[gold] Delete unused tjstore and sqltjstore Go packages.

Change-Id: If348cf39cc61372bf960a3e4eb093d476ca618ba
Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/buildbot/+/566096
Reviewed-by: Kevin Lubick <kjlubick@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Kevin Lubick <kjlubick@google.com>
Auto-Submit: Leandro Lovisolo <lovisolo@google.com>
diff --git a/golden/go/tjstore/BUILD.bazel b/golden/go/tjstore/BUILD.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index cdd14f0..0000000
--- a/golden/go/tjstore/BUILD.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-load("//bazel/go:go_test.bzl", "go_test")
-load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library")
-    name = "tjstore",
-    srcs = ["tjstore.go"],
-    importpath = "go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/tjstore",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-    deps = [
-        "//go/paramtools",
-        "//golden/go/continuous_integration",
-        "//golden/go/types",
-    ],
-    name = "tjstore_test",
-    srcs = ["tjstore_test.go"],
-    embed = [":tjstore"],
-    deps = [
-        "//go/testutils/unittest",
-        "@com_github_stretchr_testify//assert",
-    ],
diff --git a/golden/go/tjstore/mocks/BUILD.bazel b/golden/go/tjstore/mocks/BUILD.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 674ad5d..0000000
--- a/golden/go/tjstore/mocks/BUILD.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library")
-    name = "mocks",
-    srcs = [
-        "Store.go",
-        "generate.go",
-    ],
-    importpath = "go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/tjstore/mocks",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-    deps = [
-        "//golden/go/continuous_integration",
-        "//golden/go/tjstore",
-        "@com_github_stretchr_testify//mock",
-    ],
diff --git a/golden/go/tjstore/mocks/Store.go b/golden/go/tjstore/mocks/Store.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b65c5c..0000000
--- a/golden/go/tjstore/mocks/Store.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by mockery v0.0.0-dev. DO NOT EDIT.
-package mocks
-import (
-	context "context"
-	mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
-	continuous_integration "go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/continuous_integration"
-	testing "testing"
-	time "time"
-	tjstore "go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/tjstore"
-// Store is an autogenerated mock type for the Store type
-type Store struct {
-	mock.Mock
-// GetResults provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, psID, updatedAfter
-func (_m *Store) GetResults(ctx context.Context, psID tjstore.CombinedPSID, updatedAfter time.Time) ([]tjstore.TryJobResult, error) {
-	ret := _m.Called(ctx, psID, updatedAfter)
-	var r0 []tjstore.TryJobResult
-	if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, tjstore.CombinedPSID, time.Time) []tjstore.TryJobResult); ok {
-		r0 = rf(ctx, psID, updatedAfter)
-	} else {
-		if ret.Get(0) != nil {
-			r0 = ret.Get(0).([]tjstore.TryJobResult)
-		}
-	}
-	var r1 error
-	if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, tjstore.CombinedPSID, time.Time) error); ok {
-		r1 = rf(ctx, psID, updatedAfter)
-	} else {
-		r1 = ret.Error(1)
-	}
-	return r0, r1
-// GetTryJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, cisName
-func (_m *Store) GetTryJob(ctx context.Context, id string, cisName string) (continuous_integration.TryJob, error) {
-	ret := _m.Called(ctx, id, cisName)
-	var r0 continuous_integration.TryJob
-	if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, string, string) continuous_integration.TryJob); ok {
-		r0 = rf(ctx, id, cisName)
-	} else {
-		r0 = ret.Get(0).(continuous_integration.TryJob)
-	}
-	var r1 error
-	if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, string, string) error); ok {
-		r1 = rf(ctx, id, cisName)
-	} else {
-		r1 = ret.Error(1)
-	}
-	return r0, r1
-// GetTryJobs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, psID
-func (_m *Store) GetTryJobs(ctx context.Context, psID tjstore.CombinedPSID) ([]continuous_integration.TryJob, error) {
-	ret := _m.Called(ctx, psID)
-	var r0 []continuous_integration.TryJob
-	if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, tjstore.CombinedPSID) []continuous_integration.TryJob); ok {
-		r0 = rf(ctx, psID)
-	} else {
-		if ret.Get(0) != nil {
-			r0 = ret.Get(0).([]continuous_integration.TryJob)
-		}
-	}
-	var r1 error
-	if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, tjstore.CombinedPSID) error); ok {
-		r1 = rf(ctx, psID)
-	} else {
-		r1 = ret.Error(1)
-	}
-	return r0, r1
-// NewStore creates a new instance of Store. It also registers a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
-func NewStore(t testing.TB) *Store {
-	mock := &Store{}
-	t.Cleanup(func() { mock.AssertExpectations(t) })
-	return mock
diff --git a/golden/go/tjstore/mocks/generate.go b/golden/go/tjstore/mocks/generate.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 37404f1..0000000
--- a/golden/go/tjstore/mocks/generate.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-package mocks
-//go:generate bazelisk run //:mockery   -- --name Store  --srcpkg=go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/tjstore --output ${PWD}
diff --git a/golden/go/tjstore/sqltjstore/BUILD.bazel b/golden/go/tjstore/sqltjstore/BUILD.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index c10e62d..0000000
--- a/golden/go/tjstore/sqltjstore/BUILD.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library")
-load("//bazel/go:go_test.bzl", "go_test")
-    name = "sqltjstore",
-    srcs = ["sqltjstore.go"],
-    importpath = "go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/tjstore/sqltjstore",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-    deps = [
-        "//go/skerr",
-        "//golden/go/continuous_integration",
-        "//golden/go/sql",
-        "//golden/go/sql/schema",
-        "//golden/go/tjstore",
-        "//golden/go/types",
-        "@com_github_jackc_pgtype//:pgtype",
-        "@com_github_jackc_pgx_v4//:pgx",
-        "@com_github_jackc_pgx_v4//pgxpool",
-        "@io_opencensus_go//trace",
-    ],
-    name = "sqltjstore_test",
-    srcs = ["sqltjstore_test.go"],
-    embed = [":sqltjstore"],
-    deps = [
-        "//go/paramtools",
-        "//go/testutils/unittest",
-        "//golden/go/continuous_integration",
-        "//golden/go/sql/datakitchensink",
-        "//golden/go/sql/sqltest",
-        "//golden/go/tjstore",
-        "//golden/go/types",
-        "@com_github_stretchr_testify//assert",
-        "@com_github_stretchr_testify//require",
-    ],
diff --git a/golden/go/tjstore/sqltjstore/sqltjstore.go b/golden/go/tjstore/sqltjstore/sqltjstore.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a35e10f..0000000
--- a/golden/go/tjstore/sqltjstore/sqltjstore.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-package sqltjstore
-import (
-	"context"
-	"encoding/hex"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/jackc/pgtype"
-	"github.com/jackc/pgx/v4"
-	"github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/pgxpool"
-	"go.opencensus.io/trace"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/go/skerr"
-	ci "go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/continuous_integration"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/sql"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/sql/schema"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/tjstore"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/types"
-type StoreImpl struct {
-	db *pgxpool.Pool
-// New returns a SQL-backed tjstore.Store.
-func New(db *pgxpool.Pool) *StoreImpl {
-	return &StoreImpl{
-		db: db,
-	}
-// GetTryJobs implements the tjstore.Store interface.
-func (s *StoreImpl) GetTryJobs(ctx context.Context, cID tjstore.CombinedPSID) ([]ci.TryJob, error) {
-	clID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.CL)
-	psID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.PS)
-	rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, `
-SELECT tryjob_id, system, display_name, last_ingested_data FROM Tryjobs
-WHERE changelist_id = $1 AND patchset_id = $2
-ORDER by display_name`, clID, psID)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching tryjobs for %#v", cID)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	var rv []ci.TryJob
-	for rows.Next() {
-		var row schema.TryjobRow
-		err := rows.Scan(&row.TryjobID, &row.System, &row.DisplayName, &row.LastIngestedData)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "when fetching tryjobs for %#v", cID)
-		}
-		rv = append(rv, ci.TryJob{
-			SystemID:    sql.Unqualify(row.TryjobID),
-			System:      row.System,
-			DisplayName: row.DisplayName,
-			Updated:     row.LastIngestedData.UTC(),
-		})
-	}
-	return rv, nil
-// GetTryJob implements the tjstore.Store interface.
-func (s *StoreImpl) GetTryJob(ctx context.Context, id, cisName string) (ci.TryJob, error) {
-	qID := sql.Qualify(cisName, id)
-	row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, `
-SELECT display_name, last_ingested_data FROM Tryjobs WHERE tryjob_id = $1`, qID)
-	var r schema.TryjobRow
-	err := row.Scan(&r.DisplayName, &r.LastIngestedData)
-	if err != nil {
-		if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
-			return ci.TryJob{}, tjstore.ErrNotFound
-		}
-		return ci.TryJob{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "querying for id %s", qID)
-	}
-	return ci.TryJob{
-		SystemID:    id,
-		System:      cisName,
-		DisplayName: r.DisplayName,
-		Updated:     r.LastIngestedData.UTC(),
-	}, nil
-// A possible optimization for RAM usage / network would be to request the option ids only
-// and then run a followup request to fetch those and re-use the maps. This is the simplest
-// possible query that might work.
-const resultNoTime = `SELECT Traces.keys, digest, Options.keys, SecondaryBranchValues.tryjob_id FROM
-SecondaryBranchValues JOIN Traces
-ON SecondaryBranchValues.secondary_branch_trace_id = Traces.trace_id
-JOIN Options
-ON SecondaryBranchValues.options_id = Options.options_id
-WHERE branch_name = $1 AND version_name = $2`
-const resultWithTime = `
-SELECT Traces.keys, digest, Options.keys, SecondaryBranchValues.tryjob_id FROM
-SecondaryBranchValues JOIN Traces
-ON SecondaryBranchValues.secondary_branch_trace_id = Traces.trace_id
-JOIN Options
-ON SecondaryBranchValues.options_id = Options.options_id
-JOIN Tryjobs
-ON SecondaryBranchValues.tryjob_id = Tryjobs.tryjob_id
-WHERE branch_name = $1 AND version_name = $2 and last_ingested_data > $3`
-// GetResults implements the tjstore.Store interface. Of note, it always returns a nil GroupParams
-// because the way the data is stored, there is no way to know which params were ingested together.
-func (s *StoreImpl) GetResults(ctx context.Context, cID tjstore.CombinedPSID, updatedAfter time.Time) ([]tjstore.TryJobResult, error) {
-	ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltjstore_GetResults")
-	defer span.End()
-	clID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.CL)
-	psID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.PS)
-	statement := resultNoTime
-	arguments := []interface{}{clID, psID}
-	if !updatedAfter.IsZero() {
-		statement = resultWithTime
-		arguments = append(arguments, updatedAfter)
-	}
-	rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, arguments...)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting values for tryjobs on %#v", cID)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	var rv []tjstore.TryJobResult
-	for rows.Next() {
-		var digestBytes schema.DigestBytes
-		var result tjstore.TryJobResult
-		var qualifiedTryjobID pgtype.Text
-		err := rows.Scan(&result.ResultParams, &digestBytes, &result.Options, &qualifiedTryjobID)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "scanning values for tryjobs %#v", cID)
-		}
-		result.Digest = types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(digestBytes))
-		if qualifiedTryjobID.Status == pgtype.Present {
-			parts := strings.SplitN(qualifiedTryjobID.String, "_", 2)
-			result.System = parts[0]
-			result.TryjobID = parts[1]
-		}
-		rv = append(rv, result)
-	}
-	return rv, nil
-// Make sure StoreImpl fulfills the tjstore.Store interface.
-var _ tjstore.Store = (*StoreImpl)(nil)
diff --git a/golden/go/tjstore/sqltjstore/sqltjstore_test.go b/golden/go/tjstore/sqltjstore/sqltjstore_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 16234de..0000000
--- a/golden/go/tjstore/sqltjstore/sqltjstore_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-package sqltjstore
-import (
-	"context"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/go/paramtools"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/go/testutils/unittest"
-	ci "go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/continuous_integration"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/sql/datakitchensink"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/sql/sqltest"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/tjstore"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/types"
-func TestGetTryJob_Success(t *testing.T) {
-	unittest.LargeTest(t)
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	db := sqltest.NewCockroachDBForTestsWithProductionSchema(ctx, t)
-	require.NoError(t, sqltest.BulkInsertDataTables(ctx, db, datakitchensink.Build()))
-	store := New(db)
-	actual, err := store.GetTryJob(ctx, datakitchensink.Tryjob02IPad, datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	assert.Equal(t, ci.TryJob{
-		SystemID:    datakitchensink.Tryjob02IPad,
-		System:      datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		DisplayName: "Test-iPad-ALL",
-		Updated:     time.Date(2020, time.December, 10, 3, 2, 1, 0, time.UTC),
-	}, actual)
-func TestGetTryJobs_ValidID_Success(t *testing.T) {
-	unittest.LargeTest(t)
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	db := sqltest.NewCockroachDBForTestsWithProductionSchema(ctx, t)
-	require.NoError(t, sqltest.BulkInsertDataTables(ctx, db, datakitchensink.Build()))
-	store := New(db)
-	actual, err := store.GetTryJobs(ctx, tjstore.CombinedPSID{
-		CL:  datakitchensink.ChangelistIDThatAttemptsToFixIOS,
-		CRS: datakitchensink.GerritCRS,
-		PS:  datakitchensink.PatchSetIDFixesIPadButNotIPhone,
-	})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	// As per the Tryjob Store API, we sort them by display name
-	assert.Equal(t, []ci.TryJob{{
-		SystemID:    datakitchensink.Tryjob02IPad,
-		System:      datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		DisplayName: "Test-iPad-ALL",
-		Updated:     datakitchensink.Tryjob02LastIngested,
-	}, {
-		SystemID:    datakitchensink.Tryjob01IPhoneRGB,
-		System:      datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		DisplayName: "Test-iPhone-RGB",
-		Updated:     datakitchensink.Tryjob01LastIngested,
-	}, {
-		SystemID:    datakitchensink.Tryjob03TaimenRGB,
-		System:      datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		DisplayName: "Test-taimen-RGB",
-		Updated:     datakitchensink.Tryjob03LastIngested,
-	}}, actual)
-func TestGetTryJobs_InvalidID_ReturnsNoResults(t *testing.T) {
-	unittest.LargeTest(t)
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	db := sqltest.NewCockroachDBForTestsWithProductionSchema(ctx, t)
-	require.NoError(t, sqltest.BulkInsertDataTables(ctx, db, datakitchensink.Build()))
-	store := New(db)
-	actual, err := store.GetTryJobs(ctx, tjstore.CombinedPSID{
-		CL:  datakitchensink.ChangelistIDThatAttemptsToFixIOS,
-		CRS: datakitchensink.GerritCRS,
-		PS:  "Patchset does not exist",
-	})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	assert.Empty(t, actual)
-func TestGetResults_ValidID_Success(t *testing.T) {
-	unittest.LargeTest(t)
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	db := sqltest.NewCockroachDBForTestsWithProductionSchema(ctx, t)
-	require.NoError(t, sqltest.BulkInsertDataTables(ctx, db, datakitchensink.Build()))
-	store := New(db)
-	results, err := store.GetResults(ctx, tjstore.CombinedPSID{
-		CL:  datakitchensink.ChangelistIDThatAttemptsToFixIOS,
-		CRS: datakitchensink.GerritCRS,
-		PS:  datakitchensink.PatchSetIDFixesIPadButNotIPhone,
-	}, time.Time{})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	assert.ElementsMatch(t, []tjstore.TryJobResult{{
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob02IPad,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPadDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.CornersCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.SquareTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.GreyColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestA02Pos,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob02IPad,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPadDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.CornersCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.TriangleTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.GreyColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestB02Pos,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob02IPad,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPadDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.RoundCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.CircleTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.GreyColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestC02Pos,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob02IPad,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPadDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.CornersCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.SquareTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestA01Pos,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob02IPad,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPadDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.CornersCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.TriangleTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestB01Pos,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob02IPad,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPadDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.RoundCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.CircleTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestC06Pos_CL,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob01IPhoneRGB,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPhoneDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.CornersCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.SquareTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestA01Pos,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob01IPhoneRGB,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPhoneDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.CornersCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.TriangleTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestB01Pos,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob01IPhoneRGB,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPhoneDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.RoundCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.CircleTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestC07Unt_CL,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob03TaimenRGB,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.AndroidOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.TaimenDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.CornersCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.SquareTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestA09Neg,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob03TaimenRGB,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.AndroidOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.TaimenDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.CornersCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.TriangleTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestB01Pos,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob03TaimenRGB,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.AndroidOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.TaimenDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.RoundCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.CircleTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestC05Unt,
-	}}, results)
-func TestGetResults_TimeIncludesOneTryjob_Success(t *testing.T) {
-	unittest.LargeTest(t)
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	db := sqltest.NewCockroachDBForTestsWithProductionSchema(ctx, t)
-	require.NoError(t, sqltest.BulkInsertDataTables(ctx, db, datakitchensink.Build()))
-	store := New(db)
-	// PatchSetIDFixesIPadButNotIPhone has data from 3 TryJobs. Of the three, the last one to be
-	// ingested was Tryjob01, so we set the time cutoff before that to see that we only get the
-	// results from that Tryjob (the iphone results)
-	ts := datakitchensink.Tryjob01LastIngested.Add(-time.Second)
-	results, err := store.GetResults(ctx, tjstore.CombinedPSID{
-		CL:  datakitchensink.ChangelistIDThatAttemptsToFixIOS,
-		CRS: datakitchensink.GerritCRS,
-		PS:  datakitchensink.PatchSetIDFixesIPadButNotIPhone,
-	}, ts)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	assert.ElementsMatch(t, []tjstore.TryJobResult{{
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob01IPhoneRGB,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPhoneDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.CornersCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.SquareTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestA01Pos,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob01IPhoneRGB,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPhoneDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.CornersCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.TriangleTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestB01Pos,
-	}, {
-		System:   datakitchensink.BuildBucketCIS,
-		TryjobID: datakitchensink.Tryjob01IPhoneRGB,
-		ResultParams: paramtools.Params{
-			datakitchensink.OSKey:        datakitchensink.IOS,
-			datakitchensink.DeviceKey:    datakitchensink.IPhoneDevice,
-			types.CorpusField:            datakitchensink.RoundCorpus,
-			types.PrimaryKeyField:        datakitchensink.CircleTest,
-			datakitchensink.ColorModeKey: datakitchensink.RGBColorMode,
-		},
-		Options: paramtools.Params{"ext": "png"},
-		Digest:  datakitchensink.DigestC07Unt_CL,
-	}}, results)
-func TestGetResults_TimeIncludesNoTryjobs_ReturnsEmptyResults(t *testing.T) {
-	unittest.LargeTest(t)
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	db := sqltest.NewCockroachDBForTestsWithProductionSchema(ctx, t)
-	require.NoError(t, sqltest.BulkInsertDataTables(ctx, db, datakitchensink.Build()))
-	store := New(db)
-	// PatchSetIDFixesIPadButNotIPhone has data from 3 TryJobs. Of the three, the last one to be
-	// ingested was Tryjob01, so if we put the time cutoff after this, there should be no data.
-	ts := datakitchensink.Tryjob01LastIngested.Add(time.Second)
-	results, err := store.GetResults(ctx, tjstore.CombinedPSID{
-		CL:  datakitchensink.ChangelistIDThatAttemptsToFixIOS,
-		CRS: datakitchensink.GerritCRS,
-		PS:  datakitchensink.PatchSetIDFixesIPadButNotIPhone,
-	}, ts)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	assert.Empty(t, results)
diff --git a/golden/go/tjstore/tjstore.go b/golden/go/tjstore/tjstore.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3abaf21..0000000
--- a/golden/go/tjstore/tjstore.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Package tjstore defines an interface for storing TryJob-related data
-// as needed for operating Gold.
-package tjstore
-import (
-	"context"
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"time"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/go/paramtools"
-	ci "go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/continuous_integration"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/golden/go/types"
-// Store (sometimes called TryJobStore) is an interface around a database
-// for storing TryJobs and TryJobResults. Of note, we will only store data for
-// TryJobs which uploaded data to Gold (e.g. via ingestion); the purpose of
-// this interface is not to store data about every TryJob.
-type Store interface {
-	// GetTryJob returns the TryJob corresponding to the given id.
-	// Returns NotFound if it doesn't exist.
-	GetTryJob(ctx context.Context, id, cisName string) (ci.TryJob, error)
-	// GetTryJobs returns all TryJobs associated with a given Changelist and Patchset.
-	// The returned slice could be empty if the CL or PS don't exist.
-	// TryJobs should be sorted by DisplayName.
-	GetTryJobs(ctx context.Context, psID CombinedPSID) ([]ci.TryJob, error)
-	// GetResults returns any TryJobResults for a given Changelist and Patchset.
-	// The returned slice could be empty and is not sorted. If updatedAfter is not
-	// a zero time, it will be used to return the subset of results created on or after
-	// the given time.
-	GetResults(ctx context.Context, psID CombinedPSID, updatedAfter time.Time) ([]TryJobResult, error)
-var ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found")
-type TryJobResult struct {
-	// GroupParams describe the general configuration that produced
-	// the digest/image. This includes things like the model of device
-	// that drew the image. GroupParams are likely to be shared among
-	// many, if not all, the TryJobResults for a single TryJob, and
-	// by making them a separate parameter, the map can be shared rather
-	// than copied. Clients should treat this as read-only and not modify
-	// it, as it could be shared by multiple different TryJobResults.
-	GroupParams paramtools.Params
-	// ResultParams describe the specialized configuration that
-	// produced the digest/image. This includes the test name and corpus,
-	// things that change for each result. This map is safe to be written
-	// to by the client.
-	// In the event of conflict, ResultParams should override Options which
-	// override GroupParams.
-	ResultParams paramtools.Params
-	// Options give extra details about this result. This includes things
-	// like the file format. Skia uses this for things like gamma_correctness.
-	// Clients should treat this as read-only and not modify it, as it could
-	// be shared by multiple different TryJobResults.
-	Options paramtools.Params
-	// Digest references the image that was generated by the test.
-	Digest types.Digest
-	// TryjobID represents the tryjob that produced this result.
-	TryjobID string
-	// System represents the CI System that the Tryjob belonged to.
-	System string
-// CombinedPSID represents an identifier that uniquely refers to a Patchset.
-type CombinedPSID struct {
-	CL  string
-	CRS string
-	PS  string
-// Key creates a probably unique id for a given
-// Patchset using the id of the Changelist it belongs to and the
-// ChangeReviewSystem it is a part of. We say "probably unique" because
-// a malicious person could try to control the clID and the psID to make
-// two different inputs make the same result, but that is unlikely for
-// ids that are valid (i.e. exist on a system like Gerrit).
-func (c CombinedPSID) Key() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%s__%s__%s", c.CL, c.CRS, c.PS)
-// Equal returns true if the IDs are identical, false otherwise.
-func (c CombinedPSID) Equal(other CombinedPSID) bool {
-	return c.CL == other.CL && c.PS == other.PS && c.CRS == other.CRS
diff --git a/golden/go/tjstore/tjstore_test.go b/golden/go/tjstore/tjstore_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 96bacd1..0000000
--- a/golden/go/tjstore/tjstore_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package tjstore
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/go/testutils/unittest"
-func TestCombinedPSID_Equal(t *testing.T) {
-	unittest.SmallTest(t)
-	assert.True(t, CombinedPSID{
-		CL:  "alpha",
-		CRS: "beta",
-		PS:  "gamma",
-	}.Equal(CombinedPSID{
-		CL:  "alpha",
-		CRS: "beta",
-		PS:  "gamma",
-	}))
-	assert.False(t, CombinedPSID{
-		CL:  "alpha",
-		CRS: "beta",
-		PS:  "alabama",
-	}.Equal(CombinedPSID{
-		CL:  "alpha",
-		CRS: "beta",
-		PS:  "gamma",
-	}))
-	assert.False(t, CombinedPSID{
-		CL:  "alpha",
-		CRS: "beta",
-		PS:  "alabama",
-	}.Equal(CombinedPSID{}))