blob: ebe0f9612066a131dc3e1f6a964deb5458360944 [file] [log] [blame]
package summary
import (
bug_revert ""
Test outline
We create the following trace data:
id | config | test name | corpus(source_type) | digests
a 8888 test_first gm aaa+, bbb-
b 565 test_first gm ccc?, ddd?
c gpu test_first gm eee+
d 8888 test_second gm fff-, ggg?
e 8888 test_third image jjj?
test_first aaa pos
test_first bbb neg
test_first ccc unt
test_first ddd unt
test_first eee pos
test_second fff neg
Note no entry for test_third or ggg, meaning untriaged.
Then, we test the following conditions and make sure we get
the expected test summaries.
test_first - pos(aaa, eee):2 neg(bbb):1
test_second - neg(fff):1 unt(ggg):1
source_type=gm includeIgnores=true
test_first - pos(aaa, eee):2 neg(bbb):1 unt(ccc, ddd):2
test_second - neg(fff):1 unt(ggg):1
source_type=gm includeIgnores=true testName=test_first
test_first - pos(aaa, eee):2 neg(bbb):1 unt(ccc, ddd):2
testname = test_first
test_first - pos(aaa, eee):2 neg(bbb):1
testname = test_third
test_third - unt(jjj):1
test_first - pos(aaa):1 neg(bbb):1
test_second - neg(fff):1 unt(ggg):1
test_third - unt(jjj):1
config=565&config=8888 head=true
test_first - neg(bbb):1
test_second - unt(ggg):1
test_third - unt(jjj):1
test_first - pos(eee):1
func TestSummaryMap_AllGMsWithIgnores(t *testing.T) {
sum := summaryMapHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), nil, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"}}, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 2)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, FirstTest, 2, 1, 0)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, SecondTest, 0, 1, 1)
assert.NotContains(t, sum, ThirdTest) // no gms for ThirdTest
// The only 2 untriaged digests for this test ignored because they were 565
assert.Empty(t, sum[FirstTest].UntHashes)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ggg"}, sum[SecondTest].UntHashes)
func TestSummaryMap_AllGMsFullTile(t *testing.T) {
sum := summaryMapHelper(t, makeFullTile(), nil, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"}}, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 2)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, FirstTest, 2, 1, 2)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, SecondTest, 0, 1, 1)
assert.NotContains(t, sum, ThirdTest) // no gms for ThirdTest
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ccc", "ddd"}, sum[FirstTest].UntHashes)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ggg"}, sum[SecondTest].UntHashes)
func TestSummaryMap_FirstTestFullTile(t *testing.T) {
sum := summaryMapHelper(t, makeFullTile(), types.TestNameSet{FirstTest: true}, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"}}, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 1)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, FirstTest, 2, 1, 2)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ccc", "ddd"}, sum[FirstTest].UntHashes)
assert.NotContains(t, sum, SecondTest)
assert.NotContains(t, sum, ThirdTest)
func TestSummaryMap_FirstTestIgnores(t *testing.T) {
sum := summaryMapHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), types.TestNameSet{FirstTest: true}, nil, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 1)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, FirstTest, 2, 1, 0)
// Again, the only untriaged hashes are removed from the ignore
assert.Empty(t, sum[FirstTest].UntHashes)
assert.NotContains(t, sum, SecondTest)
assert.NotContains(t, sum, ThirdTest)
func TestSummaryMap_8888Or565Ignores(t *testing.T) {
sum := summaryMapHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), nil, url.Values{"config": {"8888", "565"}}, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 3)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, FirstTest, 1, 1, 0)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, SecondTest, 0, 1, 1)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, ThirdTest, 0, 0, 1)
// Even though we queried for the 565, the untriaged ones won't show up because of ignores.
assert.Empty(t, sum[FirstTest].UntHashes)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ggg"}, sum[SecondTest].UntHashes)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"jjj"}, sum[ThirdTest].UntHashes)
func TestSummaryMap_8888Or565IgnoresHead(t *testing.T) {
sum := summaryMapHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), nil, url.Values{"config": {"8888", "565"}}, true)
require.Len(t, sum, 3)
// These numbers are are a bit lower because we are only looking at head.
// Those with missing digests should "pull forward" their last result (see ThirdTest)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, FirstTest, 0, 1, 0)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, SecondTest, 0, 0, 1)
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, ThirdTest, 0, 0, 1)
assert.Empty(t, sum[FirstTest].UntHashes)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ggg"}, sum[SecondTest].UntHashes)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"jjj"}, sum[ThirdTest].UntHashes)
func TestSummaryMap_GPUConfigIgnores(t *testing.T) {
sum := summaryMapHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), nil, url.Values{"config": {"gpu"}}, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 1)
// Only one digest should be found, and it is not triaged.
triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, FirstTest, 1, 0, 0)
require.Empty(t, sum[FirstTest].UntHashes)
func TestSummaryMap_UnknownConfigIgnores(t *testing.T) {
sum := summaryMapHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), nil, url.Values{"config": {"unknown"}}, false)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(sum))
func summaryMapHelper(t *testing.T, tile *tiling.Tile, testNames types.TestNameSet, query url.Values, head bool) SummaryMap {
mes := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
mes.On("Get").Return(makeExpectations(), nil)
dc := digest_counter.New(makeFullTile())
blamer, err := blame.New(makeFullTile(), makeExpectations())
require.NoError(t, err)
smc := SummaryMapConfig{
ExpectationsStore: mes,
DiffStore: nil, // diameter is disabled, so this can be nil.
DigestCounter: dc,
Blamer: blamer,
sum, err := NewSummaryMap(smc, tile, testNames, query, head)
require.NoError(t, err)
return sum
// TestSummaryMap_FullBugRevert checks the entire return value, rather
// than just the spot checks above.
func TestSummaryMap_FullBugRevert(t *testing.T) {
sum := bugRevertHelper(t, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"}}, false)
require.Equal(t, SummaryMap{
bug_revert.TestOne: {
Name: bug_revert.TestOne,
Pos: 1,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{bug_revert.UntriagedDigestBravo},
Num: 2,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: bug_revert.BuggyAuthor,
Prob: 1,
bug_revert.TestTwo: {
Name: bug_revert.TestTwo,
Pos: 2,
Untriaged: 2,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{bug_revert.UntriagedDigestDelta, bug_revert.UntriagedDigestFoxtrot},
Num: 4,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: bug_revert.InnocentAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
Author: bug_revert.BuggyAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
}, sum)
// TestSummaryMap_FullBugRevertHead checks the entire return value of a query at head, rather
// than just the spot checks above.
func TestSummaryMap_FullBugRevertHead(t *testing.T) {
sum := bugRevertHelper(t, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"}}, true)
require.Equal(t, SummaryMap{
bug_revert.TestOne: {
Name: bug_revert.TestOne,
Pos: 1,
Untriaged: 0,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{},
Num: 1,
Corpus: "gm",
// TODO(kjlubick): If there's no untriaged images, the blame should
// likely be empty.
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: bug_revert.BuggyAuthor,
Prob: 1,
bug_revert.TestTwo: {
Name: bug_revert.TestTwo,
Pos: 2,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{bug_revert.UntriagedDigestFoxtrot},
Num: 3,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: bug_revert.InnocentAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
Author: bug_revert.BuggyAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
}, sum)
func TestSummaryMap_NoMatch(t *testing.T) {
sum := bugRevertHelper(t, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"does-not-exist"}}, false)
require.Equal(t, SummaryMap{}, sum)
func bugRevertHelper(t *testing.T, query url.Values, head bool) SummaryMap {
mes := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
mes.On("Get").Return(bug_revert.MakeTestExpectations(), nil)
dc := digest_counter.New(bug_revert.MakeTestTile())
blamer, err := blame.New(bug_revert.MakeTestTile(), bug_revert.MakeTestExpectations())
require.NoError(t, err)
smc := SummaryMapConfig{
ExpectationsStore: mes,
DiffStore: nil, // diameter is disabled, so this can be nil.
DigestCounter: dc,
Blamer: blamer,
sum, err := NewSummaryMap(smc, bug_revert.MakeTestTile(), nil, query, head)
require.NoError(t, err)
return sum
// TestSummaryMap_OverlappingCorpora makes sure that if we have two corpora that share a test name,
// we handle things correctly.
func TestSummaryMap_OverlappingCorpora(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("currently broken because of how SummaryMap is designed")
const corpusOneUntriaged = "1114c84eaa5dde4a247c93d9b93a136e"
const corpusTwoUntriaged = "222b0d44658ad9c451c39e38c9281d47"
const corpusOne = "corpusOne"
const corpusTwo = "corpusTwo"
commits := bug_revert.MakeTestCommits()[:2]
tile := &tiling.Tile{
Commits: commits,
Scale: 0, // tile contains every data point.
TileIndex: 0,
Traces: map[tiling.TraceId]tiling.Trace{
",device=alpha,name=test_one,source_type=corpusOne,": types.NewGoldenTrace(
bug_revert.GoodDigestAlfa, corpusOneUntriaged,
"device": bug_revert.AlphaDevice,
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(bug_revert.TestOne),
types.CORPUS_FIELD: corpusOne,
",device=beta,name=test_one,source_type=corpusTwo,": types.NewGoldenTrace(
corpusTwoUntriaged, corpusTwoUntriaged,
"device": bug_revert.BetaDevice,
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(bug_revert.TestOne),
types.CORPUS_FIELD: corpusTwo,
mes := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
var e expectations.Expectations
e.Set(bug_revert.TestOne, bug_revert.GoodDigestAlfa, expectations.Positive)
mes.On("Get").Return(&e, nil)
dc := digest_counter.New(tile)
blamer, err := blame.New(tile, &e)
require.NoError(t, err)
smc := SummaryMapConfig{
ExpectationsStore: mes,
DiffStore: nil, // diameter is disabled, so this can be nil.
DigestCounter: dc,
Blamer: blamer,
sum, err := NewSummaryMap(smc, tile, nil, nil, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, sum, 2)
// TestCombine ensures we can combine two summaries to make sure
// the Blames and test names are properly combined.
func TestCombine(t *testing.T) {
first := SummaryMap{
FirstTest: {
Name: FirstTest,
Diameter: 4,
Pos: 2,
Neg: 3,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{AlphaDigest},
Num: 6,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: "",
Prob: 1.00,
SecondTest: {
Name: SecondTest,
Diameter: 14,
Pos: 12,
Neg: 13,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{BetaDigest},
Num: 26,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: "",
Prob: 0.5,
Author: "",
Prob: 0.5,
second := SummaryMap{
FirstTest: {
Name: FirstTest,
Diameter: 24,
Pos: 22,
Neg: 23,
Untriaged: 0,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{},
Num: 45,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{},
ThirdTest: {
Name: ThirdTest,
Diameter: 34,
Pos: 32,
Neg: 33,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{GammaDigest},
Num: 66,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: "",
Prob: 1.0,
result := first.Combine(second)
// Originals first and second should be unchanged
require.Len(t, first, 2)
require.Len(t, second, 2)
require.Len(t, result, 3)
require.Len(t, first[FirstTest].Blame, 1)
require.Len(t, second[FirstTest].Blame, 0)
require.Len(t, result[FirstTest].Blame, 0)
require.Contains(t, result, FirstTest)
require.Contains(t, result, SecondTest)
require.Contains(t, result, ThirdTest)
func triageCountsCorrect(t *testing.T, sum SummaryMap, name types.TestName, pos, neg, unt int) {
s, ok := sum[name]
require.True(t, ok, "Could not find %s in %#v", name, sum)
assert.Equal(t, pos, s.Pos, "Postive count wrong")
assert.Equal(t, neg, s.Neg, "Negative count wrong")
assert.Equal(t, unt, s.Untriaged, "Untriaged count wrong")
const (
FirstTest = types.TestName("test_first")
SecondTest = types.TestName("test_second")
ThirdTest = types.TestName("test_third")
AlphaDigest = types.Digest("aaaec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570")
BetaDigest = types.Digest("bbb9ee4a034fdeddd1b65be92debe731")
GammaDigest = types.Digest("ccc8f073f388469e0193300623691a36")
// makeFullTile returns a tile that matches the description at the top of the file.
func makeFullTile() *tiling.Tile {
return &tiling.Tile{
Traces: map[tiling.TraceId]tiling.Trace{
// These trace ids have been shortened for test terseness.
// A real trace id would be like "8888:gm:test_first"
"a": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"aaa", "bbb"},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(FirstTest),
"b": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"ccc", "ddd"},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "565",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(FirstTest),
"c": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"eee", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "gpu",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(FirstTest),
"d": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"fff", "ggg"},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(SecondTest),
"e": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"jjj", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "image",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(ThirdTest),
Commits: []*tiling.Commit{
CommitTime: 42,
Hash: "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
Author: "",
CommitTime: 45,
Hash: "gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg",
Author: "",
Scale: 0,
TileIndex: 0,
// makeTileWithIgnores() returns a tile with the ignore rule
// "config=565" applied (which as removed one trace compared to makeFullTile()).
func makeTileWithIgnores() *tiling.Tile {
return &tiling.Tile{
Traces: map[tiling.TraceId]tiling.Trace{
// These trace ids have been shortened for test terseness.
// A real trace id would be like "8888:gm:test_first"
"a": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"aaa", "bbb"},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(FirstTest),
"c": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"eee", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "gpu",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(FirstTest),
"d": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"fff", "ggg"},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(SecondTest),
"e": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"jjj", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "image",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(ThirdTest),
Commits: []*tiling.Commit{
CommitTime: 42,
Hash: "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
Author: "",
CommitTime: 45,
Hash: "gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg",
Author: "",
Scale: 0,
TileIndex: 0,
func makeExpectations() *expectations.Expectations {
var e expectations.Expectations
e.Set(FirstTest, "aaa", expectations.Positive)
e.Set(FirstTest, "bbb", expectations.Negative)
e.Set(FirstTest, "ccc", expectations.Untriaged)
e.Set(FirstTest, "ddd", expectations.Untriaged)
e.Set(FirstTest, "eee", expectations.Positive)
e.Set(SecondTest, "fff", expectations.Negative)
return &e