blob: 63835d3d97d27c29500edd14fa623ef013048651 [file] [log] [blame]
package catapult
import (
pinpoint_proto ""
const (
CASUrlTemplate = ""
CASIsolateHashTemplate = "%s/%d"
SwarmingTaskUrlTemplate = ""
// convertImprovementDir converts the improvement direction from string to int.
// UP, DOWN, UNKNOWN = (0, 1, 4)
func parseImprovementDir(dir compare.ImprovementDir) int32 {
switch dir {
case compare.Up:
return 0
case compare.Down:
return 1
return 4
// TODO(b/335543316): the build information isn't propagated back to the CommitRun.Build object, so it's just empty right now and causes nil issues.
func createBuildQuestDetail(commitRun *internal.BisectRun) *pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt_Execution {
return &pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt_Execution{
Completed: true,
Details: []*pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt_Execution_Detail{
Key: "builder",
// TODO(b/335543316): The following fulfills the req above, but it's commented out b/c of nil reference to Build.
// Value: commitRun.Build.Device,
Key: "isolate",
// TODO(b/335543316): The following fulfills the req above, but it's commented out b/c of nil reference to Build.
// Value: fmt.Sprintf(CASIsolateHashTemplate, commitRun.Build.CAS.Digest.Hash, commitRun.Build.CAS.Digest.SizeBytes),
// Url: fmt.Sprintf(CASUrlTemplate, commitRun.Build.CAS.CasInstance, commitRun.Build.CAS.Digest.Hash, commitRun.Build.CAS.Digest.SizeBytes),
func createTestQuestDetail(task *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskResult, benchmarkRun *workflows.TestRun) *pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt_Execution {
return &pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt_Execution{
Completed: true,
Details: []*pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt_Execution_Detail{
Key: "bot",
Value: task.BotId,
Key: "task",
Value: task.TaskId,
Url: fmt.Sprintf(SwarmingTaskUrlTemplate, task.TaskId),
Key: "isolate",
Value: fmt.Sprintf(CASIsolateHashTemplate, benchmarkRun.CAS.Digest.Hash, benchmarkRun.CAS.Digest.SizeBytes),
Url: fmt.Sprintf(CASUrlTemplate, benchmarkRun.CAS.CasInstance, benchmarkRun.CAS.Digest.Hash, benchmarkRun.CAS.Digest.SizeBytes),
// parseRunData parses run data into a map of combined commit to list of attempts and a unique list of bots run for tests.
func parseRunData(ctx workflow.Context, runData []*internal.BisectRun) (map[uint32][]*pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt, []string, error) {
// use as set so we don't repeat keys
botSet := map[string]bool{}
commitToAttempts := map[uint32][]*pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt{}
// Each run has one Combined Commit, mapped to many attempts
for _, commitRun := range runData {
attempts := []*pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt{}
for _, benchmarkRun := range commitRun.Runs {
var task *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskResult
if err := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, FetchTaskActivity, benchmarkRun.TaskID).Get(ctx, &task); err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to fetch task for parsing the bot id")
// This is to track list of all bots used for execution
botSet[task.BotId] = true
attempt := &pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt{
Executions: []*pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt_Execution{
createTestQuestDetail(task, benchmarkRun),
// Get values detail is always empty for bisect
Completed: true,
Details: []*pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State_Attempt_Execution_Detail{},
attempts = append(attempts, attempt)
commitToAttempts[commitRun.Build.Commit.Key()] = attempts
// convert to list of keys from map
bots := make([]string, len(botSet))
idx := 0
for k := range botSet {
bots[idx] = k
return commitToAttempts, bots, nil
// parseResultValuesPerCommit converts combinedresults into an accessible map of combinedcommit's keys to its values.
// This assumes that result values are re-used, so for Combined Commits that appear multiple times in comparisons
// the values should be the same.
func parseResultValuesPerCommit(comparisons []*internal.CombinedResults) map[uint32][]float64 {
resp := map[uint32][]float64{}
for _, comparison := range comparisons {
resp[comparison.CommitPairValues.Lower.Commit.Key()] = comparison.CommitPairValues.Lower.Values
resp[comparison.CommitPairValues.Higher.Commit.Key()] = comparison.CommitPairValues.Higher.Values
return resp
// parseRawDataToLegacyObject does the heavy lifting of converting all the raw run data to objects needed for the LegacyJobResponse.
func parseRawDataToLegacyObject(ctx workflow.Context, comparisons []*internal.CombinedResults, runData []*internal.BisectRun) ([]*pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State, []string, error) {
states := []*pinpoint_proto.LegacyJobResponse_State{}
// runData is parsed into:
// - a map of combinedcommit keys to attempts. each commit that's analyzed is mapped to one state object,
// and this allows us to fetch all attempt data for every commit that's analyzed.
// - a unique list of bots that all attempts ran on, which is propagated back to the root
// response object.
// TODO(jeffyoon@) - leaving commitsToAttempts as _ until it gets utilized.
_, bots, err := parseRunData(ctx, runData)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// TODO(jeffyoon@) - create state objects and append to states list.
return states, bots, nil