blob: b47301457a168356bb187f0e39b9b8e54d3b46fd [file] [log] [blame]
import './machine-server-sk';
import fetchMock, { MockRequest, MockResponse } from 'fetch-mock';
import { assert } from 'chai';
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import {
MachineServerSk, MAX_LAST_UPDATED_ACCEPTABLE_MS, outOfSpecIfTooOld, pretty_device_name,
} from './machine-server-sk';
import { Annotation } from '../json';
fetchMock.config.overwriteRoutes = true;
const container = document.createElement('div');
afterEach(() => {
container.innerHTML = '';
const setUpElement = async (): Promise<MachineServerSk> => {
fetchMock.get('/_/machines', [
Mode: 'available',
Battery: 100,
PodName: 'rpi-swarming-123456-987',
ScheduledForDeletion: '',
Dimensions: {
id: ['skia-rpi2-rack4-shelf1-002'],
android_devices: ['1'],
device_os: ['H', 'HUAWEIELE-L29'],
Note: {
User: '',
Message: 'Starting note.',
Timestamp: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Annotation: {
User: '',
Message: '',
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
PowerCycle: false,
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Temperature: { dumpsys_battery: 26 },
container.innerHTML = '<machine-server-sk></machine-server-sk>';
const s = container.firstElementChild as MachineServerSk;
// Wait for the initial fetch to finish.
await fetchMock.flush(true);
return s;
describe('machine-server-sk', () => {
it('loads data by fetch on connectedCallback', async () => {
const s = await setUpElement();
// Each row has an id set to the machine id.
assert.isNotNull($$('#skia-rpi2-rack4-shelf1-002', s));
it('filters out elements that do not match', async () => {
const s = await setUpElement();
assert.isNotNull($$('#skia-rpi2-rack4-shelf1-002', s));
s.filter = 'this string does not appear in any machine';
// eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
// Each row has an id set to the machine id.
assert.isNull($$('#skia-rpi2-rack4-shelf1-002', s));
it('updates the mode when you click on the mode button', () => window.customElements.whenDefined('machine-server-sk').then(async () => {
const s = await setUpElement();
// Now set up fetchMock for the requests that happen when the button is clicked.
fetchMock.get('/_/machine/toggle_mode/skia-rpi2-rack4-shelf1-002', 200);
fetchMock.get('/_/machines', [
Mode: 'maintenance',
Battery: 100,
Dimensions: {
id: ['skia-rpi2-rack4-shelf1-002'],
android_devices: ['1'],
device_os: ['H', 'HUAWEIELE-L29'],
Note: {
User: '',
Message: '',
Timestamp: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Annotation: {
User: '',
Message: '',
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Temperature: { dumpsys_battery: 26 },
// Click the button.
const button = $$<HTMLButtonElement>('button.mode', s)!;;
// Wait for all requests to finish.
await fetchMock.flush(true);
// Confirm the button text has been updated.
assert.equal('maintenance', button.textContent?.trim());
it('updates ScheduledForDeletion when you click on the update button', () => window.customElements.whenDefined('machine-server-sk').then(async () => {
const s = await setUpElement();
// Now set up fetchMock for the requests that happen when the button is clicked.
fetchMock.get('/_/machines', [
Mode: 'maintenance',
Battery: 100,
PodName: 'rpi-swarming-123456-987',
ScheduledForDeletion: 'rpi-swarming-123456-987',
Dimensions: {
id: ['skia-rpi2-rack4-shelf1-002'],
android_devices: ['1'],
device_os: ['H', 'HUAWEIELE-L29'],
Note: {
User: '',
Message: '',
Timestamp: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Annotation: {
User: '',
Message: '',
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Temperature: { dumpsys_battery: 26 },
// Click the button.
const button = $$<HTMLButtonElement>('button.update', s)!;;
// Wait for all requests to finish.
await fetchMock.flush(true);
// Confirm the button text has been updated.
assert.equal('Waiting for update.', button.textContent?.trim());
it('starts requesting updates when you click on the refresh button', () => window.customElements.whenDefined('machine-server-sk').then(async () => {
const s = await setUpElement();
// Now set up fetchMock for the requests that happen when the button is clicked.
fetchMock.get('/_/machines', [
Mode: 'maintenance',
Battery: 100,
PodName: 'rpi-swarming-123456-987',
ScheduledForDeletion: 'rpi-swarming-123456-987',
Dimensions: {
id: ['skia-rpi2-rack4-shelf1-002'],
android_devices: ['1'],
device_os: ['H', 'HUAWEIELE-L29'],
Note: {
User: '',
Message: '',
Timestamp: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Annotation: {
User: '',
Message: '',
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Temperature: { dumpsys_battery: 26 },
// Click the button.
$$<HTMLButtonElement>('#refresh', s)!.click();
// Wait for all requests to finish.
await fetchMock.flush(true);
// Confirm that setTimeout is in progress.
assert.notEqual(0, s.timeout);
// Confirm we are displaying the right icon.
assert.isNotNull($$('pause-icon-sk', s));
it('updates PowerCycle when you click on the button', () => window.customElements.whenDefined('machine-server-sk').then(async () => {
const s = await setUpElement();
// Now set up fetchMock for the requests that happen when the button is clicked.
fetchMock.get('/_/machines', [
Mode: 'maintenance',
Battery: 100,
PodName: 'rpi-swarming-123456-987',
ScheduledForDeletion: 'rpi-swarming-123456-987',
Dimensions: {
id: ['skia-rpi2-rack4-shelf1-002'],
android_devices: ['1'],
device_os: ['H', 'HUAWEIELE-L29'],
Note: {
User: '',
Message: '',
Timestamp: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Annotation: {
User: '',
Message: '',
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
PowerCycle: true,
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Temperature: { dumpsys_battery: 26 },
// Click the button.
$$<HTMLElement>('power-settings-new-icon-sk', s)!.click();
// Wait for all requests to finish.
await fetchMock.flush(true);
// Confirm the button text has been updated.
'Waiting for Power Cycle',
$$('.powercycle', s)?.textContent?.trim(),
it('clears the Dimensions when you click on the button', () => window.customElements.whenDefined('machine-server-sk').then(async () => {
const s = await setUpElement();
// Confirm there are row in the dimensions.
assert.isNotNull($$('details.dimensions table tr', s));
// Now set up fetchMock for the requests that happen when the button is clicked.
fetchMock.get('/_/machines', [
Mode: 'maintenance',
Battery: 100,
PodName: 'rpi-swarming-123456-987',
ScheduledForDeletion: 'rpi-swarming-123456-987',
Dimensions: {},
Note: {
User: '',
Message: '',
Timestamp: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Annotation: {
User: '',
Message: '',
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
PowerCycle: true,
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Temperature: { dumpsys_battery: 26 },
// Click the button.
$$<HTMLElement>('clear-icon-sk', s)!.click();
// Wait for all requests to finish.
await fetchMock.flush(true);
it('deletes the Machine when you click on the button', () => window.customElements.whenDefined('machine-server-sk').then(async () => {
const s = await setUpElement();
// Confirm there are rows in the table.
assert.isNotNull($$('main > table > tbody > tr > td', s));
// Now set up fetchMock for the requests that happen when the button is clicked.
fetchMock.get('/_/machines', []);
// Click the button.
// Wait for all requests to finish.
await fetchMock.flush(true);
// Confirm the one machine has been removed.
assert.isNull($$('main > table > tbody > tr > td', s));
it('sets the Machine Note when you edit the note.', () => window.customElements.whenDefined('machine-server-sk').then(async () => {
const updatedMessage = 'This has been edited.';
const s = await setUpElement();
// Now set up fetchMock for the requests that happen when the button is clicked.
let called = false;
(url: string, opts: MockRequest): MockResponse => {
const body = JSON.parse(opts.body as string) as Annotation;
assert.equal(body.Message, updatedMessage);
called = true;
return {};
}, {
sendAsJson: true,
fetchMock.get('/_/machines', [
Mode: 'available',
Battery: 100,
PodName: 'rpi-swarming-123456-987',
ScheduledForDeletion: '',
Dimensions: {
id: ['skia-rpi2-rack4-shelf1-002'],
android_devices: ['1'],
device_os: ['H', 'HUAWEIELE-L29'],
Note: {
User: '',
Message: updatedMessage,
Timestamp: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Annotation: {
User: '',
Message: '',
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
PowerCycle: false,
LastUpdated: '2020-04-21T17:33:09.638275Z',
Temperature: { dumpsys_battery: 26 },
// Open the editor dialog.
$$<HTMLElement>('edit-icon-sk', s)!.click();
// Change the message.
$$<HTMLInputElement>('note-editor-sk #note', s)!.value = updatedMessage;
// Press OK.
$$<HTMLInputElement>('note-editor-sk #ok', s)!.click();
// Wait for all requests to finish.
await fetchMock.flush(true);
describe('outOfSpecIfTooOld', () => {
it('returns an empty string if LastModified is recent enough', () => {
const now = new Date(;
assert.equal(outOfSpecIfTooOld(now.toString()), '');
it('returns outOfSpec if LastModified is too old', () => {
const old = new Date( - 2 * MAX_LAST_UPDATED_ACCEPTABLE_MS);
assert.equal(outOfSpecIfTooOld(old.toString()), 'outOfSpec');
describe('pretty_device_name', () => {
it('returns an empty string on null', () => {
assert.equal('', pretty_device_name(null));
it('returns Pixel 5 for redfin.', () => {
assert.equal('redfin (Pixel 5)', pretty_device_name(['redfin']));
it('returns the last match in a list', () => {
assert.equal('herolte | universal8890 (Galaxy S7 [Global])', pretty_device_name(['herolte', 'universal8890']));