blob: c71886e40be909d04446f76477efa8c00652c9cc [file] [log] [blame]
package golang
import (
skexec ""
var (
// COMMON_DEPS are dependencies needed by the infra tests in this repo.
COMMON_DEPS = []string{
// WithEnv sets the Go environment to be based in the given workdir. Calls to all
// other functions in this package should use the returned Context, or a
// descendant of it.
func WithEnv(ctx context.Context, workdir string) context.Context {
goPath := filepath.Join(workdir, "gopath")
goRoot := filepath.Join(workdir, "go", "go")
goBin := filepath.Join(goRoot, "bin")
PATH := strings.Join([]string{
filepath.Join(goPath, "bin"),
filepath.Join(workdir, "gcloud_linux", "bin"),
filepath.Join(workdir, "protoc", "bin"),
filepath.Join(workdir, "node", "node", "bin"),
}, string(os.PathListSeparator))
return td.WithEnv(ctx, []string{
fmt.Sprintf("GOCACHE=%s", filepath.Join(dirs.Cache(workdir), "go_cache")),
"GOFLAGS=-mod=readonly", // Prohibit builds from modifying go.mod.
fmt.Sprintf("GOROOT=%s", goRoot),
fmt.Sprintf("GOPATH=%s", goPath),
fmt.Sprintf("PATH=%s", PATH),
// Go runs the given Go command in the given working directory.
func Go(ctx context.Context, cwd string, args ...string) (string, error) {
return skexec.RunCommand(ctx, &skexec.Command{
Name: "go",
Args: args,
Dir: cwd,
// Info executes commands to find the path to the Go executable and its version.
func Info(ctx context.Context) (string, string, error) {
goExc, err := os_steps.Which(ctx, "go")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
goVer, err := Go(ctx, ".", "version")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return goExc, goVer, nil
// ModDownload downloads the Go module dependencies of the module in cwd.
// Tries up to three times in case of transient network issues.
func ModDownload(ctx context.Context, cwd string) error {
return td.WithRetries(ctx, 3, func(ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := Go(ctx, cwd, "mod", "download")
return err
// Install runs "go install" with the given args.
func Install(ctx context.Context, cwd string, args ...string) error {
_, err := Go(ctx, cwd, append([]string{"install"}, args...)...)
return err
// InstallCommonDeps installs common dependencies needed by the infra tests in
// this repo. Tries up to three times per dependency in case of transient
// network issues.
func InstallCommonDeps(ctx context.Context, workdir string) error {
for _, target := range COMMON_DEPS {
if err := td.WithRetries(ctx, 3, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Install(ctx, workdir, "-v", target)
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Test runs "go test", parses the output, and creates sub-steps for individual
// tests.
func Test(ctx context.Context, cwd string, args ...string) error {
return log_parser.Run(ctx, cwd, append([]string{"go", "test", "--json"}, args...), bufio.ScanLines, func(sm *log_parser.StepManager, line string) error {
// Decode an event.
event, err := test2json.ParseEvent(line)
if err != nil {
return err
// Find or create the step associated with this event.
pkg := sm.FindStep(event.Package)
if pkg == nil {
pkg = sm.StartStep(td.Props(event.Package))
step := pkg
if event.Test != "" {
test := pkg.FindChild(event.Test)
if test == nil {
// This is the first time we've seen this test;
// create a sub-step for it.
test = pkg.StartChild(td.Props(event.Test))
step = test
// Record any output.
if event.Output != "" {
// Handle the event action.
switch event.Action {
// The below actions mark the end of the step.
case test2json.ACTION_FAIL:
case test2json.ACTION_SKIP:
case test2json.ACTION_PASS:
// Catch-all for un-handled actions.
return nil