]
if !ok {
commitMap = map[string][]*buildbot.CommitComment{}
commitComments[comment.Repo] = commitMap
c := &buildbot.CommitComment{
Id: comment.Timestamp.UnixNano(),
Commit: comment.Revision,
User: comment.User,
Timestamp: comment.Timestamp,
IgnoreFailure: comment.IgnoreFailure,
Message: comment.Message,
commitMap[comment.Revision] = append(commitMap[comment.Revision], c)
for _, m := range rc.TaskComments {
for _, comments := range m {
comment := comments[0]
commitMap, ok := taskComments[comment.Repo]
if !ok {
commitMap = map[string]map[string][]*buildbot.BuildComment{}
taskComments[comment.Repo] = commitMap
nameMap, ok := commitMap[comment.Revision]
if !ok {
nameMap = map[string][]*buildbot.BuildComment{}
commitMap[comment.Revision] = nameMap
buildComments := nameMap[comment.Name]
for _, tc := range comments {
id := c.commentId(tc)
buildComments = append(buildComments, &buildbot.BuildComment{
Id: id,
User: tc.User,
Timestamp: tc.Timestamp,
Message: tc.Message,
nameMap[comment.Name] = buildComments
for name, comments := range rc.TaskSpecComments {
builderComments := taskSpecComments[name]
for _, tsc := range comments {
id := c.commentId(tsc)
builderComments = append(builderComments, &buildbot.BuilderComment{
Id: id,
Builder: name,
User: tsc.User,
Timestamp: tsc.Timestamp,
Flaky: tsc.Flaky,
IgnoreFailure: tsc.IgnoreFailure,
Message: tsc.Message,
taskSpecComments[name] = builderComments
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
c.cachedCommitComments = commitComments
c.cachedTaskComments = taskComments
c.cachedTaskSpecComments = taskSpecComments
return nil
// taskIdToBuildNumber returns a unique number to use as Build.Number.
func (c *BTCache) taskIdToBuildNumber(id string) int {
// Very hacky...
_, seq, err := local_db.ParseId(id)
if err != nil {
return -1
num := int(seq)
c.taskNumberCache.Add(num, id)
return num
// buildNumberToTaskId returns the Task.Id that was assigned the given build
// number, or an error if the task is too old or not found.
func (c *BTCache) buildNumberToTaskId(num int) (string, error) {
value, ok := c.taskNumberCache.Get(num)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Unknown Task %d", num)
return value.(string), nil
// taskToBuild generates a Build representing a Task. Assumes the caller holds
// a lock.
func (c *BTCache) taskToBuild(task *db.Task, loggedIn bool) *buildbot.Build {
results := buildbot.BUILDBOT_EXCEPTION
switch task.Status {
results = buildbot.BUILDBOT_SUCCESS
results = buildbot.BUILDBOT_FAILURE
results = buildbot.BUILDBOT_EXCEPTION
taskURL := fmt.Sprintf(NOAUTH_TASK_URL_FMT, task.SwarmingTaskId)
if loggedIn {
taskURL = fmt.Sprintf(TASK_URL_FMT, c.swarmingUrl, task.SwarmingTaskId)
if url, ok := task.Properties["url"]; ok {
taskURL = url
tasklistURL := fmt.Sprintf(TASKLIST_URL_FMT, c.swarmingUrl, db.SWARMING_TAG_NAME, task.Name)
if task.Fake() {
// TODO(benjaminwagner): How to generalize?
tasklistURL = fmt.Sprintf("", task.Name)
properties := [][]interface{}{
{"taskSpecTasklistURL", tasklistURL, PROPERTY_SOURCE},
if !task.Fake() {
properties = append(properties, []interface{}{"taskRetryURL", fmt.Sprintf(TASK_TRIGGER_URL_FMT, c.taskSchedulerUrl, task.Name, task.Revision), PROPERTY_SOURCE})
if task.SwarmingBotId != "" {
buildSlave = task.SwarmingBotId
properties = append(properties, [][]interface{}{
{"botTasklistURL", fmt.Sprintf(TASKLIST_URL_FMT, c.swarmingUrl, "id", task.SwarmingBotId), PROPERTY_SOURCE},
{"botDetailURL", fmt.Sprintf(BOT_DETAIL_URL_FMT, c.swarmingUrl, task.SwarmingBotId), PROPERTY_SOURCE},
propertiesStr := ""
if propBytes, err := json.Marshal(properties); err == nil {
propertiesStr = string(propBytes)
} else {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to encode properties: %s", err)
finished := time.Time{}
if task.Done() {
finished = task.Finished
comments := c.cachedTaskComments[task.Repo][task.Revision][task.Name]
if comments == nil {
comments = []*buildbot.BuildComment{}
return &buildbot.Build{
Builder: task.Name,
Number: c.taskIdToBuildNumber(task.Id),
BuildSlave: buildSlave,
Branch: "", // No one actually looks at this.
Commits: task.Commits,
GotRevision: task.Revision,
Properties: properties,
PropertiesStr: propertiesStr,
Results: results,
Steps: []*buildbot.BuildStep{},
Started: task.Started,
Finished: finished,
Comments: comments,
Repository: task.Repo,
// GetBuildsForCommits returns the build data and task data (as Builds) for the
// given commits. See also BuildCache.GetBuildsForCommits.
func (c *BTCache) GetBuildsForCommits(repoName string, commits []string, loggedIn bool) (map[string]map[string]*buildbot.BuildSummary, error) {
defer c.mutex.RUnlock()
return c.getBuildsForCommits(repoName, commits, loggedIn)
// getBuildsForCommits returns the build data and task data (as Builds) for the
// given commits. See also BuildCache.GetBuildsForCommits.
func (c *BTCache) getBuildsForCommits(repoName string, commits []string, loggedIn bool) (map[string]map[string]*buildbot.BuildSummary, error) {
if len(commits) == 0 {
return map[string]map[string]*buildbot.BuildSummary{}, nil
buildResult := map[string]map[string]*buildbot.BuildSummary{}
taskResult, err := c.tasks.GetTasksForCommits(repoName, commits)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for hash, taskMap := range taskResult {
if len(taskMap) == 0 {
buildMap, ok := buildResult[hash]
if !ok {
buildMap = map[string]*buildbot.BuildSummary{}
buildResult[hash] = buildMap
for name, task := range taskMap {
if task.IsTryJob() {
buildMap[name] = c.taskToBuild(task, loggedIn).GetSummary()
return buildResult, nil
// GetBuildsForCommit returns the build data and task data (as Builds) for the
// given commit. See also BuildCache.GetBuildsForCommit.
func (c *BTCache) GetBuildsForCommit(repoName, hash string, loggedIn bool) ([]*buildbot.BuildSummary, error) {
builds, err := c.GetBuildsForCommits(repoName, []string{hash}, loggedIn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rv := make([]*buildbot.BuildSummary, 0, len(builds[hash]))
for _, b := range builds[hash] {
rv = append(rv, b)
return rv, nil
// GetBuildsFromDateRange returns builds and tasks (as Builds) within the given
// date range. See also BuildCache.GetBuildsFromDateRange.
func (c *BTCache) GetBuildsFromDateRange(from, to time.Time, loggedIn bool) ([]*buildbot.Build, error) {
buildResult := []*buildbot.Build{}
taskResult, err := c.tasks.GetTasksFromDateRange(from, to)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(benjaminwagner): Does anyone care if the return value is sorted?
for _, task := range taskResult {
if task.Done() && !task.IsTryJob() {
buildResult = append(buildResult, c.taskToBuild(task, loggedIn))
return buildResult, nil
// GetBuildersComments returns comments for all builders and TaskSpecs (as
// BuilderComment). See also BuildCache.getBuildersComments.
func (c *BTCache) GetBuildersComments() map[string][]*buildbot.BuilderComment {
defer c.mutex.RUnlock()
return c.getBuildersComments()
// getBuildersComments returns comments for all builders and TaskSpecs (as
// BuilderComment). See also BuildCache.getBuildersComments.
func (c *BTCache) getBuildersComments() map[string][]*buildbot.BuilderComment {
buildResult := map[string][]*buildbot.BuilderComment{}
for name, comments := range c.cachedTaskSpecComments {
buildResult[name] = comments
return buildResult
// AddBuilderComment adds a comment for either the given builder or a TaskSpec
// if builder represents a Task name. See also BuildCache.AddBuilderComment.
func (c *BTCache) AddBuilderComment(name string, comment *buildbot.BuilderComment) error {
repo := ""
for repoName := range c.repos {
if c.tasks.KnownTaskName(repoName, name) {
repo = repoName
if repo == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown TaskSpec %q", name)
taskSpecComment := &db.TaskSpecComment{
Repo: repo,
Name: name,
Timestamp: comment.Timestamp,
User: comment.User,
Flaky: comment.Flaky,
IgnoreFailure: comment.IgnoreFailure,
Message: comment.Message,
if err := c.commentDb.PutTaskSpecComment(taskSpecComment); err != nil {
return err
return c.updateComments()
// DeleteBuilderComment deletes the given comment, which could represent either
// a BuilderComment or a TaskSpecComment. See also
// BuildCache.DeleteBuilderComment.
func (c *BTCache) DeleteBuilderComment(builder string, commentId int64) error {
taskSpecComment, err := c.taskSpecCommentForId(commentId)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := c.commentDb.DeleteTaskSpecComment(taskSpecComment); err != nil {
return err
return c.updateComments()
// AddBuildComment adds the given comment as a TaskComment if builder represents
// a Task name, or as a BuildComment. See also BuildCache.AddBuildComment.
func (c *BTCache) AddBuildComment(master, name string, number int, comment *buildbot.BuildComment) error {
taskId, err := c.buildNumberToTaskId(number)
if err != nil {
return err
task, err := c.tasks.GetTask(taskId)
if err != nil {
return err
if name != task.Name {
return fmt.Errorf("Inconsistent Task name; expected %q, got %q", task.Name, name)
taskComment := &db.TaskComment{
Repo: task.Repo,
Revision: task.Revision,
Name: task.Name,
Timestamp: comment.Timestamp,
User: comment.User,
Message: comment.Message,
if err := c.commentDb.PutTaskComment(taskComment); err != nil {
return err
return c.updateComments()
// DeleteBuildComment deletes the given comment, which could represent either a
// BuildComment or a TaskComment. See also BuildCache.DeleteBuildComment.
func (c *BTCache) DeleteBuildComment(master, builder string, number int, commentId int64) error {
taskComment, err := c.taskCommentForId(commentId)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := c.commentDb.DeleteTaskComment(taskComment); err != nil {
return err
return c.updateComments()
// getLastNCommits returns the last N commits in the given repo.
func (c *BTCache) getLastNCommits(r *repograph.Graph, n int) ([]*vcsinfo.LongCommit, error) {
// Find the last Nth commit on master, which we assume has far more
// commits than any other branch.
commit := r.Get("master")
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
p := commit.GetParents()
if len(p) < 1 {
// Cut short if we've hit the beginning of history.
commit = p[0]
// Now find all commits newer than the current commit.
start := commit.Timestamp
commits := make([]*repograph.Commit, 0, 2*n)
if err := r.RecurseAllBranches(func(c *repograph.Commit) (bool, error) {
if !c.Timestamp.Before(start) {
commits = append(commits, c)
return true, nil
return false, nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Sort the commits by timestamp, most recent first.
// Return the most-recent N commits.
rv := make([]*vcsinfo.LongCommit, 0, len(commits))
for _, c := range commits {
rv = append(rv, c.LongCommit)
if len(rv) >= n {
return rv, nil
// CommitsData is a struct used for collecting builds and commits.
type CommitsData struct {
Comments map[string][]*buildbot.CommitComment `json:"comments"`
Commits []*vcsinfo.LongCommit `json:"commits"`
BranchHeads []*gitinfo.GitBranch `json:"branch_heads"`
Builds map[string]map[string]*buildbot.BuildSummary `json:"builds"`
Builders map[string][]*buildbot.BuilderComment `json:"builders"`
// GetLastN returns commit and build information for the last N commits in the
// given repo.
func (c *BTCache) GetLastN(repo string, n int, loggedIn bool) (*CommitsData, error) {
defer c.mutex.RUnlock()
r, ok := c.repos[repo]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No such repo: %s", repo)
commits, err := c.getLastNCommits(r, n)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commitComments := c.cachedCommitComments[repo]
if commitComments == nil {
commitComments = map[string][]*buildbot.CommitComment{}
branches := r.Branches()
branchHeads := make([]*gitinfo.GitBranch, 0, len(branches))
for _, b := range branches {
branchHeads = append(branchHeads, &gitinfo.GitBranch{
Name: b,
Head: r.Get(b).Hash,
hashes := make([]string, 0, len(commits))
for _, c := range commits {
hashes = append(hashes, c.Hash)
builds, err := c.getBuildsForCommits(repo, hashes, loggedIn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
builders := c.getBuildersComments()
return &CommitsData{
Comments: commitComments,
Commits: commits,
BranchHeads: branchHeads,
Builds: builds,
Builders: builders,
}, nil
// AddCommitComment adds a CommitComment.
func (c *BTCache) AddCommitComment(repo string, comment *buildbot.CommitComment) error {
// Truncate the timestamp to milliseconds.
ts := comment.Timestamp.Round(time.Millisecond)
if err := c.commentDb.PutCommitComment(&db.CommitComment{
Repo: repo,
Revision: comment.Commit,
Timestamp: ts,
User: comment.User,
IgnoreFailure: comment.IgnoreFailure,
Message: comment.Message,
}); err != nil {
return err
return c.updateComments()
// DeleteCommitComment deletes a CommitComment.
func (c *BTCache) DeleteCommitComment(repo, commit string, id int64) error {
ts := time.Unix(0, id)
comment := &db.CommitComment{
Repo: repo,
Revision: commit,
Timestamp: ts,
if err := c.commentDb.DeleteCommitComment(comment); err != nil {
return err
return c.updateComments()
// GetTaskCache returns the underlying db.TaskCache.
func (c *BTCache) GetTaskCache() db.TaskCache {
return c.tasks