blob: f13af4c71321af7361b37f51369ff57fe88a212a [file] [log] [blame]
package firestore
This package provides convenience functions for interacting with Cloud Firestore.
import (
const (
// Firestore has a timestamp resolution of one microsecond.
TS_RESOLUTION = time.Microsecond
// List all apps here as constants.
APP_TASK_SCHEDULER = "task-scheduler"
// Base wait time between attempts.
BACKOFF_WAIT = 5 * time.Second
// Project ID. At the moment only the skia-firestore project has
// Firestore enabled.
FIRESTORE_PROJECT = "skia-firestore"
// List all instances here as constants.
// Maximum number of docs in a single transaction.
// IterDocs won't iterate for longer than this amount of time at once,
// otherwise we risk server timeouts. Instead, it will stop and resume
// iteration.
MAX_ITER_TIME = 50 * time.Second
var (
// We will retry requests which result in these errors.
RETRY_ERRORS = []codes.Code{
// errIterTooLong is a special error used in conjunction with
// MAX_ITER_TIME and IterDocs to prevent running into server timeouts
// when iterating a large number of entries.
errIterTooLong = errors.New("iterated too long")
// DocumentRefSlice is a slice of DocumentRefs, used for sorting.
type DocumentRefSlice []*firestore.DocumentRef
func (s DocumentRefSlice) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s DocumentRefSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Path < s[j].Path }
func (s DocumentRefSlice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
// Client is a Cloud Firestore client which enforces separation of app/instance
// data via separate collections and documents. All references to collections
// and documents are automatically prefixed with the app name as the top-level
// collection and instance name as the parent document.
type Client struct {
ParentDoc *firestore.DocumentRef
// NewClient returns a Cloud Firestore client which enforces separation of app/
// instance data via separate collections and documents. All references to
// collections and documents are automatically prefixed with the app name as the
// top-level collection and instance name as the parent document.
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, project, app, instance string, ts oauth2.TokenSource) (*Client, error) {
if project == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Project name is required.")
if app == "" {
return nil, errors.New("App name is required.")
if instance == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Instance name is required.")
client, err := firestore.NewClient(ctx, project, option.WithTokenSource(ts))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Client{
Client: client,
ParentDoc: client.Collection(app).Doc(instance),
}, nil
// See documentation for firestore.Client.
func (c *Client) Collection(path string) *firestore.CollectionRef {
return c.ParentDoc.Collection(path)
// See documentation for firestore.Client.
func (c *Client) Collections(ctx context.Context) *firestore.CollectionIterator {
return c.ParentDoc.Collections(ctx)
// See documentation for firestore.Client.
func (c *Client) Doc(path string) *firestore.DocumentRef {
split := strings.Split(path, "/")
if len(split) < 2 {
return nil
return c.ParentDoc.Collection(split[0]).Doc(strings.Join(split[1:], "/"))
// withTimeout runs the given function with the given timeout.
func withTimeout(timeout time.Duration, fn func(context.Context) error) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
return fn(ctx)
// withTimeoutAndRetries runs the given function with the given timeout and a
// maximum of the given number of attempts. The timeout is applied for each
// attempt.
func withTimeoutAndRetries(attempts int, timeout time.Duration, fn func(context.Context) error) error {
var err error
for i := 0; i < attempts; i++ {
err = withTimeout(timeout, fn)
if err == nil {
return nil
} else if st, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
// Retry if we encountered a whitelisted error code.
code := st.Code()
retry := false
for _, retryCode := range RETRY_ERRORS {
if code == retryCode {
retry = true
if !retry {
return err
} else if err != nil {
return err
wait := BACKOFF_WAIT * time.Duration(2^i)
sklog.Errorf("Encountered Firestore error; retrying in %s: %s;\n", wait, err)
// Note that we could collect the errors using multierror, but that
// would break some behavior which relies on pointer equality
// (eg. err == ErrConcurrentUpdate).
return err
// Get retrieves the given document, using the given timeout and maximum number
// of attempts. Returns (nil, nil) if the document does not exist. Uses the
// given maximum number of attempts and the given per-attempt timeout.
func Get(ref *firestore.DocumentRef, attempts int, timeout time.Duration) (*firestore.DocumentSnapshot, error) {
var doc *firestore.DocumentSnapshot
err := withTimeoutAndRetries(attempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
got, err := ref.Get(ctx)
if err == nil {
doc = got
return err
return doc, err
// iterDocsInner is a helper function used by IterDocs which facilitates testing.
func iterDocsInner(query firestore.Query, attempts int, timeout time.Duration, callback func(*firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error, ranTooLong func(time.Time) bool) (int, error) {
numRestarts := 0
var lastSeen *firestore.DocumentSnapshot
for {
started := time.Now()
err := withTimeoutAndRetries(attempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
q := query
if lastSeen != nil {
q = q.StartAfter(lastSeen)
it := q.Documents(ctx)
defer it.Stop()
for {
doc, err := it.Next()
if err == iterator.Done {
} else if err != nil {
return err
if err := callback(doc); err != nil {
return err
lastSeen = doc
if ranTooLong(started) {
sklog.Debugf("Iterated for longer than %s; pausing to avoid timeouts.", MAX_ITER_TIME)
return errIterTooLong
return nil
if err == nil {
return numRestarts, nil
} else if err != errIterTooLong {
return numRestarts, err
sklog.Debugf("Resuming iteration after %s", lastSeen.Ref.Path)
// IterDocs is a convenience function which executes the given query and calls
// the given callback function for each document. Uses the given maximum number
// of attempts and the given per-attempt timeout. IterDocs automatically stops
// iterating after enough time has passed and re-issues the query, continuing
// where it left off. This is to avoid server-side timeouts resulting from
// iterating a large number of results. Note that this behavior may result in
// individual results coming from inconsistent snapshots.
func IterDocs(query firestore.Query, attempts int, timeout time.Duration, callback func(*firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error) error {
_, err := iterDocsInner(query, attempts, timeout, callback, func(started time.Time) bool {
return time.Now().Sub(started) > MAX_ITER_TIME
return err
// IterDocsInParallel is a convenience function which executes the given queries
// in multiple goroutines and calls the given callback function for each
// document. Uses the maximum number of attempts and the given per-attempt
// timeout for each goroutine. Each callback includes the goroutine index.
// IterDocsInParallel automatically stops iterating after enough time has passed
// and re-issues the query, continuing where it left off. This is to avoid
// server-side timeouts resulting from iterating a large number of results. Note
// that this behavior may result in individual results coming from inconsistent
// snapshots.
func IterDocsInParallel(queries []firestore.Query, attempts int, timeout time.Duration, callback func(int, *firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error) error {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
errs := make([]error, len(queries))
for idx, query := range queries {
go func(idx int, query firestore.Query) {
defer wg.Done()
errs[idx] = IterDocs(query, attempts, timeout, func(doc *firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error {
return callback(idx, doc)
}(idx, query)
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RunTransaction runs the given function in a transaction. Uses the given
// maximum number of attempts and the given per-attempt timeout.
func RunTransaction(client *Client, attempts int, timeout time.Duration, fn func(context.Context, *firestore.Transaction) error) error {
return withTimeoutAndRetries(attempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return client.RunTransaction(ctx, fn)
// See documentation for firestore.DocumentRef.Create(). Uses the given maximum
// number of attempts and the given per-attempt timeout.
func Create(ref *firestore.DocumentRef, data interface{}, attempts int, timeout time.Duration) (*firestore.WriteResult, error) {
var wr *firestore.WriteResult
err := withTimeoutAndRetries(attempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
wr, err = ref.Create(ctx, data)
return err
return wr, err
// See documentation for firestore.DocumentRef.Set(). Uses the given maximum
// number of attempts and the given per-attempt timeout.
func Set(ref *firestore.DocumentRef, data interface{}, attempts int, timeout time.Duration, opts ...firestore.SetOption) (*firestore.WriteResult, error) {
var wr *firestore.WriteResult
err := withTimeoutAndRetries(attempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
wr, err = ref.Set(ctx, data, opts...)
return err
return wr, err
// See documentation for firestore.DocumentRef.Update(). Uses the given maximum
// number of attempts and the given per-attempt timeout.
func Update(ref *firestore.DocumentRef, attempts int, timeout time.Duration, updates []firestore.Update, preconds ...firestore.Precondition) (*firestore.WriteResult, error) {
var wr *firestore.WriteResult
err := withTimeoutAndRetries(attempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
wr, err = ref.Update(ctx, updates, preconds...)
return err
return wr, err
// See documentation for firestore.DocumentRef.Delete(). Uses the given maximum
// number of attempts and the given per-attempt timeout.
func Delete(ref *firestore.DocumentRef, attempts int, timeout time.Duration, preconds ...firestore.Precondition) (*firestore.WriteResult, error) {
var wr *firestore.WriteResult
err := withTimeoutAndRetries(attempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
wr, err = ref.Delete(ctx, preconds...)
return err
return wr, err
// GetAllDescendantDocuments returns a slice of DocumentRefs for every
// descendent of the given Document. This includes missing documents, ie. those
// which do not exist but have sub-documents.
func GetAllDescendantDocuments(ref *firestore.DocumentRef, attempts int, timeout time.Duration) ([]*firestore.DocumentRef, error) {
// TODO(borenet): Should we pause and resume like we do in IterDocs?
colls := map[string]*firestore.CollectionRef{}
if err := withTimeoutAndRetries(attempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
it := ref.Collections(ctx)
for {
coll, err := it.Next()
if err == iterator.Done {
} else if err != nil {
return err
colls[coll.Path] = coll
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
docs := map[string]*firestore.DocumentRef{}
for _, coll := range colls {
if err := withTimeoutAndRetries(attempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
it := coll.DocumentRefs(ctx)
for {
doc, err := it.Next()
if err == iterator.Done {
} else if err != nil {
return err
docs[doc.Path] = doc
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
rv := make([]*firestore.DocumentRef, 0, len(docs))
for _, doc := range docs {
children, err := GetAllDescendantDocuments(doc, attempts, timeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rv = append(rv, children...)
for _, doc := range docs {
rv = append(rv, doc)
return rv, nil
// RecursiveDelete deletes the given document and all of its descendant
// documents and collections. The given maximum number of attempts and the given
// per-attempt timeout apply for each delete operation, as opposed to the whole
// series of operations. This function does nothing to account for documents
// which may be added or modified while it is taking place.
func RecursiveDelete(client *Client, ref *firestore.DocumentRef, attempts int, timeout time.Duration) error {
docs, err := GetAllDescendantDocuments(ref, attempts, timeout)
if err != nil {
return err
// Also delete the passed-in doc.
docs = append(docs, ref)
return util.ChunkIter(len(docs), MAX_TRANSACTION_DOCS, func(start, end int) error {
return RunTransaction(client, attempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context, tx *firestore.Transaction) error {
for _, doc := range docs[start:end] {
if err := tx.Delete(doc); err != nil {
return err
return nil