blob: b4a32da5bb221b618dbaf14ca5bd49f1fe5234e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// run_chromium_perf_on_workers is an application that runs the specified telemetry
// benchmark on all CT workers and uploads the results to Google Storage. The
// requester is emailed when the task is done.
package main
import (
skutil ""
const (
var (
runRequester = flag.String("run_requester", "", "The email address of the user that triggered the run.")
description = flag.String("description", "", "The description of the run as entered by the requester.")
pagesetType = flag.String("pageset_type", "", "The type of pagesets to use. Eg: 10k, Mobile10k, All.")
benchmarkName = flag.String("benchmark_name", "", "The telemetry benchmark to run on the workers.")
benchmarkExtraArgs = flag.String("benchmark_extra_args", "", "The extra arguments that are passed to the specified benchmark.")
browserExtraArgsNoPatch = flag.String("browser_extra_args_nopatch", "", "The extra arguments that are passed to the browser while running the benchmark for the nopatch case.")
browserExtraArgsWithPatch = flag.String("browser_extra_args_withpatch", "", "The extra arguments that are passed to the browser while running the benchmark for the withpatch case.")
repeatBenchmark = flag.Int("repeat_benchmark", 1, "The number of times the benchmark should be repeated. For skpicture_printer benchmark this value is always 1.")
runInParallel = flag.Bool("run_in_parallel", false, "Run the benchmark by bringing up multiple chrome instances in parallel.")
targetPlatform = flag.String("target_platform", util.PLATFORM_ANDROID, "The platform the benchmark will run on (Android / Linux).")
runOnGCE = flag.Bool("run_on_gce", true, "Run on Linux GCE instances.")
runID = flag.String("run_id", "", "The unique run id (typically requester + timestamp).")
varianceThreshold = flag.Float64("variance_threshold", 0.0, "The variance threshold to use when comparing the resultant CSV files.")
discardOutliers = flag.Float64("discard_outliers", 0.0, "The percentage of outliers to discard when comparing the result CSV files.")
chromiumHash = flag.String("chromium_hash", "", "The Chromium full hash the checkout should be synced to before applying patches.")
taskPriority = flag.Int("task_priority", util.TASKS_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, "The priority swarming tasks should run at.")
groupName = flag.String("group_name", "", "The group name of this run. It will be used as the key when uploading data to")
chromiumPatchGSPath = flag.String("chromium_patch_gs_path", "", "The location of the Chromium patch in Google storage.")
skiaPatchGSPath = flag.String("skia_patch_gs_path", "", "The location of the Skia patch in Google storage.")
v8PatchGSPath = flag.String("v8_patch_gs_path", "", "The location of the V8 patch in Google storage.")
catapultPatchGSPath = flag.String("catapult_patch_gs_path", "", "The location of the Catapult patch in Google storage.")
chromiumBaseBuildPatchGSPath = flag.String("chromium_base_build_patch_gs_path", "", "The location of the Chromium base build patch in Google storage.")
customWebpagesCsvGSPath = flag.String("custom_webpages_csv_gs_path", "", "The location of the custom webpages CSV in Google storage.")
func runChromiumPerfOnWorkers() error {
ctx := context.Background()
// Cleanup dirs after run completes.
defer skutil.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.ChromiumPerfRunsDir, *runID))
// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Running chromium perf task on workers")
defer sklog.Flush()
if *pagesetType == "" {
return errors.New("Must specify --pageset_type")
if *benchmarkName == "" {
return errors.New("Must specify --benchmark_name")
if *runID == "" {
return errors.New("Must specify --run_id")
if *description == "" {
return errors.New("Must specify --description")
// Instantiate GcsUtil object.
gs, err := util.NewGcsUtil(nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not instantiate gsutil object: %s", err)
remoteOutputDir := util.GetPerfRemoteDir(*runID)
// TODO(rmistry): Fix the below.
// This is silly, we do the following here:
// * Downloads patches from the location specified by CTFE.
// * Locally "fixes" them (adds an extra newline at the end).
// * Uses the locally downloaded the files to check if all patches are
// empty to determine if we should use a single build.
// * Re-uploads them in a location expected by the builder tasks.
// What we should be doing instead is using the CTFE locations and passing them
// around to all the worker scripts that need them by being explicit. Eg:
// "skiaPatchGSPath". rmistry@ started doing this but it made the effort of
// making CT interruptible more difficult. Should tackle this as a separate
// effort here and in all other similar master scripts.
for fileSuffix, patchGSPath := range map[string]string{
".chromium.patch": *chromiumPatchGSPath,
".skia.patch": *skiaPatchGSPath,
".v8.patch": *v8PatchGSPath,
".catapult.patch": *catapultPatchGSPath,
".chromium_base_build.patch": *chromiumBaseBuildPatchGSPath,
".custom_webpages.csv": *customWebpagesCsvGSPath,
} {
patch, err := util.GetPatchFromStorage(patchGSPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not download patch %s from Google storage: %s", patchGSPath, err)
// Add an extra newline at the end because git sometimes rejects patches due to
// missing newlines.
patch = patch + "\n"
patchPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), *runID+fileSuffix)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(patchPath, []byte(patch), 0666); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not write patch %s to %s: %s", patch, patchPath, err)
defer skutil.Remove(patchPath)
// Copy the patches and custom webpages to Google Storage.
skiaPatchName := *runID + ".skia.patch"
chromiumPatchName := *runID + ".chromium.patch"
v8PatchName := *runID + ".v8.patch"
catapultPatchName := *runID + ".catapult.patch"
chromiumPatchNameBaseBuild := *runID + ".chromium_base_build.patch"
customWebpagesName := *runID + ".custom_webpages.csv"
for _, patchName := range []string{skiaPatchName, chromiumPatchName, v8PatchName, catapultPatchName, chromiumPatchNameBaseBuild, customWebpagesName} {
if err := gs.UploadFile(patchName, os.TempDir(), remoteOutputDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not upload %s to %s: %s", patchName, remoteOutputDir, err)
skiaPatchLink := util.GCS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GCSBucketName, remoteOutputDir, skiaPatchName)
chromiumPatchLink := util.GCS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GCSBucketName, remoteOutputDir, chromiumPatchName)
// Check if the patches have any content to decide if we need one or two chromium builds.
localPatches := []string{filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), chromiumPatchName), filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), skiaPatchName), filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), v8PatchName), filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), chromiumPatchNameBaseBuild)}
remotePatches := []string{filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, chromiumPatchName), filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, skiaPatchName), filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, v8PatchName), filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, chromiumPatchNameBaseBuild)}
// Find which chromium hash the builds should use.
if *chromiumHash == "" {
*chromiumHash, err = util.GetChromiumHash(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not find the latest chromium hash: %s", err)
// Trigger both the build repo and isolate telemetry tasks in parallel.
group := skutil.NewNamedErrGroup()
var chromiumBuildNoPatch, chromiumBuildWithPatch string
group.Go("build chromium", func() error {
if util.PatchesAreEmpty(localPatches) {
// Create only one chromium build.
chromiumBuilds, err := util.TriggerBuildRepoSwarmingTask(
ctx, "build_chromium", *runID, "chromium", *targetPlatform, "", []string{*chromiumHash}, remotePatches, []string{},
true, *master_common.Local, 3*time.Hour, 1*time.Hour)
if err != nil {
return sklog.FmtErrorf("Error encountered when swarming build repo task: %s", err)
if len(chromiumBuilds) != 1 {
return sklog.FmtErrorf("Expected 1 build but instead got %d: %v.", len(chromiumBuilds), chromiumBuilds)
chromiumBuildNoPatch = chromiumBuilds[0]
chromiumBuildWithPatch = chromiumBuilds[0]
} else {
// Create the two required chromium builds (with patch and without the patch).
chromiumBuilds, err := util.TriggerBuildRepoSwarmingTask(
ctx, "build_chromium", *runID, "chromium", *targetPlatform, "", []string{*chromiumHash}, remotePatches, []string{},
false, *master_common.Local, 3*time.Hour, 1*time.Hour)
if err != nil {
return sklog.FmtErrorf("Error encountered when swarming build repo task: %s", err)
if len(chromiumBuilds) != 2 {
return sklog.FmtErrorf("Expected 2 builds but instead got %d: %v.", len(chromiumBuilds), chromiumBuilds)
chromiumBuildNoPatch = chromiumBuilds[0]
chromiumBuildWithPatch = chromiumBuilds[1]
return nil
// Isolate telemetry.
isolateDeps := []string{}
group.Go("isolate telemetry", func() error {
telemetryIsolatePatches := []string{filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, chromiumPatchName), filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, catapultPatchName), filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, v8PatchName)}
telemetryHash, err := util.TriggerIsolateTelemetrySwarmingTask(ctx, "isolate_telemetry", *runID, *chromiumHash, "", *targetPlatform, telemetryIsolatePatches, 1*time.Hour, 1*time.Hour, *master_common.Local)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error encountered when swarming isolate telemetry task: %s", err)
if telemetryHash == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Found empty telemetry hash!")
isolateDeps = append(isolateDeps, telemetryHash)
return nil
// Wait for chromium build task and isolate telemetry task to complete.
if err := group.Wait(); err != nil {
return err
// Clean up the chromium builds from Google storage after the run completes.
defer gs.DeleteRemoteDirLogErr(filepath.Join(util.CHROMIUM_BUILDS_DIR_NAME, chromiumBuildNoPatch))
defer gs.DeleteRemoteDirLogErr(filepath.Join(util.CHROMIUM_BUILDS_DIR_NAME, chromiumBuildWithPatch))
// Archive, trigger and collect swarming tasks.
isolateExtraArgs := map[string]string{
"CHROMIUM_BUILD_NOPATCH": chromiumBuildNoPatch,
"CHROMIUM_BUILD_WITHPATCH": chromiumBuildWithPatch,
"RUN_ID": *runID,
"BENCHMARK": *benchmarkName,
"BENCHMARK_ARGS": *benchmarkExtraArgs,
"BROWSER_EXTRA_ARGS_NOPATCH": *browserExtraArgsNoPatch,
"BROWSER_EXTRA_ARGS_WITHPATCH": *browserExtraArgsWithPatch,
"REPEAT_BENCHMARK": strconv.Itoa(*repeatBenchmark),
"RUN_IN_PARALLEL": strconv.FormatBool(*runInParallel),
"TARGET_PLATFORM": *targetPlatform,
customWebPagesFilePath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), customWebpagesName)
numPages, err := util.GetNumPages(*pagesetType, customWebPagesFilePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error encountered when calculating number of pages: %s", err)
// Determine hard timeout according to the number of times benchmark should be repeated.
// Cap it off at the max allowable hours.
var hardTimeout = time.Duration(skutil.MinInt(12**repeatBenchmark, util.MAX_SWARMING_HARD_TIMEOUT_HOURS)) * time.Hour
// Calculate the max pages to run per bot.
maxPagesPerBot := util.GetMaxPagesPerBotValue(*benchmarkExtraArgs, MAX_PAGES_PER_SWARMING_BOT)
numSlaves, err := util.TriggerSwarmingTask(ctx, *pagesetType, "chromium_perf", util.CHROMIUM_PERF_ISOLATE, *runID, "", *targetPlatform, hardTimeout, 1*time.Hour, *taskPriority, maxPagesPerBot, numPages, isolateExtraArgs, *runOnGCE, *master_common.Local, util.GetRepeatValue(*benchmarkExtraArgs, *repeatBenchmark), isolateDeps)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error encountered when swarming tasks: %s", err)
// If "--output-format=csv" is specified then merge all CSV files and upload.
runIDNoPatch := fmt.Sprintf("%s-nopatch", *runID)
runIDWithPatch := fmt.Sprintf("%s-withpatch", *runID)
pathToPyFiles := util.GetPathToPyFiles(*master_common.Local)
var noOutputSlaves []string
// Nopatch CSV file processing.
noPatchCSVLocalPath, noOutputSlaves, err := util.MergeUploadCSVFiles(ctx, runIDNoPatch, pathToPyFiles, gs, numPages, maxPagesPerBot, true /* handleStrings */, util.GetRepeatValue(*benchmarkExtraArgs, *repeatBenchmark))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to merge and upload CSV files for %s: %s", runIDNoPatch, err)
// Cleanup created dir after the run completes.
defer skutil.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runIDNoPatch))
// If the number of noOutputSlaves is the same as the total number of triggered slaves then consider the run failed.
if len(noOutputSlaves) == numSlaves {
return fmt.Errorf("All %d slaves produced no output for nopatch run", numSlaves)
// Withpatch CSV file processing.
withPatchCSVLocalPath, noOutputSlaves, err := util.MergeUploadCSVFiles(ctx, runIDWithPatch, pathToPyFiles, gs, numPages, maxPagesPerBot, true /* handleStrings */, util.GetRepeatValue(*benchmarkExtraArgs, *repeatBenchmark))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to merge and upload CSV files for %s: %s", runIDWithPatch, err)
// Cleanup created dir after the run completes.
defer skutil.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runIDWithPatch))
// If the number of noOutputSlaves is the same as the total number of triggered slaves then consider the run failed.
if len(noOutputSlaves) == numSlaves {
return fmt.Errorf("All %d slaves produced no output for withpatch run", numSlaves)
totalArchivedWebpages, err := util.GetArchivesNum(gs, *benchmarkExtraArgs, *pagesetType)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when calculating number of archives: %s", err)
// Compare the resultant CSV files using
_, skiaHash := util.GetHashesFromBuild(chromiumBuildNoPatch)
htmlOutputDir := filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.ChromiumPerfRunsDir, *runID, "html")
skutil.MkdirAll(htmlOutputDir, 0700)
htmlRemoteDir := util.GetPerfRemoteHTMLDir(*runID)
htmlOutputLinkBase := util.GetPerfOutputLinkBase(*runID)
noPatchOutputLink := util.GetPerfNoPatchOutputLink(*runID)
withPatchOutputLink := util.GetPerfWithPatchOutputLink(*runID)
// Construct path to the csv_comparer python script.
pathToCsvComparer := filepath.Join(pathToPyFiles, "")
args := []string{
"--csv_file1=" + noPatchCSVLocalPath,
"--csv_file2=" + withPatchCSVLocalPath,
"--output_html=" + htmlOutputDir,
"--variance_threshold=" + strconv.FormatFloat(*varianceThreshold, 'f', 2, 64),
"--discard_outliers=" + strconv.FormatFloat(*discardOutliers, 'f', 2, 64),
"--absolute_url=" + htmlOutputLinkBase,
"--requester_email=" + *runRequester,
"--skia_patch_link=" + skiaPatchLink,
"--chromium_patch_link=" + chromiumPatchLink,
"--description=" + *description,
"--raw_csv_nopatch=" + noPatchOutputLink,
"--raw_csv_withpatch=" + withPatchOutputLink,
"--num_repeated=" + strconv.Itoa(*repeatBenchmark),
"--target_platform=" + *targetPlatform,
"--browser_args_nopatch=" + *browserExtraArgsNoPatch,
"--browser_args_withpatch=" + *browserExtraArgsWithPatch,
"--pageset_type=" + *pagesetType,
"--chromium_hash=" + *chromiumHash,
"--skia_hash=" + skiaHash,
"--missing_output_slaves=" + strings.Join(noOutputSlaves, " "),
"--logs_link_prefix=" + fmt.Sprintf(util.SWARMING_RUN_ID_TASK_LINK_PREFIX_TEMPLATE, *runID, "chromium_perf_"),
"--total_archives=" + strconv.Itoa(totalArchivedWebpages),
err = util.ExecuteCmd(ctx, "python", args, []string{}, util.CSV_COMPARER_TIMEOUT, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error running %s", err)
// Copy the HTML files to Google Storage.
if err := gs.UploadDir(htmlOutputDir, htmlRemoteDir, true); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not upload %s to %s: %s", htmlOutputDir, htmlRemoteDir, err)
if *groupName != "" {
if err := util.AddCTRunDataToPerf(ctx, *groupName, *runID, withPatchCSVLocalPath, gs); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not add CT run data to %s", err)
return nil
func main() {
retCode := 0
if err := runChromiumPerfOnWorkers(); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error while running chromium perf on workers: %s", err)
retCode = 255