blob: 5ed3909e7edc6856c01cd2ac8ed695c5020982d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Generate unattend.xml files for multiple devices based on config files.
// Setup:
// - Check out the buildbot repo.
// - Create two config files, devices.json5 and vars.json5 (examples in this directory).
// - Create the output directory, if necessary.
// Usage (assuming the CWD contains devices.json5 and vars.json5):
// gen_unattend --resources-dir C:\path\to\buildbot\skolo\win \
// --out-dir C:\RemoteInstall\WdsClientUnattend
package main
import (
var (
devicesFile = flag.String("devices", "devices.json5", "JSON5 file with device configuration.")
varsFile = flag.String("vars", "vars.json5", "JSON5 file with values for global variables in the templates.")
resourcesDir = flag.String("resources-dir", "", "The directory containing the templates directory. If blank the current directory will be used.")
outDir = flag.String("out-dir", "", "The directory in which to write the generated unattend files. If blank the current directory will be used.")
assumeYes = flag.Bool("assume-yes", false, "If true, create or modify files without confirmation.")
func main() {
devices := DevicesConfig{}
config.MustParseConfigFile(*devicesFile, "devices", &devices)
globalVars := GlobalVars{}
config.MustParseConfigFile(*varsFile, "vars", &globalVars)
templates := template.Must(template.New("").ParseGlob(filepath.Join(*resourcesDir, "templates/*.xml")))
if fileInfo, err := os.Stat(*outDir); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not read out-dir %q: %s", *outDir, err)
} else if !fileInfo.IsDir() {
sklog.Fatalf("Specified out-dir %q is not a directory.", *outDir)
if err := genUnattend(devices, globalVars, templates, *outDir, *assumeYes); err != nil {