blob: 05d8620ebcec0f09d88b9bc02d7af767c72a452e [file] [log] [blame]
"""This module defines the sk_demo_page_server macro."""
_demo_page_server = "//infra-sk/sk_demo_page_server:demo_page_server"
_demo_server_script_template = """
# Runs the demo page server.
HTML_FILE=$(rootpath {html_file})
DEMO_PAGE_SERVER_BIN=$(rootpath {demo_page_server})
# We won't serve the given HTML file directly. Instead, we'll serve its parent directory, which we
# assume contains the JS/CSS bundles and any other required assets.
ASSETS_DIR=$$(dirname $$HTML_FILE)
# Copy the HTML file as index.html so it is served by default at http://localhost:<port>/.
cp -f $$HTML_FILE $$ASSETS_DIR/index.html
# Copy any static assets into the serving directory.
# Start the demo page server.
$$DEMO_PAGE_SERVER_BIN --directory $$ASSETS_DIR --port $$PORT
exit $$?
def sk_demo_page_server(name, sk_page, static_assets = None, port = 8080):
"""Creates a demo page server for the given page.
This target can be used during development with "bazel run".
It can also be used as the environment for a test_on_env test (e.g. for Puppeteer tests). The
TCP port for the HTTP server can be found in $ENV_DIR/port.
name: Name of the rule.
sk_page: Label of the sk_page to serve.
static_assets: A dictionary where the keys are serving paths (e.g. "/static/img"), and the
values are a list of Bazel labels of the files that should be served in the path (e.g.
["//myapp/assets/logo.png". "//myapp/assets/favicon.ico"]).
port: Port for the HTTP server. Set to 0 to let the OS choose an unused port.
copy_static_assets = "\n".join([
"mkdir -p $$ASSETS_DIR%s && cp -f $(rootpath %s) $$ASSETS_DIR%s" % (dir, file, dir)
for dir in static_assets
for file in static_assets[dir]
]) if static_assets else ""
script = _demo_server_script_template.format(
html_file = sk_page + "_html_dev",
copy_static_assets = copy_static_assets,
demo_page_server = _demo_page_server,
port = port,
static_assets_labels = [
for dir in static_assets
for file in static_assets[dir]
] if static_assets else []
name = name + "_genrule",
srcs = [
# Label for the development .html file produced by the sk_page rule. We need to list
# this explicitly in the srcs attribute in order for the $(rootpath {html_file})
# variable expansion to work.
sk_page + "_html_dev",
] + static_assets_labels,
outs = [name + ".sh"],
cmd = "echo '{}' > $@".format(script.replace("'", "'\"'\"'")),
executable = 1,
name = name,
srcs = [name + "_genrule"],
data = [
# This label includes the development .html file produced by the sk_page rule and all
# its assets (JS/CSS development bundles, etc.).
sk_page + "_dev",
] + static_assets_labels,