blob: db6cd6086be88015e8d10b1651cc179cfd451557 [file] [log] [blame]
package powercycle
import (
// The CommandRunner interface adds a layer of abstraction around sending commands to powercycle
// Controllers. It is not meant to be a general purpose interface or a robust implementation beyond
// exactly that use.
type CommandRunner interface {
// ExecCmds executes a series of commands and returns the accumulated output of all commands.
// If one command fails, an error is returned, but no other guarantees are made.
ExecCmds(ctx context.Context, cmds ...string) (string, error)
// stdinRunner implements the CommandRunner interface by sending commands through standard input
// to the given executable running with the given args.
type stdinRunner struct {
executable string
args []string
// PublicKeySSHCommandRunner returns a CommandRunner that will operate over a native ssh binary
// with the following arguments. One of the provided arguments should be the user/ip address.
// It presumes that the target is configured to authenticate via a shared public key (e.g. in
// .ssh/authorized_keys), as it does not expect or support ssh prompting for a password.
func PublicKeySSHCommandRunner(sshArgs ...string) *stdinRunner {
return &stdinRunner{
executable: "ssh",
args: sshArgs,
// PasswordSSHCommandRunner returns a CommandRunner that will operate over a native ssh binary
// with the following arguments. One of the provided arguments should be the user/ip address.
// It passes the password into ssh via sshpass. See
// for more details on why sshpass
// is needed to give the password to ssh.
// Note: ssh is known to return errors even when the command executed normally. To work around
// this, ignore the error returned by ExecCmds and look at the standard out.
func PasswordSSHCommandRunner(password string, sshArgs ...string) *stdinRunner {
args := append([]string{"-p", password, "ssh"}, sshArgs...)
return &stdinRunner{
executable: "sshpass",
args: args,
// ExecCmds implements the CommandRunner interface. It makes a connection to the target and then
// feeds the commands into standard in joined by newlines. It returns any output it receives and
// any errors.
func (s *stdinRunner) ExecCmds(ctx context.Context, cmds ...string) (string, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
cmd := executil.CommandContext(ctx, s.executable, s.args...)
stdin, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting stdin pipe")
var combined bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &combined
cmd.Stderr = &combined
// start the command before sending to stdin just in case we try to send more data to standard
// input than it can take (~4k).
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrapf(err, "starting executable %s %s", s.executable, s.args)
// Commands sent via standard in are executed after a newline is seen.
cmdStr := strings.Join(cmds, "\n") + "\n"
if _, err := io.WriteString(stdin, cmdStr); err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrapf(err, "sending command %q to stdin", cmdStr)
// SSH will keep running until stdin is closed, so we need to close it before we Wait, otherwise
// Wait will block forever.
if err := stdin.Close(); err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrapf(err, "closing stdin pipe")
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
// combined could have valid input if err is non-nil, e.g. why it crashed.
return combined.String(), skerr.Wrapf(err, "running %q", cmds)
return combined.String(), nil
var _ CommandRunner = (*stdinRunner)(nil)