blob: f10a277406eeeae24df45fd9e8bce696d4b64e59 [file] [log] [blame]
# Adds a "nonce" attribute to all <link> and <script> tags found in the source HTML file.
# For most Skia Infrastructure apps, the value of nonce attributes is plugged in at run time by the
# Golang binary serving the application. This is typically done using the Golang "html/template"
# package. The examples below use a typical placeholder value found in many of our apps.
# # BUILD.bazel
# insert_nonce_attribute(
# name="nonce_generator",
# src="input.html",
# out="output.html",
# nonce="{% .Nonce %}",
# )
# <!-- input.html -->
# <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
# <script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
# <!-- output.html -->
# <link nonce="{% .Nonce %}" href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
# <script nonce="{% .Nonce %}" type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
# Known limitations: this is a regex-based search/replace operation, unaware of comments or strings.
def html_insert_nonce_attribute(name, src, out, nonce):
name = name,
srcs = [src],
outs = [out],
cmd = "sed -E 's/(<script|<link)/\\1 nonce=\"%s\"/g' $< > $@" % nonce,