blob: 85fdbba5861f9b30c38cf0dff270acb7633b67a9 [file] [log] [blame]
package imports
import (
// Any package named testutil(s) and the packages in the following list are
// allowed to import other test packages, but non-test packages are not allowed
// to import them.
var testPackages = []string{
// TODO(borenet): this list should be empty.
// items should not be added to this list, only removed.
var legacyTestImportExceptions = map[string][]string{
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
// isTestPackage returns true if the given package should be considered a test
// package, ie. it is allowed to import other test packages and non-test
// packages are not allowed to import it.
func isTestPackage(pkg string) bool {
return (strings.HasSuffix(pkg, "shared_tests") ||
strings.HasSuffix(pkg, "testutil") ||
strings.HasSuffix(pkg, "testutils") ||
util.In(pkg, testPackages))
// testImportAllowed returns true if the given non-test package is whitelisted
// to import the given test package.
func testImportAllowed(importer, importee string) bool {
return util.In(importee, legacyTestImportExceptions[importer])
// TestNoPackageImportsTesting asserts that no non-test package imports a test
// package, with the exception of those listed in legacyTestImportExceptions.
func TestNoPackageImportsTesting(t *testing.T) {
// Find all packages, categorize as test and non-test.
pkgs, err := LoadAllPackageData(context.Background())
assert.NoError(t, err)
testPkgs := make(map[string]*Package, len(pkgs))
nonTestPkgs := make(map[string]*Package, len(pkgs))
for name, pkg := range pkgs {
if isTestPackage(name) {
testPkgs[name] = pkg
} else {
nonTestPkgs[name] = pkg
for _, name := range testPackages {
testPkgs[name] = &Package{} // Not actually used.
// Ensure that no non-test package imports a test package.
for name, pkg := range nonTestPkgs {
for _, imported := range pkg.Imports {
_, importsTestPkg := testPkgs[imported]
// TODO: Remove this once legacyTestImportExceptions is empty.
if importsTestPkg && testImportAllowed(name, imported) {
importsTestPkg = false
assert.Falsef(t, importsTestPkg, "Non-test package %s imports test package %s", name, imported)
// Verify that legacyTestImportExceptions doesn't contain more
// entries than it should.
// TODO: Remove this once legacyTestImportExceptions is empty.
for _, whitelistedTestImport := range legacyTestImportExceptions[name] {
assert.Truef(t, util.In(whitelistedTestImport, pkg.Imports), "Non-test package %s is whitelisted to import %s but does not.", name, whitelistedTestImport)