[gold] skiacorrectness.go: Extract JSON routes into add*JSONRoutes().

This refactor takes all the code in mustMakeRootRouter() that defines JSON routes, and moves it into new functions addAuthenticatedJSONRoutes() and addUnauthenticatedJSONRoutes(), according to their authentication requirements.

Some benefits of this change:

- Routing code is a bit easier to read and reason about.

- Each function is only passed the router with the necessary authentication middleware, eliminating the opportunity for mistakenly adding a sensitive route to an unauthenticated router.

This is part of a string of CLs aimed at simplifying our routing logic, and eventually consolidating our RPC versioning logic in one single place that can be shared between the skiacorrectness and baseline_server binaries.

Bug: skia:10816
Change-Id: Iffdda49558225f3ec9528356bc1773e789b71258
Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/buildbot/+/327326
Commit-Queue: Leandro Lovisolo <lovisolo@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Kevin Lubick <kjlubick@google.com>
diff --git a/golden/cmd/skiacorrectness/skiacorrectness.go b/golden/cmd/skiacorrectness/skiacorrectness.go
index 4485cb8..d6eeb1a 100644
--- a/golden/cmd/skiacorrectness/skiacorrectness.go
+++ b/golden/cmd/skiacorrectness/skiacorrectness.go
@@ -636,6 +636,9 @@
 // mustMakeRootRouter returns a mux.Router that can be used to serve Gold's web UI and JSON API.
 func mustMakeRootRouter(fsc *frontendServerConfig, handlers *web.Handlers, diffStore diff.DiffStore) *mux.Router {
+	rootRouter := mux.NewRouter()
+	rootRouter.HandleFunc("/healthz", httputils.ReadyHandleFunc)
 	// loggedRouter contains all the endpoints that are logged. See the call below to
 	// LoggingGzipRequestResponse.
 	loggedRouter := mux.NewRouter()
@@ -659,12 +662,83 @@
 	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/loginstatus/", login.StatusHandler)
 	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/logout/", login.LogoutHandler)
+	// JSON endpoints.
+	addAuthenticatedJSONRoutes(loggedRouter, fsc, handlers)
+	addUnauthenticatedJSONRoutes(rootRouter, fsc, handlers)
+	var templates *template.Template
+	loadTemplates := func() {
+		templates = template.Must(template.New("").ParseGlob(filepath.Join(fsc.ResourcesPath, "*.html")))
+	}
+	loadTemplates()
+	fsc.FrontendConfig.BaseRepoURL = fsc.GitRepoURL
+	fsc.FrontendConfig.IsPublic = fsc.IsPublicView
+	templateHandler := func(name string) http.HandlerFunc {
+		return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+			w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
+			httputils.AddOriginTrialHeader(w, fsc.Local)
+			// Reload the template if we are running locally.
+			if fsc.Local {
+				loadTemplates()
+			}
+			if err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, name, fsc.FrontendConfig); err != nil {
+				sklog.Errorf("Failed to expand template %s : %s", name, err)
+				return
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// These routes serve the web UI.
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/", templateHandler("byblame.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/changelists", templateHandler("changelists.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/cluster", templateHandler("cluster.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/triagelog", templateHandler("triagelog.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/ignores", templateHandler("ignorelist.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/diff", templateHandler("diff.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/detail", templateHandler("details.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/details", templateHandler("details.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/list", templateHandler("by_test_list.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/help", templateHandler("help.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/search", templateHandler("search.html"))
+	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/cl/{system}/{id}", handlers.ChangeListSearchRedirect)
+	// set up the app router that might be authenticated and logs almost everything.
+	appRouter := mux.NewRouter()
+	// Images should not be served gzipped, which can sometimes have issues
+	// when serving an image from a NetDiffstore with HTTP2. Additionally, is wasteful
+	// given PNGs typically have zlib compression anyway.
+	appRouter.PathPrefix(imgURLPrefix).Handler(imgHandler)
+	appRouter.PathPrefix("/").Handler(httputils.LoggingGzipRequestResponse(loggedRouter))
+	// Use the appRouter as a handler and wrap it into middleware that enforces authentication if
+	// necessary it was requested via the force_login flag.
+	appHandler := http.Handler(appRouter)
+	if fsc.ForceLogin {
+		appHandler = login.ForceAuth(appRouter, callbackPath)
+	}
+	// The appHandler contains all application specific routes that are have logging and
+	// authentication configured. Now we wrap it into the router that is exposed to the host
+	// (aka the K8s container) which requires that some routes are never logged or authenticated.
+	rootRouter.PathPrefix("/").Handler(appHandler)
+	return rootRouter
+// addAuthenticatedJSONRoutes populates the given router with the subset of Gold's JSON RPC routes
+// that require authentication.
+func addAuthenticatedJSONRoutes(router *mux.Router, fsc *frontendServerConfig, handlers *web.Handlers) {
 	// Set up a subrouter for the '/json' routes which make up the Gold API.
 	// This makes routing faster, but also returns a failure when an /json route is
 	// requested that doesn't exist. If we did this differently a call to a non-existing endpoint
 	// would be handled by the route that handles the returning the index template and make
 	// debugging confusing.
-	jsonRouter := loggedRouter.PathPrefix("/json").Subrouter()
+	jsonRouter := router.PathPrefix("/json").Subrouter()
 	v1JSON := func(rpcRoute string, handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc) *mux.Route {
 		return versionedRPC(rpcRoute, "v1", handlerFunc, jsonRouter, false /*=isAuthenticated*/)
@@ -745,84 +819,22 @@
 	// Make sure we return a 404 for anything that starts with /json and could not be found.
 	jsonRouter.HandleFunc("/{ignore:.*}", http.NotFound)
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/json", http.NotFound)
+	router.HandleFunc("/json", http.NotFound)
-	var templates *template.Template
-	loadTemplates := func() {
-		templates = template.Must(template.New("").ParseGlob(filepath.Join(fsc.ResourcesPath, "*.html")))
-	}
-	loadTemplates()
-	fsc.FrontendConfig.BaseRepoURL = fsc.GitRepoURL
-	fsc.FrontendConfig.IsPublic = fsc.IsPublicView
-	templateHandler := func(name string) http.HandlerFunc {
-		return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-			w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
-			httputils.AddOriginTrialHeader(w, fsc.Local)
-			// Reload the template if we are running locally.
-			if fsc.Local {
-				loadTemplates()
-			}
-			if err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, name, fsc.FrontendConfig); err != nil {
-				sklog.Errorf("Failed to expand template %s : %s", name, err)
-				return
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// These routes serve the web UI.
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/", templateHandler("byblame.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/changelists", templateHandler("changelists.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/cluster", templateHandler("cluster.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/triagelog", templateHandler("triagelog.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/ignores", templateHandler("ignorelist.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/diff", templateHandler("diff.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/detail", templateHandler("details.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/details", templateHandler("details.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/list", templateHandler("by_test_list.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/help", templateHandler("help.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/search", templateHandler("search.html"))
-	loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/cl/{system}/{id}", handlers.ChangeListSearchRedirect)
-	// set up the app router that might be authenticated and logs almost everything.
-	appRouter := mux.NewRouter()
-	// Images should not be served gzipped, which can sometimes have issues
-	// when serving an image from a NetDiffstore with HTTP2. Additionally, is wasteful
-	// given PNGs typically have zlib compression anyway.
-	appRouter.PathPrefix(imgURLPrefix).Handler(imgHandler)
-	appRouter.PathPrefix("/").Handler(httputils.LoggingGzipRequestResponse(loggedRouter))
-	// Use the appRouter as a handler and wrap it into middleware that enforces authentication if
-	// necessary it was requested via the force_login flag.
-	appHandler := http.Handler(appRouter)
-	if fsc.ForceLogin {
-		appHandler = login.ForceAuth(appRouter, callbackPath)
-	}
-	// The appHandler contains all application specific routes that are have logging and
-	// authentication configured. Now we wrap it into the router that is exposed to the host
-	// (aka the K8s container) which requires that some routes are never logged or authenticated.
-	rootRouter := mux.NewRouter()
+// addUnauthenticatedJSONRoutes populates the given router with the subset of Gold's JSON RPC routes
+// that do not require authentication.
+func addUnauthenticatedJSONRoutes(router *mux.Router, fsc *frontendServerConfig, handlers *web.Handlers) {
 	v1Root := func(rpcRoute string, handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc) *mux.Route {
-		return versionedRPC(rpcRoute, "v1", handlerFunc, rootRouter, true /*=isAuthenticated*/)
+		return versionedRPC(rpcRoute, "v1", handlerFunc, router, true /*=isAuthenticated*/)
-	rootRouter.HandleFunc("/healthz", httputils.ReadyHandleFunc)
-	v0("/json/changelist/{system}/{id}/{patchset}/untriaged", httputils.CorsHandler(handlers.ChangeListUntriagedHandler), rootRouter).Methods("GET")
+	v0("/json/changelist/{system}/{id}/{patchset}/untriaged", httputils.CorsHandler(handlers.ChangeListUntriagedHandler), router).Methods("GET")
 	v1Root("/changelist/{system}/{id}/{patchset}/untriaged", httputils.CorsHandler(handlers.ChangeListUntriagedHandler)).Methods("GET")
-	v0("/json/trstatus", httputils.CorsHandler(handlers.StatusHandler), rootRouter).Methods("GET")
+	v0("/json/trstatus", httputils.CorsHandler(handlers.StatusHandler), router).Methods("GET")
 	v1Root("/trstatus", httputils.CorsHandler(handlers.StatusHandler)).Methods("GET")
-	v0("/json/changelist/{system}/{id}", httputils.CorsHandler(handlers.ChangeListSummaryHandler), rootRouter).Methods("GET")
+	v0("/json/changelist/{system}/{id}", httputils.CorsHandler(handlers.ChangeListSummaryHandler), router).Methods("GET")
 	v1Root("/changelist/{system}/{id}", httputils.CorsHandler(handlers.ChangeListSummaryHandler)).Methods("GET")
-	rootRouter.PathPrefix("/").Handler(appHandler)
-	return rootRouter
 // v0 sets up a route on the given router with a wrapper to count the number of calls to the given