blob: 0e8ffa3466c303075bab51d9f1dd6fd78a978157 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package processor does the work of taking incoming events from machines and
// updating the machine state using that information. The goal is to move all
// the logic out of `` and into processor.
// TODO(jcgregorio) Add support for devices beyond Android.
// TODO(kjlubick,jcgregorio) Use to catch cases where the
// phone manufacturuers push and update but don't rev the android version.
package processor
import (
const (
badBatteryLevel = -99
// minBatteryLevel is the minimum percentage that a battery needs to be
// charged before testing is allowed. Below this the device should be
// quarantined.
minBatteryLevel = 30
badTemperature float64 = -99
// maxTemperatureC is the highest we want to see a devices temperature. Over
// this the device should be quarantined.
maxTemperatureC float64 = 35
batteryTemperatureKey = "dumpsys_battery"
maxPodLifetime = 24 * time.Hour
// The username for annotations made by the machine server.
machineUserName = ""
var (
// proplines is a regex that matches the output of `adb shell getprop`. Which
// has output that looks like:
// [ro.product.manufacturer]: [asus]
// [ro.product.model]: [Nexus 7]
// []: [razor]
proplines = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^\[(?P<key>.+)\]:\s*\[(?P<value>.*)\].*$`)
// batteryLevel is a regex that matches the output of `adb shell dumpsys battery` and looks
// for the battery level which looks like:
// level: 94
batteryLevel = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)level:\s+(\d+)\n`)
// batteryScale is a regex that matches the output of `adb shell dumpsys battery` and looks
// for the battery scale which looks like:
// scale: 100
batteryScale = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)scale:\s+(\d+)\n`)
// batteryTemperature is a regex that matches the output of `adb shell
// dumpsys battery` and looks for the battery temperature which looks like:
// temperature: 280
batteryTemperature = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)temperature:\s+(\d+)\n`)
// thermalServiceTemperature is a regex that matches the temperatures in the
// output of `adb shell dumpsys thermalservice`, which look like:
// Temperature{mValue=28.000002, mType=2, mName=battery, mStatus=0}
// Note the regex doesn't match negative temperatures so those will be
// ignored. Some devices set a value of -99.9 for the temp of a device they
// aren't actually measuring.
// The groups in the regex are:
// 1. The temp as a float.
// 2. The name of the part being measured.
// 3. The status, which corresponds to different throttling levels.
// See
// The name and status are currently unused.
thermalServiceTemperature = regexp.MustCompile(`\tTemperature{mValue=([\d\.]+),\s+mType=\d+,\s+mName=([^,]+),\s+mStatus=(\d)`)
// ProcessorImpl implements the Processor interface.
type ProcessorImpl struct {
unknownEventTypeCount metrics2.Counter
eventsProcessedCount metrics2.Counter
// New returns a new Processor instance.
func New(ctx context.Context) *ProcessorImpl {
return &ProcessorImpl{
unknownEventTypeCount: metrics2.GetCounter("machineserver_processor_unknown_event_type"),
eventsProcessedCount: metrics2.GetCounter("machineserver_processor_events_processed"),
// sanitizeKubernetesImageName strip off any whitespace and the image: prefix if
// present.
func sanitizeKubernetesImageName(in string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(in, "image:") {
in = in[6:]
return strings.TrimSpace(in)
// Process implements the Processor interface.
func (p *ProcessorImpl) Process(ctx context.Context, previous machine.Description, event machine.Event) machine.Description {
if event.EventType != machine.EventTypeRawState {
sklog.Errorf("Unknown event type: %q", event.EventType)
return previous
machineID := event.Host.Name
dimensions := dimensionsFromAndroidProperties(parseAndroidProperties(event.Android.GetProp))
dimensions[machine.DimID] = []string{machineID}
inMaintenanceMode := false
maintenanceMessage := ""
// TODO(jcgregorio) Come up with a better test than this, maybe send info
// from back in machine.Event?
if strings.HasPrefix(dimensions[machine.DimID][0], "skia-rpi2-") {
dimensions["inside_docker"] = []string{"1", "containerd"}
battery, ok := batteryFromAndroidDumpSys(event.Android.DumpsysBattery)
if ok {
if battery < minBatteryLevel {
inMaintenanceMode = true
maintenanceMessage += "Battery low. "
metrics2.GetInt64Metric("machine_processor_device_battery_level", map[string]string{"machine": machineID}).Update(int64(battery))
temperatures, ok := temperatureFromAndroid(event.Android)
if ok {
temperature := findMaxTemperature(temperatures)
if temperature > maxTemperatureC {
inMaintenanceMode = true
maintenanceMessage += "Too hot. "
for sensor, temp := range temperatures {
metrics2.GetFloat64Metric("machine_processor_device_temperature_c", map[string]string{"machine": machineID, "sensor": sensor}).Update(temp)
// If this machine previously had a connected device and it's no longer
// present then quarantine the machine.
// We use the device_type dimension because it is reported for both Android
// and iOS devices.
if len(previous.Dimensions[machine.DimDeviceType]) > 0 && len(dimensions[machine.DimDeviceType]) == 0 {
dimensions[machine.DimQuarantined] = []string{fmt.Sprintf("Device %q has gone missing", previous.Dimensions[machine.DimDeviceType])}
ret := previous.Copy()
ret.Battery = battery
ret.Temperature = temperatures
ret.RunningSwarmingTask = event.RunningSwarmingTask
ret.PodName = event.Host.PodName
ret.LastUpdated = time.Now()
ret.DeviceUptime = int32(event.Android.Uptime.Seconds())
ret.KubernetesImage = sanitizeKubernetesImageName(event.Host.KubernetesImage)
for k, values := range dimensions {
ret.Dimensions[k] = values
// If the pod gets too old we schedule it for deletion.
if time.Now().Sub(event.Host.StartTime) > maxPodLifetime && ret.ScheduledForDeletion == "" {
ret.ScheduledForDeletion = ret.PodName
ret.Annotation.Timestamp = time.Now()
ret.Annotation.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Pod too old, requested update for %q", ret.PodName)
ret.Annotation.User = machineUserName
// If the machine just started in Recovery mode then record the start time.
// Note that if the machine is currently running a test then the amount of
// time in recovery will also include some of the test time, but that's the
// price we pay to avoid a race condition where a test ends and a new test
// starts before we set maintenance mode.
if inMaintenanceMode && previous.Mode != machine.ModeRecovery {
ret.Mode = machine.ModeRecovery
ret.RecoveryStart = time.Now()
ret.Annotation.Timestamp = time.Now()
ret.Annotation.Message = maintenanceMessage
ret.Annotation.User = machineUserName
// If nothing put the device in maintenance this cycle then move back being
// available.
if !inMaintenanceMode && previous.Mode == machine.ModeRecovery {
ret.Mode = machine.ModeAvailable
ret.Annotation.Timestamp = time.Now()
ret.Annotation.Message = "Leaving recovery mode."
ret.Annotation.User = machineUserName
maintenanceModeMetric := metrics2.GetInt64Metric("machine_processor_device_maintenance", map[string]string{"machine": machineID})
if inMaintenanceMode {
} else {
// Once a pod has restarted it will have a new podname so clear the deletion.
if ret.ScheduledForDeletion != "" && ret.PodName != ret.ScheduledForDeletion {
ret.ScheduledForDeletion = ""
// If the machine was quarantined, but hasn't been quarantined this trip
// through Process then take the machine out of quarantine.
if previous.Mode == machine.ModeAvailable && len(previous.Dimensions[machine.DimQuarantined]) != 0 && len(dimensions[machine.DimQuarantined]) == 0 {
delete(ret.Dimensions, machine.DimQuarantined)
// Record the quarantined state in a metric.
quarantinedMetric := metrics2.GetInt64Metric("machine_processor_device_quarantined", map[string]string{"machine": machineID})
if len(ret.Dimensions[machine.DimQuarantined]) > 0 {
} else {
return ret
// parseAndroidProperties parses what should be the output of `adb shell
// getprop` and return it as a map[string]string.
func parseAndroidProperties(s string) map[string]string {
ret := map[string]string{}
matches := proplines.FindAllStringSubmatch(s, -1)
for _, line := range matches {
ret[line[1]] = line[2]
return ret
var (
// dimensionProperties maps a dimension and its value is the list of all
// possible device properties that can define that dimension. The
// product.device should be read (and listed) first, that is, before
// build.product because the latter is deprecated.
dimensionProperties = map[string][]string{
"device_os": {""},
"device_os_flavor": {"ro.product.brand", "ro.product.system.brand"},
"device_os_type": {""},
machine.DimDeviceType: {"ro.product.device", "", "ro.product.board"},
// dimensionsFromAndroidProperties converts dimensions from `adb shell getprop`
// into LUCI machine dimensions.
func dimensionsFromAndroidProperties(prop map[string]string) map[string][]string {
ret := map[string][]string{}
for dimName, propNames := range dimensionProperties {
for _, propName := range propNames {
if value, ok := prop[propName]; ok {
if value == "" {
arr, ok := ret[dimName]
if util.In(value, arr) {
if ok {
arr = append(arr, value)
} else {
arr = []string{value}
ret[dimName] = arr
// Devices such as the Galaxy S7 update build w/o updating android,
// so we merge them together to catch subtle updates.
incremental := prop[""]
if incremental != "" {
ret["device_os"] = append(ret["device_os"], fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", ret["device_os"][0], incremental))
// Add the first character of each device_os to the dimension.
osList := append([]string{}, ret["device_os"]...)
for _, os := range ret["device_os"] {
firstChar := os[:1]
if firstChar != "" && strings.ToUpper(firstChar) == firstChar && !util.In(firstChar, osList) {
osList = append(osList, os[:1])
if len(osList) > 0 {
ret["device_os"] = osList
// Tweaks the 'product.brand' prop to be a little more readable.
flavors := ret["device_os_flavor"]
for i, flavor := range flavors {
flavors[i] = strings.ToLower(flavor)
if flavors[i] == "aosp" {
flavors[i] = "android"
if len(flavors) > 0 {
ret["device_os_flavor"] = flavors
if len(ret["device_os"]) > 0 {
ret["android_devices"] = []string{"1"}
ret[machine.DimOS] = []string{"Android"}
return ret
// Return battery as an integer percentage, i.e. 50% charged returns 50.
// The output from dumpsys battery looks like:
// Current Battery Service state:
// AC powered: true
// USB powered: false
// Wireless powered: false
// Max charging current: 1500000
// Max charging voltage: 5000000
// Charge counter: 2448973
// status: 2
// health: 2
// present: true
// level: 94
// scale: 100
// voltage: 4248
// temperature: 280
// technology: Li-ion
func batteryFromAndroidDumpSys(batteryDumpSys string) (int, bool) {
levelMatch := batteryLevel.FindStringSubmatch(batteryDumpSys)
if levelMatch == nil {
return badBatteryLevel, false
level, err := strconv.Atoi(levelMatch[1])
if err != nil {
return badBatteryLevel, false
scaleMatch := batteryScale.FindStringSubmatch(batteryDumpSys)
if scaleMatch == nil {
return badBatteryLevel, false
scale, err := strconv.Atoi(scaleMatch[1])
if err != nil {
return badBatteryLevel, false
if scale == 0 {
return badBatteryLevel, false
return (100 * level) / scale, true
// Return the device temperature as a float. The returned boolean will be false if
// no temperature could be extracted.
// The output from `adb shell dumpsys thermalservice` looks like:
// IsStatusOverride: false
// ThermalEventListeners:
// callbacks: 1
// killed: false
// broadcasts count: -1
// ThermalStatusListeners:
// callbacks: 1
// killed: false
// broadcasts count: -1
// Thermal Status: 0
// Cached temperatures:
// Temperature{mValue=-99.9, mType=6, mName=TYPE_POWER_AMPLIFIER, mStatus=0}
// Temperature{mValue=25.3, mType=4, mName=TYPE_SKIN, mStatus=0}
// Temperature{mValue=24.0, mType=1, mName=TYPE_CPU, mStatus=0}
// Temperature{mValue=24.4, mType=3, mName=TYPE_BATTERY, mStatus=0}
// Temperature{mValue=24.2, mType=5, mName=TYPE_USB_PORT, mStatus=0}
// HAL Ready: true
// HAL connection:
// Sdhms connected: yes
// Current temperatures from HAL:
// Temperature{mValue=24.0, mType=1, mName=TYPE_CPU, mStatus=0}
// Temperature{mValue=24.4, mType=3, mName=TYPE_BATTERY, mStatus=0}
// Temperature{mValue=25.3, mType=4, mName=TYPE_SKIN, mStatus=0}
// Temperature{mValue=24.2, mType=5, mName=TYPE_USB_PORT, mStatus=0}
// Temperature{mValue=-99.9, mType=6, mName=TYPE_POWER_AMPLIFIER, mStatus=0}
// Current cooling devices from HAL:
// CoolingDevice{mValue=0, mType=2, mName=TYPE_CPU}
// CoolingDevice{mValue=0, mType=3, mName=TYPE_GPU}
// CoolingDevice{mValue=0, mType=1, mName=TYPE_BATTERY}
// CoolingDevice{mValue=1, mType=4, mName=TYPE_MODEM}
// We are only interested in the temperatures found in the 'Current temperatures from HAL'
// section and we return the max of all the temperatures found there.
// TODO(jcgregorio) Add support for 'dumpsys hwthermal' which has a different format.
func temperatureFromAndroid(android machine.Android) (map[string]float64, bool) {
ret := map[string]float64{}
if len(android.DumpsysThermalService) != 0 {
// Only use temperatures that appear after "Current temperatures from HAL".
inCurrentTemperatures := false
for _, line := range strings.Split(android.DumpsysThermalService, "\n") {
if !inCurrentTemperatures {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "Current temperatures from HAL") {
inCurrentTemperatures = true
// Stop when we get past the Temperature{} lines, i.e. we see a line
// that doesn't begin with a tab.
if !strings.HasPrefix(line, "\t") {
matches := thermalServiceTemperature.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if matches == nil {
temp, err := strconv.ParseFloat(matches[1], 64)
if err != nil {
ret[matches[2]] = temp
temperatureMatch := batteryTemperature.FindStringSubmatch(android.DumpsysBattery)
if temperatureMatch != nil {
// The value is an integer in units of 1/10 C.
temp10C, err := strconv.Atoi(temperatureMatch[1])
if err == nil {
ret[batteryTemperatureKey] = float64(temp10C) / 10
if len(ret) == 0 {
return nil, false
return ret, true
func findMaxTemperature(temps map[string]float64) float64 {
if len(temps) == 0 {
return badTemperature
max := badTemperature
for _, temp := range temps {
if temp > max {
max = temp
return max