blob: faf795cc85966e3a55a43eaa94392571eb863515 [file] [log] [blame]
package status
import (
mock_expectations ""
data ""
// TODO(kjlubick) it would be nice to test this with multiple corpora
// TestStatusWatcherInitialLoad tests that the status is initially calculated correctly.
func TestStatusWatcherInitialLoad(t *testing.T) {
mes := &mock_expectations.Store{}
mts := &mocks.TileSource{}
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mts.AssertExpectations(t)
cpxTile := tiling.NewComplexTile(data.MakeTestTile())
mes.On("Get", testutils.AnyContext).Return(data.MakeTestExpectations(), nil)
swc := StatusWatcherConfig{
ExpChangeListener: expectations.NewEventDispatcherForTesting(),
ExpectationsStore: mes,
TileSource: mts,
watcher, err := New(context.Background(), swc)
require.NoError(t, err)
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
status := watcher.GetStatus()
require.Equal(t, &GUIStatus{
OK: false,
FirstCommit: frontend.FromTilingCommit(commits[0]),
LastCommit: frontend.FromTilingCommit(commits[2]),
TotalCommits: 3,
FilledCommits: 3,
CorpStatus: []*GUICorpusStatus{
Name: "gm",
OK: false,
UntriagedCount: 2, // These are the values at HEAD, i.e. the most recent data
NegativeCount: 0,
}, status)
// TestStatusWatcherEventBus tests that the status is re-calculated correctly after
// the expectations get updated.
func TestStatusWatcherExpectationsChange(t *testing.T) {
mes := &mock_expectations.Store{}
mts := &mocks.TileSource{}
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mts.AssertExpectations(t)
cpxTile := tiling.NewComplexTile(data.MakeTestTile())
// The first time, we have the normal expectations (with things untriaged), then, we emulate
// that a user has triaged the two untraiged images
mes.On("Get", testutils.AnyContext).Return(data.MakeTestExpectations(), nil).Once()
everythingTriaged := data.MakeTestExpectations()
everythingTriaged.Set(data.AlphaTest, data.AlphaUntriagedDigest, expectations.Positive)
everythingTriaged.Set(data.BetaTest, data.BetaUntriagedDigest, expectations.Negative)
mes.On("Get", testutils.AnyContext).Return(everythingTriaged, nil)
eb := expectations.NewEventDispatcherForTesting()
swc := StatusWatcherConfig{
ExpectationsStore: mes,
TileSource: mts,
ExpChangeListener: eb,
watcher, err := New(context.Background(), swc)
require.NoError(t, err)
// status doesn't currently use the values of the delta, but this is what they
// look like in production.
Grouping: data.AlphaTest,
Digest: data.AlphaUntriagedDigest,
Grouping: data.BetaTest,
Digest: data.BetaUntriagedDigest,
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
status := watcher.GetStatus()
return deepequal.DeepEqual(&GUIStatus{
OK: true,
FirstCommit: frontend.FromTilingCommit(commits[0]),
LastCommit: frontend.FromTilingCommit(commits[2]),
TotalCommits: 3,
FilledCommits: 3,
CorpStatus: []*GUICorpusStatus{
Name: "gm",
OK: true,
UntriagedCount: 0,
NegativeCount: 1,
}, status)
}, 2*time.Second, 100*time.Millisecond)