blob: b02ddb5ec3d309077ce83d15ade24276628fa605 [file] [log] [blame]
load("//infra-sk:index.bzl", "extract_files_from_skia_wasm_container")
# This target makes the canvaskit js and wasm binaries available for tests. This is not the same
# as ../build because we want to be able to control which binaries get used when we deploy a
# container, but we are less stringent when running tests on the infra CI.
name = "fetch_canvaskit_wasm",
testonly = True,
outs = [
container_files = [
visibility = ["//skottie:__subpackages__"],
name = "make version file",
outs = ["version.js"],
# We use LATEST here to make Puppeteer tests more deterministic.
cmd = """echo "const SKIA_VERSION = 'LATEST';" > $@""",
visibility = ["//skottie:__subpackages__"],