blob: 7df6a763108e3704789834078ae8d46430e624f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Command line app to process fiddles in bulk.
// Example:
// fiddlecli --input demo/testbulk.json --output /tmp/output.json
package main
import (
const (
// VERSION of the application. Update for major and minor changes to functionality.
VERSION = "1.2"
// flags
var (
domain = flag.String("domain", "", "Where to send the JSON request.")
failFast = flag.Bool("fail_fast", false, "If true then exit with error on first send failure.")
force = flag.Bool("force", false, "Force a compile and run for each fiddle, don't take the fast path.")
input = flag.String("input", "fiddle.json", "The name of the file to read the JSON from.")
output = flag.String("output", "fiddleout.json", "The name of the file to write the JSON results to.")
procs = flag.Int("procs", 4, "The number of parallel requests to make to the fiddle server.")
quiet = flag.Bool("quiet", false, "Run without a progress bar.")
version = flag.Bool("version", false, "If true then echo the version number and exit.")
// chanRequest is sent to each worker in the pool.
type chanRequest struct {
id string
req *types.FiddleContext
func main() {
// Check flags.
if *input == "" {
log.Fatalf("--input is a required flag.")
if *output == "" {
log.Fatalf("--output is a required flag.")
if *version {
fmt.Printf("fiddlecli version: %s\n", VERSION)
// Read the source JSON file.
b, err := os.ReadFile(*input)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to read %s: %s", *input, err)
requests := types.BulkRequest{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &requests); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s does not contain valid JSON: %s", *input, err)
lastWritten := types.BulkResponse{}
b, err = os.ReadFile(*output)
if err == nil {
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &lastWritten); err != nil {
lastWritten = nil
g := errgroup.Group{}
requestsCh := make(chan chanRequest, len(requests))
// mutex protects response.
mutex := sync.Mutex{}
response := types.BulkResponse{}
// Spin up workers.
for i := 0; i < *procs; i++ {
g.Go(func() error {
for req := range requestsCh {
if !*quiet {
fiddleHash, err := req.req.Options.ComputeHash(req.req.Code)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to calculate fiddleHash: %s", err)
if *force {
req.req.Fast = false
} else if lastWritten != nil && fiddleHash != "" && lastWritten[] != nil && lastWritten[].FiddleHash == fiddleHash {
response[] = lastWritten[]
b, err = json.Marshal(req.req)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to encode an individual request: %s", err)
runResults, success := client.Do(b, *failFast, *domain, func(runResults *types.RunResults) bool {
if fiddleHash != runResults.FiddleHash {
sklog.Warningf("Got mismatched hashes for %s: Want %q != Got %q",, fiddleHash, runResults.FiddleHash)
return false
return true
if !success {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to make request after retries")
response[] = runResults
return nil
// Loop over each entry and queue them up for the workers.
for id, req := range requests {
requestsCh <- chanRequest{
id: id,
req: req,
// Wait for the workers to finish.
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to complete all requests: %s", err)
// Validate the output.
for k, v := range requests {
hash, _ := v.Options.ComputeHash(v.Code)
resp, ok := response[k]
if !ok {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to get any response for %q", k)
} else if hash != resp.FiddleHash {
sklog.Fatalf("For %q want %q but got %q", k, hash, response[k].FiddleHash)
if !*quiet {
b, err = json.MarshalIndent(response, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to encode response file: %s", err)
if err := os.WriteFile(*output, b, 0600); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to write response file: %s", err)