blob: 1a54696d6fa6fd8ca53b9137e7d2d4dd467de01a [file] [log] [blame]
import './index';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { SelectSk } from 'elements-sk/select-sk/select-sk';
import { benchmarks_platforms } from './test_data';
import { pageSets } from '../pageset-selector-sk/test_data';
import { priorities } from '../task-priority-sk/test_data';
import { chromiumPatchResult } from '../patch-sk/test_data';
import { InputSk } from '../input-sk/input-sk';
import { ChromiumAnalysisSk } from './chromium-analysis-sk';
import {
} from '../../../infra-sk/modules/test_util';
describe('chromium-analysis-sk', () => {
fetchMock.config.overwriteRoutes = false;
const factory = setUpElementUnderTest<ChromiumAnalysisSk>('chromium-analysis-sk');
// Returns a new element with the pagesets, task priorirites, and
// active tasks fetches complete, and benchmarks and platforms set.
const newInstance = async (activeTasks?: number) => {
fetchMock.postOnce('begin:/_/page_sets/', pageSets);
fetchMock.postOnce('begin:/_/benchmarks_platforms/', benchmarks_platforms);
fetchMock.getOnce('begin:/_/task_priorities/', priorities);
const ele = factory();
await fetchMock.flush(true);
return ele;
// Make our test object global to make helper functions convenient.
let chromiumAnalysis: ChromiumAnalysisSk;
afterEach(() => {
// Check all mock fetches called at least once and reset.
const mockActiveTasks = (n: number|undefined) => {
n = n || 0;
// For running tasks for the user we put a nonzero total in one of the
// responses, and 0 in the remaining 6.
fetchMock.postOnce('begin:/_/get', {
data: [],
ids: [],
pagination: { offset: 0, size: 1, total: n },
permissions: [],
});'begin:/_/get', {
data: [],
ids: [],
pagination: { offset: 0, size: 1, total: 0 },
permissions: [],
}, { repeat: 6 });
const setDescription = (d: string) => {
($$('#description', chromiumAnalysis) as InputSk).value = d;
const setBenchmark = (b: string) => {
($$('#benchmark_name', chromiumAnalysis) as InputSk).value = b;
const setPatch = async (patchtype: string, value: string, response: any) => {
fetchMock.postOnce('begin:/_/cl_data', response);
const input = $$(`#${patchtype}_patch input-sk`) as InputSk;
input.value = value;
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {
bubbles: true,
await fetchMock.flush(true);
const clickSubmit = () => {
($$('#submit', chromiumAnalysis) as InputSk).click();
const expectTaskTriggered = () => {
fetchMock.postOnce('begin:/_/add_chromium_analysis_task', {});
it('loads, has defaults set', async () => {
chromiumAnalysis = await newInstance();
expect(chromiumAnalysis._platforms[+($$('#platform_selector', chromiumAnalysis) as SelectSk)!
expect($$('#pageset_selector', chromiumAnalysis))'selected', '10k');
expect($$('#pageset_selector', chromiumAnalysis))'customPages', '');
expect($$('#repeat_after_days', chromiumAnalysis))'frequency', '0');
expect($$('#task_priority', chromiumAnalysis))'priority', '100');
expect($$('#benchmark_args', chromiumAnalysis))'value',
'--output-format=csv --skip-typ-expectations-tags-validation'
+ ' --legacy-json-trace-format');
expect($$('#value_column_name', chromiumAnalysis))'value', 'avg');
it('requires description', async () => {
chromiumAnalysis = await newInstance();
const event = eventPromise('error-sk');
const err = await event;
expect((err as CustomEvent).detail.message).to.equal('Please specify a description');
it('requires benchmark', async () => {
chromiumAnalysis = await newInstance();
setDescription('Testing things');
const event = eventPromise('error-sk');
const err = await event;
expect((err as CustomEvent).detail.message).to.equal('Please specify a benchmark');
it('rejects bad patch', async () => {
chromiumAnalysis = await newInstance();
setDescription('Testing things');
setBenchmark('a benchmark');
await setPatch('skia', '1234', { cl: '1234' }); // Patch result is bogus.
let event = eventPromise('error-sk');
let err = await event;
expect((err as CustomEvent).detail.message).to.contain('Unable to fetch skia patch from CL 1234');
await setPatch('skia', '1234', {}); // CL doesn't load.
event = eventPromise('error-sk');
err = await event;
expect((err as CustomEvent).detail.message).to.contain('Unable to load skia CL 1234');
it('triggers a new task', async () => {
chromiumAnalysis = await newInstance();
setDescription('Testing things');
setBenchmark('a benchmark');
await setPatch('chromium', '1234', chromiumPatchResult);
chromiumAnalysis._gotoRunsHistory = () => {
// Karma can't handle page reloads, so disable it.
sinon.stub(window, 'confirm').returns(true);
await fetchMock.flush(true);
const taskJson = JSON.parse(fetchMock.lastOptions()!.body as any);
// Here we test the 'interesting' arguments. We try a single patch,
// and we don't bother filling in the simple string arguments.
const expectation = {
apk_gs_path: '',
benchmark: 'a benchmark',
benchmark_args: '--output-format=csv --skip-typ-expectations-tags-validation --legacy-json-trace-format',
browser_args: '',
catapult_patch: '',
chrome_build_gs_path: '',
chromium_hash: '',
chromium_patch: '\n\ndiff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS\nindex 849ae22..ee07579 100644\n--- a/DEPS\n+++ b/DEPS\n@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@\n # Three lines of non-changing comments so that\n # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling Skia\n # and whatever else without interference from each other.\n- \'skia_revision\': \'cc7ec24ca824ca13d5a8a8e562fcec695ae54390\',\n+ \'skia_revision\': \'1dbc3b533962b0ae803a2a5ee89f61146228d73b\',\n # Three lines of non-changing comments so that\n # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling V8\n # and whatever else without interference from each other.\n',
custom_webpages: '',
desc: 'Testing (Roll Skia from cc7ec24ca824 to 1dbc3b533962 (3 revisions))',
match_stdout_txt: '',
page_sets: '10k',
platform: 'Linux',
repeat_after_days: '0',
run_on_gce: true,
run_in_parallel: true,
skia_patch: '',
task_priority: '100',
telemetry_isolate_hash: '',
value_column_name: 'avg',
v8_patch: '',
it('rejects if too many active tasks', async () => {
// Report user as having 4 active tasks.
chromiumAnalysis = await newInstance(4);
setDescription('Testing things');
setBenchmark('a benchmark');
const event = eventPromise('error-sk');
const err = await event;
expect((err as CustomEvent).detail.message).to.contain('You have 4 currently running tasks');