blob: 8a1babf4d2fd5c65ec318698514a8417acc3c00e [file] [log] [blame]
package main
// lsbots lists the Swarming bots that match the given dimensions or regular expressions.
// The following example usage reboots all skia-d-gce-* bots quarantined with
// "Failed to self-update the bot.":
// $ bots=`bazel run //scripts/lsbots -- --dev --include_bot "skia-d-gce-.*" --quarantined "Failed to self-update the bot"`
// $ for bot in $bots; do gcloud compute ssh --zone us-central1-c --project skia-swarming-bots $bot -- sudo reboot; done
import (
func main() {
dev := flag.Bool("dev", false, "Run against dev swarming instance.")
internal := flag.Bool("internal", false, "Run against internal swarming instance.")
pool := flag.String("pool", swarming.DIMENSION_POOL_VALUE_SKIA, "Which Swarming pool to use.")
dimensions := common.NewMultiStringFlag("dimension", nil, "Colon-separated key/value pair, eg: \"os:Linux\" dimensions of the bots to list. Can specify multiple times.")
includeBots := common.NewMultiStringFlag("include_bot", nil, "Include these bots, regardless of whether they match the requested dimensions. Calculated AFTER the dimensions are computed. Can be simple strings or regexes.")
excludeBots := common.NewMultiStringFlag("exclude_bot", nil, "Exclude these bots, regardless of whether they match the requested dimensions. Calculated AFTER the dimensions are computed and after --include_bot is applied. Can be simple strings or regexes.")
quarantined := flag.String("quarantined", "", "Only include quarantined bots whose quarantine reason matches this regular expression.")
// Setup, parse args.
ctx := context.Background()
if *internal && *dev {
sklog.Fatal("Both --internal and --dev cannot be specified.")
dims, err := swarming.ParseDimensionsSingleValue(*dimensions)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Problem parsing dimensions: %s", err)
dims["pool"] = *pool
includeRegs, err := parseRegex(*includeBots)
if err != nil {
excludeRegs, err := parseRegex(*excludeBots)
if err != nil {
quarantinedRegexp, err := regexp.Compile(*quarantined)
if err != nil {
swarmingServer := swarming.SWARMING_SERVER
if *internal {
swarmingServer = swarming.SWARMING_SERVER_PRIVATE
} else if *dev {
swarmingServer = swarming.SWARMING_SERVER_DEV
// Authenticated HTTP client.
ts, err := google.DefaultTokenSource(ctx, swarming.AUTH_SCOPE)
if err != nil {
httpClient := httputils.DefaultClientConfig().WithTokenSource(ts).With2xxOnly().Client()
// Swarming API client.
swarmAPI, err := swarming.NewApiClient(httpClient, swarmingServer)
if err != nil {
// Obtain the list of bots.
bots, err := swarmAPI.ListBots(ctx, dims)
if err != nil {
for _, bot := range bots {
if len(includeRegs) > 0 && !matchesAny(bot.BotId, includeRegs) {
sklog.Debugf("Skipping %s because it does not match --include_bot", bot.BotId)
if matchesAny(bot.BotId, excludeRegs) {
sklog.Debugf("Skipping %s because it matches --exclude_bot", bot.BotId)
if *quarantined != "" {
if !bot.Quarantined {
sklog.Debugf("Skipping %s because it is not quarantined, and --quarantined was provided", bot.BotId)
state := &struct {
Quarantined string `json:"quarantined"`
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(bot.State), &state); err != nil {
if !quarantinedRegexp.MatchString(state.Quarantined) {
sklog.Debugf("Skipping %s because its quarantine reason does not match --quarantined", bot.BotId)
func parseRegex(flags []string) ([]*regexp.Regexp, error) {
var regexps []*regexp.Regexp
for _, s := range flags {
r, err := regexp.Compile(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
regexps = append(regexps, r)
return regexps, nil
func matchesAny(s string, xr []*regexp.Regexp) bool {
for _, r := range xr {
if r.MatchString(s) {
return true
return false