blob: a050215c9c27933fec95294718a94552db08b3c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package alogin defines the Login interface for handling login in web
// applications.
// The implementations of Login should be used with the
// //infra-sk/modules/alogin-sk control.
package alogin
import (
// Email is an email address.
type EMail string
// NotLoggedIn is the EMail value used to indicate a user is not logged in.
const NotLoggedIn EMail = ""
// Status describes the logged in status for a user. Email will be empty if the
// user is not logged in.
type Status struct {
// LoginURL is the URL to visit to log in.
LoginURL string `json:"login"`
// LogoutURL is the URL to visit to log out.
LogoutURL string `json:"logout"`
// EMail is the email address of the logged in user, or the empty string if
// they are not logged in.
EMail EMail `json:"email"`
// Login is an abstraction of the functionality we use out of the go/login
// package.
type Login interface {
// LoggedInAs returns the email of the logged in user, or the empty string
// of they are not logged in.
LoggedInAs(r *http.Request) EMail
// NeedsAuthentication will send the right response to the user if they
// attempt to use a resource that requires authentication, such as
// redirecting them to a login URL or returning an http.StatusForbidden
// response code.
NeedsAuthentication(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
// RegisterHandlers registers HTTP handlers for any endpoints that need
// handling.
RegisterHandlers(router *mux.Router)
// Status returns the logged in status and other details about the current
// user.
Status(r *http.Request) Status