blob: 52308061a3fbc1320be46b049695c84a54261419 [file] [log] [blame]
package syncer
import (
// FuzzSyncer is a struct that will fetch the bad/grey fuzzes from GCS at discrete intervals.
// Once started, it will occasionally wake up and download any new fuzzes from GCS using the
// supplied gcsloader. It looks at both the current revision and the previous revision to count
//regressions. Clients should look at LastCount for the most recent result of the counts.
type FuzzSyncer struct {
countMutex sync.Mutex
storageClient *storage.Client
gcsLoader *gcsloader.GCSLoader
lastCount map[string]FuzzCount // maps category->FuzzCount
fuzzNameCache map[string]util.StringSet // maps key->FuzzNames
// FuzzCount is a struct that holds the counts of fuzzes across all architectures.
type FuzzCount struct {
HighPriority int `json:"highPriorityCount"`
MedPriority int `json:"mediumPriorityCount"`
LowPriority int `json:"lowPriorityCount"`
var HIGH_PRIORITY_FLAGS = util.NewStringSet([]string{
var MEDIUM_PRIORITY_FLAGS = util.NewStringSet([]string{
// LOW_PRIORITY is everything else
// NewFuzzSyncer creates a FuzzSyncer and returns it.
func New(s *storage.Client) *FuzzSyncer {
return &FuzzSyncer{
storageClient: s,
lastCount: make(map[string]FuzzCount),
fuzzNameCache: make(map[string]util.StringSet),
// SetGCSLoader sets this objects GCSLoader, allowing it to fetch the new fuzzes it finds
// and update the fuzzes displayed to users.
func (f *FuzzSyncer) SetGCSLoader(g *gcsloader.GCSLoader) {
f.gcsLoader = g
// Start updates the LastCount and starts a timer with a period of config.FrontEnd.FuzzSyncPeriod.
// Any errors are logged.
func (f *FuzzSyncer) Start() {
go func() {
t := time.Tick(config.FrontEnd.FuzzSyncPeriod)
for {
// Refresh first, so it happens when start is called.
// Refresh updates the LastCount with fresh data. Any errors are logged.
func (f *FuzzSyncer) Refresh() {
sklog.Info("Counting fuzzes (high, medium, low severity)")
currRevision := config.Common.SkiaVersion.Hash
allBadFuzzes := util.NewStringSet()
for _, cat := range common.FUZZ_CATEGORIES {
currentBadNames := util.NewStringSet()
for _, a := range common.ARCHITECTURES {
// always fetch current counts
currentBadNames = currentBadNames.Union(f.getFuzzNames("bad", cat, a, currRevision))
allBadFuzzes = allBadFuzzes.Union(currentBadNames)
if err := f.updateLoadedBinaryFuzzes(allBadFuzzes.Keys()); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Problem updating loaded binary fuzzes: %s", err)
if f.gcsLoader == nil || f.gcsLoader.Pool == nil {
sklog.Infof("Skipping summary updates because pool not ready")
defer f.countMutex.Unlock()
counts := map[string]FuzzCount{}
for _, f := range f.gcsLoader.Pool.Reports() {
if f.IsGrey {
c, ok := counts[f.FuzzCategory]
if !ok {
c = FuzzCount{}
hi, med := false, false
for _, flags := range f.Flags {
xf := util.NewStringSet(flags)
if len(HIGH_PRIORITY_FLAGS.Intersect(xf)) > 0 {
hi = true
} else if len(MEDIUM_PRIORITY_FLAGS.Intersect(xf)) > 0 {
med = true
if hi {
} else if med {
} else {
counts[f.FuzzCategory] = c
f.lastCount = counts
// getMostRecentOldRevision finds the most recently updated revision used.
// It searches the GCS bucket under skia_version/old/ An error is returned if there is one.
func (f *FuzzSyncer) getMostRecentOldRevision() (string, error) {
var newestTime time.Time
newestHash := ""
findNewest := func(item *storage.ObjectAttrs) {
sklog.Infof("%s: %s", item.Name, item.Updated)
if newestTime.Before(item.Updated) {
newestTime = item.Updated
newestHash = item.Name[strings.LastIndex(item.Name, "/")+1:]
if err := gcs.AllFilesInDir(f.storageClient, config.GCS.Bucket, "skia_version/old/", findNewest); err != nil {
return "", err
sklog.Infof("Most recent old version found to be %s", newestHash)
return newestHash, nil
// getOrLookUpFuzzNames first checks the cache for a StringSet of fuzz names linked to a given
// tuple of fuzzType (bad or grey), category, revision. If such a thing is not in the cache, it
// fetches it via getFuzzNames() and caches it for next time. The cache occasionally empties
// itself to avoid staleness (for example, after a version update).
func (f *FuzzSyncer) getOrLookUpFuzzNames(fuzzType, category, architecture, revision string) util.StringSet {
key := strings.Join([]string{fuzzType, category, architecture, revision}, "|")
// 1% of the time, we purge the cache
cachePurge := rand.Float32() > 0.99
if cachePurge {
sklog.Info("Purging the cached fuzz names")
f.fuzzNameCache = make(map[string]util.StringSet)
if s, has := f.fuzzNameCache[key]; has {
return s
s := f.getFuzzNames(fuzzType, category, architecture, revision)
// cache it
f.fuzzNameCache[key] = s
return s
// getFuzzNames gets all the fuzz names belonging to a fuzzType, category, revision tuple from
// Google Storage. It tries two different ways to do this, first by reading a
// (bad|grey)_fuzz_names file, which exists in previous revisions. Second, it manually counts
// all fuzzes in the given GCS folder.
func (f *FuzzSyncer) getFuzzNames(fuzzType, category, architecture, revision string) util.StringSet {
// Sometimes fuzzes with the name "" show up, and we don't want that.
emptyString := util.NewStringSet([]string{""})
// The file stored, if it exists, is a pipe separated list.
if names, err := gcs.FileContentsFromGCS(f.storageClient, config.GCS.Bucket, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s_fuzz_names.txt", category, revision, architecture, fuzzType)); err == nil {
return util.NewStringSet(strings.Split(string(names), "|")).Complement(emptyString)
} else {
sklog.Infof("Could not find cached names, downloading them the long way, instead: %s", err)
if names, err := common.GetAllFuzzNamesInFolder(f.storageClient, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s", category, revision, architecture, fuzzType)); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Problem fetching %s %s %s fuzzes at revision %s: %s", fuzzType, architecture, category, revision, err)
return nil
} else {
return util.NewStringSet(names).Complement(emptyString)
// updateLoadedBinaryFuzzes uses gcsLoader to download the fuzzes that are currently not
// in the fuzz report tree / cache.
func (f *FuzzSyncer) updateLoadedBinaryFuzzes(currentBadFuzzHashes []string) error {
if f.gcsLoader == nil {
sklog.Info("Skipping update because the cache hasn't been set yet")
return nil
prevBadFuzzNames, err := f.gcsLoader.Cache.LoadFuzzNames(config.Common.SkiaVersion.Hash)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not load previous fuzz hashes from cache at revision %s: %s", config.Common.SkiaVersion.Hash, err)
newBinaryFuzzNames := make([]string, 0, 10)
for _, h := range currentBadFuzzHashes {
if i := sort.SearchStrings(prevBadFuzzNames, h); i < len(prevBadFuzzNames) && prevBadFuzzNames[i] == h {
newBinaryFuzzNames = append(newBinaryFuzzNames, h)
sklog.Infof("%d newly found fuzzes from Google Storage. Going to load them.", len(newBinaryFuzzNames))
if len(newBinaryFuzzNames) > 0 {
return f.gcsLoader.LoadFuzzesFromGoogleStorage(newBinaryFuzzNames)
return nil
func (f *FuzzSyncer) LastCount(category string) FuzzCount {
return f.lastCount[category]