blob: 767ad3f4e30a2ea624931daf8b66ebf4809b8ac0 [file] [log] [blame]
package ctdiffingestion
import (
// The JSON output from CT looks like this:
// {
// “run_id” : “{userid-timestamp}”,
// “chromium_patch” : “{link to chromium patch}”,
// "skia_patch" : "{link to skia patch}",
// “screenshots” : [
// {
// “type” : “{nopatch/withpatch}”,
// "rank" : {popularity rank of site},
// “filename” : “{GS filename}”,
// "url" : "{URL of web page}"
// }, ...
// ]
// }
const (
// Possible values for a screenshot's type.
NO_PATCH = "nopatch"
WITH_PATCH = "withpatch"
// Default png extension for images.
// Screenshot contains the information for a screenshot taken by CT.
type Screenshot struct {
// Type specifies whether the screenshot was taken without the patch or with
// the patch.
Type string `json:"type"`
// Rank identifies the popularity rank of the website.
Rank int `json:"rank"`
// Filename is the name of the screenshot, as stored in GS.
Filename string `json:"filename"`
// URL is the URL of the website.
URL string `json:"url"`
// CTResults is the top level structure for decoding CT pixel diff JSON output.
type CTResults struct {
// RunID specifies the unique ID for the CT run, in the form userid-timestamp.
RunID string `json:"run_id"`
// ChromiumPatch is a link to the Chromium patch used to create the pixel diff
// run.
ChromiumPatch string `json:"chromium_patch"`
// SkiaPatch is a link to the Skia patch used to create the pixel diff run.
SkiaPatch string `json:"skia_patch"`
// Screenshots lists the screenshots taken and accounted for in the JSON file.
Screenshots []*Screenshot `json:"screenshots"`
// name is the name/path of the file where the data came from.
name string
// Parses CT pixel diff JSON output and returns a CTResults object.
func parseCTResultsFromReader(r io.ReadCloser, name string) (*CTResults, error) {
defer util.Close(r)
dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
ctResults := &CTResults{}
if err := dec.Decode(ctResults); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode JSON (filename: %s): %s", name, err)
} = name
return ctResults, nil
// pixelDiffProcessor implements the ingestion.Processor interface for CT Pixel
// Diff.
type pixelDiffProcessor struct {
diffStore diff.DiffStore
resultStore resultstore.ResultStore
// NewPixelDiffProcessor takes in a DiffStore and a ResultStore to return the
// ingestion.Processor for CT Pixel Diff's ingestion process
func NewPixelDiffProcessor(diffStore diff.DiffStore, resultStore resultstore.ResultStore) (ingestion.Processor, error) {
return &pixelDiffProcessor{
diffStore: diffStore,
resultStore: resultStore,
}, nil
// See the ingestion.Processor interface.
func (p *pixelDiffProcessor) Process(ctx context.Context, resultsFile ingestion.ResultFileLocation) error {
r, err := resultsFile.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
// Parse the JSON file.
results, err := parseCTResultsFromReader(r, resultsFile.Name())
if err != nil {
return err
// Process the screenshots.
for _, screenshot := range results.Screenshots {
// Trim the image extension from the filename and create the imageID.
filename := screenshot.Filename[:len(screenshot.Filename)-len(IMG_EXTENSION)]
imageID := getImageID(results.RunID, screenshot.Type, filename, screenshot.Rank)
// Get the entry from the ResultStore using the runID and URL.
rec, err := p.resultStore.Get(results.RunID, screenshot.URL)
if err != nil {
return err
// If no entry exists, create a new one.
if rec == nil {
rec = &resultstore.ResultRec{
RunID: results.RunID,
URL: screenshot.URL,
Rank: screenshot.Rank,
// Update the entry with either the nopatch or withpatch imageID.
if screenshot.Type == NO_PATCH {
rec.NoPatchImg = imageID
} else if screenshot.Type == WITH_PATCH {
rec.WithPatchImg = imageID
// Calculate diff metrics if the entry contains both nopatch and withpatch
// images.
if rec.HasBothImages() {
diffResult, err := p.diffStore.Get(diff.PRIORITY_NOW, rec.NoPatchImg, []string{rec.WithPatchImg})
if err != nil {
return err
if diffResult[rec.WithPatchImg] != nil {
rec.DiffMetrics = diffResult[rec.WithPatchImg].(*dynamicdiff.DynamicDiffMetrics)
// Put the updated entry back into the ResultStore.
err = p.resultStore.Put(results.RunID, screenshot.URL, rec)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Returns the diffstore.PixelDiffIDPathMapper image ID for a screenshot, which
// has the format runID/{nopatch/withpatch}/rank/URLfilename.
func getImageID(runID, patchType, filename string, rank int) string {
rankStr := strconv.Itoa(rank)
return filepath.Join(runID, patchType, rankStr, filename)