blob: cdc87b61f89a2837a0563dff79072122f637f669 [file] [log] [blame]
package fileutil
import (
// GetHourlyDirs generates paths with the given prefix for all the paths of the
// form 'prefix/<year>/<month>/<day>/<hour>'. All path segments are padded with zeros
// where necessary, e.g. prefix/2018/01/02/09. All hours are from 0-23. This is
// intended to enumerate the directories that should be polled when ingesting data.
// startTS and endTS are seconds since the Unix epoch. Both time stamps are inclusive.
// The generated directories are based on UTC being the locale.
func GetHourlyDirs(prefixDir string, start, end time.Time) []string {
if end.Before(start) {
return []string{}
// The result will be roughly the number of hours in the range.
ret := make([]string, 0, end.Sub(start)/time.Hour+1)
currTime := start.UTC()
endTime := end.UTC()
// Change the timestamp of the last hour to the very last millisecond of the
// hour. This guarantees that we always include the last hour because
// endTime is just below the next hour but larger than any incremented value
// of currTime can be since currTime is measured in seconds.
lastHourDelta := time.Duration(59-endTime.Minute())*time.Minute +
time.Duration(59-endTime.Second())*time.Second +
endTime = endTime.Add(lastHourDelta)
for currTime.Before(endTime) {
year, month, day := currTime.Date()
hour := currTime.Hour()
ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%04d/%02d/%02d/%02d", prefixDir, year, month, day, hour))
currTime = currTime.Add(time.Hour)
return ret