blob: b922d4680fee0dafd1f3c67a0e633d02600d5f23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package switchboard is for keeping track of connections from machines to the
// switchboard pods.
package switchboard
import (
var ErrMachineNotFound = errors.New("no such machine")
// MeetingPoint has a machine ID and all of the information needed on how to
// connect to that machine via SSH. This is, if a client ran the equivalent of:
// kubectl $PodName port-forward $Port
// They could then connect to that machine by running:
// ssh $Username@localhost -p $Port
// In practice we won't shell out to kubectl or shh, but instead will make the
// connections via Go code.
type MeetingPoint struct {
// PodName is the name of a pod in the skia-switchboard cluster that the machine
// identified by MachineID is connected to.
PodName string
// Port is the TCP port that is used in PodName in the skia-switchboard
// cluster that the machine identified by MachineID is connected to.
Port int
// Username is the account that should be used when SSH'ing into a machine,
// which is normally 'chrome-bot', but needs to be 'root' in the case of
// RPis on rack4.
Username string
// The domain name of the machine, e.g. 'skia-rpi-001'.
MachineID string
// LastUpdated is updated every time Switchboard.KeepAliveMeetingPoint is
// called, which will be done by bot_config,since bot_config is in charge of
// initiating and keeping the connection to the switchboard cluster
// connected.
// The machines server will have a background process that monitors for
// expired MeetingPoints and removes them.
LastUpdated time.Time
// Switchboard manages MeetingPoints for all machines.
// See also http://go/switchboard-interaction-diagram.
type Switchboard interface {
// ReserveMeetingPoint is called by bot_config as it starts up and is trying
// to initiate a connection to the switchboard. The Username is the account
// name to use when ssh'ing into the machine.
// Note that Username should be 'chrome-bot' for all instances, but the
// rack4 RPIs run as root now so they can get access to the USB port from
// within the k8s container, so at least during the transition we will need
// to specify the target account name.
ReserveMeetingPoint(ctx context.Context, machineID string, Username string) (MeetingPoint, error)
// ClearMeetingPoint is called by bot_config if it failed to connect to the
// switchboard or if the machine is shutting down, i.e. bot_config
// determines it is not able to handle incoming connections.
ClearMeetingPoint(ctx context.Context, meeingPoint MeetingPoint) error
// GetMeetingPoint returns the information needed to talk to the given
// machine. This will be called by TaskScheduler once it's decided which
// machine to run a test on. It may return ErrMachineNotFound if there is no
// connection for the given machineID.
GetMeetingPoint(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (MeetingPoint, error)
// KeepAliveMeetingPoint is called by bot_config periodically to indicate it
// is still a valid connection. This updates MeetingPoint.LastUpdated.
KeepAliveMeetingPoint(ctx context.Context, meetingPoint MeetingPoint) error
// AddPod adds a new k8s pod to the list of available pods running in the
// switchboard cluster. It is called by the programming that runs on startup
// in each switchboard pod.
AddPod(ctx context.Context, PodName string) error
// RemovePod removes a k8s pod from the list of available pods. It is called
// from each switchboard pod as it shuts down.
RemovePod(ctx context.Context, PodName string) error
// ListPods returns a list of all the pods availble to accept connections.
// This will be used in the machines UI.
ListPods(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
// ListMeetingPoints returns all the active MeetingPoints. This will be used
// in the machines UI.
ListMeetingPoints(ctx context.Context) ([]MeetingPoint, error)