blob: cc16dfb29eef5837bc5c1871a372fb27dddad67f [file] [log] [blame]
package parsers
import (
func TestSplitLinesAndRemoveComments_Success(t *testing.T) {
const input = `
First // inline comments are kept
Second // inline comments are kept
Third //comment
// but not fully commented out lines
//even with spaces at the beginning
/* another comment */Fourth
Fifth /** another comment */
Six/** comment **/th
Seventh - a block comment begins in this line /*
Block comment
*/ Eighth - a block comment ends in this line
verbatim, noComments := SplitLinesAndRemoveComments(input)
// Length should always be the same for both.
assert.Len(t, verbatim, 14)
assert.Len(t, noComments, 14)
assert.Equal(t, []string{
"First // inline comments are kept",
"Second // inline comments are kept",
"Third //comment",
"// but not fully commented out lines",
" //even with spaces at the beginning",
"/* another comment */Fourth",
"Fifth /** another comment */",
"Six/** comment **/th",
"Seventh - a block comment begins in this line /*",
"Block comment",
"*/ Eighth - a block comment ends in this line",
}, verbatim)
assert.Equal(t, []string{
"First // inline comments are kept",
"Second // inline comments are kept",
"Third //comment",
"Fifth ",
"Seventh - a block comment begins in this line ",
" Eighth - a block comment ends in this line",
}, noComments)
func TestSplitLinesAndRemoveComments_HandlesMultipleBlockCommentsOnALine(t *testing.T) {
const input = `#include "alpha.h"
/* foo */ /* bar */
#include "beta.h"
apple/* foo */=/* bar */orange
#include "gamma.h"
/* done */`
verbatim, noComments := SplitLinesAndRemoveComments(input)
// Length should always be the same for both.
assert.Len(t, verbatim, 6)
assert.Len(t, noComments, 6)
assert.Equal(t, []string{
`#include "alpha.h"`,
"/* foo */ /* bar */",
`#include "beta.h"`,
"apple/* foo */=/* bar */orange",
`#include "gamma.h"`,
"/* done */",
}, verbatim)
assert.Equal(t, []string{
`#include "alpha.h"`,
" ",
`#include "beta.h"`,
`#include "gamma.h"`,
}, noComments)